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@PajamasDeux well you're following lots of people for a newbie.
Finished phone interview with director of new media/web for Obama's transition team. They are experimenting.
@thatericmiller didn't know the intnl trends on that. Lots of conversations are RTs, if you think about it.
BLAGO speaks at 3pm.
@roadkillrefugee TPV = Third Party Validation.
I like how @NYTimesComm uses retweets as TPV eg:RT @NPCLibrary Krugman = Rock Star. Sold out of all the luncheon tickets AND all the books.
@mediagadfly oh gotcha makes sense. The [>] really clarified it for me : )
A newspaper reporter called me for suggestions on progressives to talk O cabinet. I said Borosage, Baker, Lederman, Balkin. & CIA is key.
[= is good] RT @tracyvs Batgirl demands equal pay as Batman. (And sign the petition)
@mediagadfly of course. also, I'm not msm duuude.
Plouffe: 10% of O email list survey respondents want to run for office themselves.
@mediagadfly All true, yes. and they did not think this one through well, that's clear.
@mediagadfly a better way to channel this energy? Or some other concrete policy push?
@mediagadfly & I'm back online. I agree he should not have picked him. I agree we should not empower that voice. But wouldnt DOMA be
@mediagadfly just saw this - if that's true I think it's an indulgent last straw. Also, can anyone name any of the pastors who did this b4?
@jilliancyork Hi cool, Global Voices is great.
Obama pool bus just got a flat tire.
@arielwaldman btw do you think 'management' is the best term? Isn't it more leadership, moderation or community relations?
@cbellantoni Thx the magnitude concerns me. And if we are going to push Obama on Equality (which I'm all for), lets do policy not guest list


danah boyd om Clay Johnson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Andrew Parker nicco mele Mark Frauenfelder John Federico Ilana Donna Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Jim Long Joshua Levy  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Beth Granter Steve Rhodes Eric Friedman jimbo wales Mr Anderson Rachel Kramer Bussel Jemima Kiss Thomas Hawk Eszter Andrew DeVigal Kevin Rose Daniel Jalkut Hupdiggs noneck Denise Howell Jeff Keni Pulver Chris Pirillo amber mac Cali Lewis
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