Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 5:02 PM
Last Thursday, the Washington Times published an op-ed I wrote about the effects of the $700 billion bailout bill passed by Congress a few weeks back.

Whether you agree or not that the bailout bill was the way to go, there are many issues that still need to be addressed to get our economy back on track. For instance, the bill did nothing to address the underlying problem affecting our economy, and that's the credit crunch.

I hope you'll take a few minutes and give it a read.

"Recently, in a series of incredibly bold moves over the course of a week, the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury took historic steps to intervene in the American economy. And, the American public barely batted an eye.

"First, the Fed took the nearly unprecedented step of buying up unsecured debt. While the Fed hasn't announced how much commercial paper it would buy through this program, it did say it would be "substantial" and that $1.3 trillion of the $1.75 trillion in outstanding commercial paper comes from eligible issuers."

Read the full op-ed

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JimPVA writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 6:19 PM
It isn't that the public didn't bat an eye, it's that all the bailout, Wall Street, finance information is so esoteric most folks, myself included, can barely make heads or tails of it. Plus we are busy: working; taking care of families; repairing the money pit; etc. It's a mistake to think we aren't batting our eyes, we just don't have the time or insider knowledge to keep up with what is happening and it is all happening really fast. WE CARE, believe me we care, and if I may speak for the majority, we are STILL REALLY ANGRY. Also, I am working more than ever to try and recoup the losses I have taken and to protect what I have left from being destroyed, devalued or taken away by ever more government taxes and interference in the free market. It's too late to stop the bailout. We are all working our *sses off trying to stay ahead of the socialist BS we got whacked with. But we do care.
Pasadena Phil writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 6:34 PM
That bill solved nothing
It merely allowed the giving away of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money with no strings attached. Not only did it do nothing to address the underlying problems, it made several of them worse ("too big to fail is now TOO too big to fail" e.g.).

It also added another conflict of interest to those allowed to combine with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, government is now in league with the other conflicts created when commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies were allowed to combine.

I don't want to hear any more talk about Obama being a Marxist. That is no longer a threat. Bush/Congress beat him to it.
LLR writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 7:04 PM
Phils remarks:It merely allowed the giving away of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money with no strings attached.

This is exactly what Obama wants to do!
Don't you get it Dork!

Giving away taxpayers money with no strings attached!
All you have to be is a Lazy Dead Head!

What bothers you makes no sense phil!
You should, by your remarks, be furious that Obama has this same plan in a more massive way!
Obama is a Marxist you fool!
Pasadena Phil writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 7:28 PM
When I read Daily Kos or Huffington Post, I get nothing but McCain is a war-mongering Nazi. I come here and I get nothing but Obama is a Black Muslim Marxist terrorist. You noseholders are every bit as nutty as your liberal counterparts.

Considering that Bush and Company have already nationalized our banks and are slowly nationalizing our auto and other industries, what is it exactly about Obama (black) that scares the heck (black) out of you nose-holding dorks (black)?

Get a grip. Besides, the "Marxists" you fear are the very people McCain is always reaching across the aisle to befriend.

(More name-calling please. That always wins the argument when fear-mongering and race-baiting fails.)
Pasadena Phil writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 7:32 PM
For the dense as a post LLR
"Phils remarks:It merely allowed the giving away of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money with no strings attached.

This is exactly what Obama wants to do!
Don't you get it Dork!"

What I had written:

It merely allowed the giving away of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money with no strings attached. Not only did it do nothing to address the underlying problems, it made several of them worse ("too big to fail is now TOO too big to fail" e.g.).

It also added another conflict of interest to those allowed to combine with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, government is now in league with the other conflicts created when commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies were allowed to combine.

I don't want to hear any more talk about Obama being a Marxist. That is no longer a threat. Bush/Congress beat him to it.

Now LLR, do you not get my point that there is not need to fear Obama for bringing Marxism because BUSH ALREADY BEAT HIM TO IT? Dork!!!
LLR writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 7:52 PM
Phil you DORK!

I hope you don't have to see what Obama will do to this country!


