Hoyer Herald - March 7, 2008


With the price of oil and gas reaching record levels, the House continued its efforts to move the country towards energy independence with passage last week of the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Act.  This bill makes critical investments in clean, renewable energy and ends tax breaks that are no longer needed for big oil companies.    

Rep. Hoyer speaks at a Mental Health Parity rally this 
week with former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, House 
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Patrick Kennedy and Jim 
Ramstad, David Wellstone (son of late Sen. Paul Wellstone) 
and mental health advocates.

Acting on another long-fought-for priority, the House this week approved the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act.For far too long, Americans suffering from mental illness are denied access to or can’t afford treatment because their health plan imposes severe restrictions on mental health benefits. This legislation is an important and necessary measure to end the stigma of mental illness and ensure that those in need of mental health care are not subjected to higher costs or treatment limitations. 

This week, Democrats in the House also unveiled our federal budget plan, laying out a blueprint for strengthening the economy, making America safer, and making progress on the priorities of the American people. The budget continues our work to reverse years of damaging fiscal policy under this Administration and previous Congresses that has led to record deficits and exploded the national debt. It also rejects the President’s harmful cuts to critical areas such as state and local law enforcement, health care, veterans and military retirees. The House will vote on our budget next week.

We also continued work this week on modernizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in a responsible manner that strengthens our national security and protects Americans' civil liberties.  I am hopeful that the resulting legislation will be on the Floor next week.

Website Update: I have added more information on my website about the recently enacted economic stimulus tax payments, including a ‘frequently asked questions’ page and a myth and fact sheet to address the most common questions regarding the rebates. This economic stimulus clearinghouse is available on the front page of my website at hoyer.house.gov.

As always, thank you for allowing me to share this update with you. If there is anything you wish to share with me or bring to my attention, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Sincerely yours, 
Steny H. Hoyer 
Mental Health Parity: Ending Discrimination Against Patients with Mental Illnesses
Rep. Hoyer joined a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives in support of landmark legislation that will help end discrimination against patients requiring treatment for mental illnesses.
Read statement

Hoyer: Democratic Budget Resolution a Blueprint for Strengthening Economy, Making America Safer
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer released a statement praising the Fiscal Year 2009 Democratic budget, which passed the House Budget Committee this week.

Read statement
Hoyer Applauds Budget Committee for Supporting Federal Employee Pay Parity

Hoyer Reads Dr. Seuss with Waldorf Students for Read Across America
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer participated in Read Across America serving as a guest reader at Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Elementary School in Waldorf.  In its 11th year, Read Across America is a national reading awareness effort held on or around Dr. Seuss's birthday that focuses the country's attention on the importance of motivating children to read.
Read news release
See story and photo

Hoyer, House Back New Investments in Clean, Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
With the price of oil above $100 a barrel, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer and the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that will help end the nation's dependence on foreign oil, make significant new investments in renewable energy sources, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, and slash excessive taxpayer-funded subsidies to oil companies.