

Senate Pages -
The Senate Page Program offers high school juniors the opportunity to learn about the United States Senate in a way that few classrooms can match. Pages witness firsthand the political debates of the United States Senate, often referred to as the "greatest deliberative body in the world." more
Military Academy Nominations -
One of the best routes to a career as a U.S. military officer is by attending one of the military service academies. If you are a young man or young woman who wants to serve our country, I encourage you to consider applying to one of the military academies. more
Internships -
Interns are an important part of my staff. My office offers several internship positions to students from Michigan, for service in my state and Washington offices. The program is designed to provide a balanced view of the work of the Senate and in a senator's office. These are non-paid positions that last five to 12 weeks during the summer or for more extended periods during the school year. more
Opportunities -
Working for Congress is a very rewarding experience. But with 100 Senators, 435 Members of Congress and scores of committees and subcommittees, it can be difficult to know where to begin. There are a couple of places where you can go to find assistance in your job search. more
Senator Levin with a soldier from Michigan
Contact my office for help or to offer your opinion on an issue.
Request an American flag flown over the U.S Capitol.
Apply online for an internship in one of my offices.
Apply for a nomination to one of the nation's service academies.
Apply to become a Senate page.
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Find out about opportunities for high school and college student.