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diamond image The Bush Record
The Bush Record "I've been witness to the character of the people of America, who have shown calm in times of danger, compassion for one another, and toughness for the long haul. All of us have been partners in a great enterprise." –President George W. Bush
diamond image Barney Cam VII: A Red, White and Blue Christmas
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diamond image Setting the Record Straight
diamond image Freedom Agenda
Agenda The United States is committed to the advance of freedom and democracy as the great alternatives to repression and radicalism. The most powerful weapon in the struggle against extremism is the universal appeal of freedom. Freedom is the best way to unleash the creativity and economic potential of a nation, the only ordering of a society that leads to justice, and the only way to achieve and permanently protect human rights.
diamond image Presidential Transition
Presidential Transition The peaceful transfer of power from one Presidential Administration to the next is a hallmark of American democracy. With our Nation at war, our homeland targeted by terrorist adversaries, and our economy facing serious challenges, the Administration is committed to establishing and executing a transition plan that minimizes disruption, maintains continuity, and addresses the major changes in government since the 2000 transition, including the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, as well as the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Homeland Security Council.
diamond image U.S. Economy
U.S. Economy President Bush has outlined decisive government action to preserve and sustain America's financial system and economy. This is a pivotal moment for America's economy. Problems that originated in the credit markets – and first showed up in the area of subprime mortgages – have spread throughout our financial system. As a result, the government is acting now to protect our Nation's economic health from serious risk.
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President George W. Bush speaks on the phone with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad from his office Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008, at the ranch in Crawford, Texas, discussing ways to stop the violence in the Gaza Strip. White House photo by Eric Draper

President George W. Bush speaks on the phone with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad from his office Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008, at the ranch in Crawford, Texas, discussing ways to stop the violence in the Gaza Strip. White House photo by Eric Draper

Event Backgrounder: The President Makes Christmas Eve Telephone Calls to Members of the Armed Forces

The President made telephone calls this morning to exemplary members of the Armed Forces who are stationed in remote locations worldwide to wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and to thank them for their service to our Nation.
Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Gordon Johndroe

MR. JOHNDROE: Good morning, I'll give you an update on the President's day. President Bush spoke by phone to His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan this morning, regarding the situation in the Middle East. Following that, the President received his daily intelligence briefing via secure video. He then joined a discussion via secure video with the Vice President, Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, and National Security Advisor Steve Hadley. They updated him on overnight developments in the Middle East and discussed U.S. actions.
President's Radio Address

In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "This week, millions of Americans gather with loved ones for Christmas. This is a season of hope and joy. And it is an occasion to remember a humble birth that has helped shape the world for more than two thousand years. One of the things that makes Christmas special is that it allows us to step back and take stock of what is truly meaningful in our lives. As years pass by, we often forget about the gifts and the parties, but we remember special moments with families and friends." en Español En Español
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Fact sheet Holidays at the White House 2008
President Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center

President Bush on Monday said, "Every time I come here, I get amazed at the quality of care, the professionalism, and the courage of our troops. I can say with certainty that the health care that our troops get in military medical facilities is excellent. I am so pleased to hear from spouses and other loved ones about the care they get, as well, when they come to visit their wounded -- wounded child or wounded husband or wounded spouse."
Fact sheet In Focus: Veterans
President Bush Participates in One Warm Coat Holiday Service Project

President Bush on Monday said, "Laura and I are here with the Mayor, and other volunteers who are just trying to make a difference in one person's life. And today we're honoring a project called One Warm Coat. And it's an effort -- a nationwide effort to convince our fellow citizens to contribute a used, but not overly used, coat, to help a soul who may need to be warm this winter."
Fact sheet Holidays at the White House 2008
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