Tazzmax writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 10:15 PM
Neither Obammi nor McScamnesty
gives me any reason to be optimistic, either way, this country is going to get a lot worse until the entitlement mentality morons learn better,....if they EVER do.
karmic backlash writes: Monday, October, 27, 2008 11:29 PM
Hey Michelle
How's the campaign going for ya? Gee, sorry about the the 'us against them, there, anti-Americans' dust up. I mean, what were ya thinkin'? Oh, right - you weren't ACTUALLY thinking, were you? No, that would require taking your brain off "parrot mode" and actually LEGISLATING for your state, instead of seeking to be the next Joe McCarthy. Heh. Didn't work, though. You may have a number of skeert losers who fall into line behind your fearmongering - weak minds want strong, crazy idiots to follow off cliffs - but the good people of Minnesota are kinda pushin' back, now aren't they? I guess it's the eye-thing. Your eyes are demented, Michelle. Full of wildly deranged paranoia, and there are a LOT of people wondering how this nice, pretty woman turned into a freakin' lunatic. Made them sit up and take notice, didn't ya? Eh, too bad they noticed the wrong stuff, though. Seems they're more skeert of you now - and frankly, you assinine hatemonger, that's the ONLY good that came out of your role in government. Now step aside and let the grown ups take over.
Lady Liberty writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 1:41 AM
Bailout? Of, By and For Whom?
"And, the American public barely batted an eye."

You're right on target with most of what you say, but the above quote is incorrect. The vast majority of Americans made crystal clear their objections to this unprecedented Big Government extortion and take-over of our economy via the banking industries.

The jammed phone lines and email inboxes were simply ignored. Again.

Representative, Constitutional government has been slipping away from our nation for 100 years and the latest fascist grab by Washington--while pointing the fickle finger at Wall Street--was the seal before the hoped-for Obamanation of government-knows-best.

Is that pro-American behavior? If one is working to rewrite our Constitution, our free market, our that pro-American, Chris Matthews, with the tingle up your leg to a brain freeze?

What is the logical outcome of taxation without representation, students of history? What would be the benefit of an anti-American insurgency of illiberalism passing itself off as traditionally liberal and doing so by way of a "long marc through the institutions", rather than as a tantrum of anarchists on the outside?

All the levers of government would be at one's disposal, of course, (IRS, FBI, Justice) not to mention the infiltrated media, entertainment field, education, religion, corporations--all in the name of liberal/progressive "change". Perhaps "diversity". The minority-majority con of identity politics.

But...a change and diversion that corrects the violations of our principles, or a slooooooow and seemingly imperceptible change OF those principles? Which has been going on, citizens?

This is not a Republic rewarding power over reason and merit. Or Rules for Radical reactionaries over rule of law..the Constitutional source, that is, not its "living" revisions.

My advice to your critics is to check their coordinates. Quickly.
Rich Not wealthy writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 9:21 AM
Lady Liberty, Exactly!
Michelle, what do you want us to do? Finally start another revolution to return our country to the principle of the founding fathers because those of you in congress have certainly given our country away to the socialists! The bailout did exactly what Obama and his commie friends wanted, it nationalized our economy such that there is no "free market" left and that is why the entire world's economy is sinking. Without the US as the standard of a "free market", whether it was ever really free or not, the perception of a free market is what the world's economies depended on. It is the only path to properity and increased productivity. There is no "faith" left in the markets as failure has been nationalized.

I am going to call my mortgage company and inform them that I no longer will pay my mortgage, they can get it from the government as that seems to be the latest plan. Why should I pay my mortgage every month while deadbeats get bailed out for being losers!
gobama writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 10:31 AM
1990's - rich got richer, poor got richer, middle class got richer.
1980's & 2000's (so far) - rich got richer, everyone else got poorer.

Rich Not wealthy writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 11:09 AM
goblamo, you really are a moron aren't
you? Are you ready for everyone to be poor, cause that is what the Abomination has in store for the US.
Catman Joe writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 12:35 PM
Has anyone noticed an inverse relationship between name calling and IQ?

Redlac writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 1:44 PM
Yes I have. But it's the silly season, let's face it. We are buying up banks, insurance companies, homeowner mortgages, and auto companies. Add to this the facts that agriculture is already throughly socialistic, government now pays for over 50% of health care (which is increasing), and is now up to its eyeballs in education, and that the Imperial Federal Reserve Board with it's utter lack of accountability to the political system, is the single most economically powerful central planning agency we have. I can only conclude that I'm in a world gone mad. After all, what's left?

