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March 06, 2008
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer: Democratic Budget Resolution a Blueprint for Strengthening Economy, Making America Safer

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today praising the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget assembled by Chairman John Spratt and passed by the House Budget Committee early this morning.  The budget resolution is expected on the House Floor next week:
“The budget passed by the House Budget Committee today is a blueprint for strengthening our economy and making America safer, and it reflects the priorities of the American people.
“After years of record deficits and debt created by the Bush Administration’s fiscally irresponsible policies, the Democratic budget puts an end to their damaging policies.  Our budget is fiscally responsible, complies with pay-as-you-go budget rules, and reaches balance in 2012.  In addition, our budget includes reconciliation instructions for legislation addressing the AMT and Medicare physician payments in a fiscally responsible manner.
“The President’s budget policies are deeply misguided and make harmful cuts to critical areas such as state and local law enforcement, health care, and veterans and military retirees.  Democrats reject those cuts, and are instead offering a budget that invests in education, innovation, energy, and infrastructure.  The Democratic budget provides for middle-class tax relief that does not add to the debt, and invests in national security and defense.
“Investing in the future is what the American people want and expect us to do.  I applaud Chairman Spratt and the House Budget Committee for their efforts, and I expect to bring the FY 2009 budget resolution to the House Floor next week.”