Pasadena Phil is correct, of course. Granted, some don't want to hear it, but everything discussed is already a done deal. It's already happened.

For some to cry about socialism while ignoring these facts is to ignore the reality that both parties are a part of this.
Rich Not wealthy writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 2:38 PM
Catman, do you have esp?
How very smug of you to assume the IQ of those you dislike. I would imagine your IQ to be in the single digits, or is that too complicated a term for you?
LLR writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 2:50 PM



William writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 6:27 PM
Living Without Bailout Regrets
As a Ron Paul Republican, I read your Op-Ed "Living Without Bailout Regrets" in the Washington Times with great interest. Hopefully, any legislation that you would adopt would regulate the ability of the Fed to inflate the nation's supply of money during the bust phase of the business cycle. In America's Great Depression, the late Austrian economist Murray Rothbard states that, because the Federal Reserve System has absolute power over the nation's money, the federal government bears the complete responsibility for any inflation. Rothbard continues by saying that banks cannot inflate of their own accord, and that any expansion of credit can only occur with the support and acquiescence of the federal government and its Federal Reserve authorities. Therefore, the federal government must bare sole guilt for credit expansion and any consequent depression.

Moreover, inflation--or hyperinflation--during the bust phase of the business cycle leads to the inequitable redistribution of wealth. For, as Wilhelm Röpke, the Austrian economist whose works influenced Ludwig Erhard and led to the “German Economic Miracle,” observed, when a central bank such as the Fed inflates the supply of money, the new money only benefits those who first receive it. They can spend this money and make their purchases at original price levels. However, as this money works its way through the economy, higher prices result from increasing demand. The persons who receive this money later—or simply not at all—have to pay higher prices and experience a decrease in real wealth. Thus, this distribution of new money will act as a form of taxation on fixed-income, primarily middle-class taxpayers.

Rep. Bachmann, I hope you continue your work to restructure the Federal Reserve System. I don't how many other members of the HFSC would be willing to take on the Fed at this time.
William writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 7:11 PM
Living With Bailout Regrets, Part II
In America's Great Depression, Murray Rothbard makes it clear that during the bust phase of the market cycle the government should not interfere with the the market's adjustment process. Further intervention, he states, only lengthens the time that it takes for the market to adjust. That means that government should encourage saving and investment and discourage consumption. He goes on to explain how saving and investment can be discouraged by government, rather than encouraged. Government can discourage saving and investment by raising taxes, particularly on the wealthy and on corporations and estates. He continues by saying that any increase in taxes and government spending will stimulate consumption, because government spending is all consumption. He maintains that some private funds would have been saved and invested but all of the government funds are consumed. Finally, he ends by saying that any increase of the government in the economy shifts the societal consumption-investment ratio in favor of consumption, which prolongs the bust phase of the cycle. So, according to Rothbard, while increasing taxes, especially on the rich, on corporations, and on estates may be vindicated during the boom phase of the cycle, they are contraindicated during the bust phase of the cycle, i.e., where we are right now.
William writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 7:18 PM
Living WITH Bailout Regrets
Sorry, in my first post I meant the title of the post to be "Living With Bailout Regrets." I must be somewhere in the middle of the process.
cottoneyed writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 7:30 PM
Old Nancy, yes sir, old Nancy,
This fool calling anyone, "demented", well just read her latest rant, on this board, then ask yourself who's really the one demented! Old Nancy, yes sir, old demented, Nancy. You do the angry left, proud, girl, you got it down, cold.

No use asking you, old Nancy, whether you will be part of the solution or part of the problem, after the election, because with that anger, you got pent up, girl, heck, you'll be out there leading the riots, your cry, "burn it down", just "burn it all down". Lock your doors, because, old Nancy and the angry left will take to the streets of America, to punish us for not voting for her beloved, obambi.
Joe writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 11:31 PM
Fear of Change
Obama proposes change and people like Nancy (You sure your last name isn;t Pelosi?) who posted a terrible post earlier is the kind of change we will get. This is change I fear. Michelle Bachmann may have made a mistake in what she said, but I don't think she was far off. Frankly she is right on the money on this bail out view and all those who support Obama either are themselves socialists or they don't actually recognize socialism (I fear its mostly the latter). In socialists governments the government takes the people's resources and controls them. The only people that get rich are those in power and this bail out is exactly that. The only people that will see that $700B are the people who messed up the banks and the campaign coffers of the Democrats in power. The rest of us will get nothing and this whole mess will self correct as any economic down turn does.

It is absolutely the worst thing in the world to raise any sort of taxes during a recession (Can you say Jimmy Carter?) Do you remember double digit interest rates, double digit inflation and high taxes? Give Michelle a break. She has done a good job - she isn't perfect, but neither are any of us. She stepped up and is doing her part. She is a far cry better than this guy Tinklenberg who is has one the most corrupt histories of any "public servant" in state history. You may not like Bush (I don't anymore) and you must certainly have issues with Congress (democratic controlled), but take a breath and look at what the policies would come into play if we elect guys like Tinklenberg and Obama with an already Pelosi and Reid controlled congress. There will be no balance of power and that oice we want to be hear will be completely silent without the voice of people like Michele Bachmann to represent the tax payer.
Joe writes: Tuesday, October, 28, 2008 11:44 PM
Redlac is correct
Although I just posted on my fear of Socialism under Obama. Redlac states correctly that we are down the road a pretty good ways to socialism. That, however, doesn't make going further down that road the right thing to do. We should, I believe, get back to first principles of our Nation and our economy. The free market economy began to be eroded with the New Deal and this current "Deal" and potential Obama deal makes it worse. An Obama Presidency with an even stronger Democratic congress would make it even worse. A complete unchecked and completely unbalanced Federal government that is in favor of raising more taxes than they already have and not cutting spending would be so far down the Socialist road we would never come back. Lets fight to reverse the current trend. Less Government, less spending, less taxes and a free market economy that will have down cycles, but those who plan and save and work hard will do OK. Maybe they would even be able to help those who have troubles - as they should and did prior to the New Deal.
SheerFaith writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 9:28 AM
Good for Bachmann
Too bad John McCain didn't follow through with the backbone he initially showed when he suspended his campaign to go back to Washington to, as Armstrong Williams said, "die on that hill" until a better solution emerged. Congress, including our two presidential candidates, let itself be hypnotized by the economic Illuminati dooms-dayers.
johninoregon writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 4:03 PM
Look Under Every Rug
Hey, Congresswoman. Have you finished identifying all of those "anti-America" colleagues in the Capitol?

Michele Bachmann: In your heart, you know she's Reich.
William writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 7:49 PM
Don't Gut the HFSC!
Americans seem to speak of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (aka "The Bailout") as if it were an isolated event in recent history that has cost the American taxpayer exactly $700 billion. However, beginning with the emergency loan made by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to Bear-Stearns in March of this year, the Fed has awarded commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies more than $2 trillion.(To place this number in context, light travels 9.5 trillion kilometers in one year!) Now, credit unions, savings associations, and security brokers and dealers may also avail themselves of "bailout money." Some of those security brokers and dealers that have now been authorized to trade directly with the Fed include Bank of America Securities LLC, Barclays Capital Inc., Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., Citigroup Global Markets Inc.,Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., J. P. Morgan Securities Inc., Merrill Lynch Government Securities Inc., Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, and UBS Securities LLC. Robert Higgs, who is senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute and editor of The Independent Review, who put together this list in his recent article "Every Crisis Becomes a Carnival of Opportunism," states, "If you don't see any likely suspects in the recent string of taxpayer robberies on this list, then it's time you had your eyes checked." To meet every new obligation, the Fed will have further expand credit and increase the monetary base. The sum will advance further into the trillions of dollars. If this doesn't convince people that we need economic reformers like Rep. Paul and Rep. Bachmann on the House Financial Services Committee, I just don't know what will.
Caroll writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:14 PM
Thurs. Oct 28
Dear Ms. Bachmann,
Everytime you open your mouth on talk radio or t.v
I contribute to your opponent.We need more centrists in our government if we are to rise from the ashes of war and economic disaster. The right wing of the GOP, of which you are a dangerous element, is ruining this country. Your
arrogance,(in always beleiving you are right) shows a closedmindedness that does not help this country and prohibits the bi-partisnship we so desperatly need at this time in history. Your hate
filled vitriolic comments are dangerous and saddening.You are the one who is UNAMERICAN,and that is why you should not serve in the U.S congress. You have taken freedom of speech to a new low not seen since the 1950's. You are truly frightening. And PLEASE stop the lying about your comments. I would have more respect for you if just apologized instead of getting on the airwaves and lying outrageously. YOU ARE A DISGRACE.
Reaganite writes: Saturday, November, 01, 2008 3:41 AM
Senators voting for the bailout
Before you vote on Tuesday, remember who voted for the bailout:

YEAs ---74
Akaka (D-HI)
Alexander (R-TN)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Bond (R-MO)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Coburn (R-OK)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ensign (R-NV)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inouye (D-HI)
Isakson (R-GA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-NE)
Obama (D-IL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Schumer (D-NY)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Thune (R-SD)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Webb (D-VA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Reaganite writes: Saturday, November, 01, 2008 3:47 AM
House members voting for the bailout
They're too numerous to list, but here's the link.

Don't forget your Congressman's vote when you cast yours on Tuesday.
LLR writes: Saturday, November, 01, 2008 7:40 AM
You Should Fear
Fundamentally Transformed==Obama's Words, then you add the militia he has planned, equals Obama's control of our Country!?

Beware you fools who are in line to put you name on the list of being Duped!

Wake up Americans come out of that slumber you are in and see what this man wants to DESTROY.
He doesnt want to do ANYTHING for this Country, he wants to Control it!!

They want us to be Tolerant all the While He and his supporters are Intolerant of anyone who doesn't agree with this Man?
quem writes: Saturday, November, 01, 2008 12:39 PM
wake up america
what is it going to take for you americans to realize the government has already been overthrown?
let's see, two stolen elections--they stopped the counting of votes like a south american hunta--and then committed election fraud in 20004, inspite of
hundreds of warnings of an attack on US soil--"bin laden determined to strike US"--and threats of using planes as missiles the bush cabal was conveniently asleep at the wheel. "what we need is a new pearl harbor" wrote paul wolfowitz in engineering the global domination strategy of the project for the new american century. bush them committed treason, throwing out the US constitution and bill of rights.
AND after the greatest shift of wealth from the middle class to the filthy rich in the history of this nation, orchestrated the biggest heist in world history bailing out the same bastards who got us into debt and brought this country to its knees. the ONLY country in the world without a national health care plan with the highest cost of health care and a quality below malaysia and yet they've scared everyone with talk of socialism. WAKE UP. a for profit health care system is against the law in every other civilized country but here the health insurance companies are making billions of profit while thousands die each year. a moral disgrace. why every american can';t buy into the same health care as bachman and every other state and federal employee is obvious: it would work and everyone would have health care but the greedy bastards wouldn't get their golden parachutes. the US is now the most hated nation in
the world. we are the evildoers. the invisible govt --the corporate elite, walll street power brokers, weapons producers, military industrial complex--have taken over. voting for mccain or obama won't make a difference until people wake up get organized revolt and take america back.
William writes: Saturday, November, 01, 2008 1:46 PM
Nancy Pelosi vs. Michele Bachmann
We shouldn't forget Nancy Pelosi's statement, "The American people did not decide to dangerously weaken our regulatory and oversight policies. They did not make unwise and risky financial deals. They did not jeopardise the economic security of the nation. And they must not pay the cost of this emergency recovery and stabilisation bill." If I'm not mistaken, Speaker Pelosi's comment is called "peddling the lie." As Doug Cupertino stated in his Sept. 29 article titled NO TO BUSH-PELOSI BAILOUT OF WALL STREET GREED! TIME FOR PEOPLE’S ACTION AND REAL CHANGE! "Politicians like Pelosi are peddling the lie that the party for Wall Street is over. With the new bill the Wall Street-coddling politicians are cooking up and railroading in Washington, the message is: The Party Must Go On! More 700 billion dollars in intoxicating and addicting speculative capital to pump up the Wall Street money machine." Rep. Bachmann has been a thorn in House Speaker Pelosi's side ever since she became a member of the HFSC. She stands up to Pelosi when Pelosi continues to impede any discussion in the halls of Congress on such important bills as the bailout! Two minutes per speaker against a $700 billion bill that taxpayers will have to foot?! Now Pelosi wants Bachmann's head. I say re-elect Bachmann and good riddance to Bela Pelosi!
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