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@puppetmasterd RT @kartar @littleidea is the File#flock or posixlock gem (for fcntl) not the right thing here?
@hesa *platonic twitter hug* I also suffer from the dreaded things. Good thoughts coming your way.
@rchanter it seems Ruby can't lock a file without opening it to write. Which seems ... odd to me.
@stewartsmith don't I get an invite to NYE? Just my girlfriend eh? Nothing suss in that
Migraine. Nausea. Muscle aches. This is not boding well.
@auxesis always does. Look at our whole healthcare system!
@puppetmasterd I wish. Well over a few things today
@garthk "Peter can't come to the phone right now - call again next week when the final deprogramming makes him a proper ALP drone".
@auxesis I tried to pry that out but the guy clammed up and I think assumed I was a journo. I suspect political.
RT @medgno: "@jdub and did you see how long the Secret Service took to respond? They sure were loafing... *cymbal crash*" -- haw haw.
@auxesis nope - the Name and Shame seems limited to NSW. Just called Food Safety Victoria and they said "no we are not going down that path"
@rbbrown Have you asked about April yet???
@auxesis Let me look. When the Internet wants to be my friend again. Stupid proxy.
@rbbrown Ouch. That's not fair - we care about your money - after all it's our money too!
@puppetmasterd I'll come to dinner - might take me 28-30 hours to get there though.


SMITH Magazine raena Britt Selvitelle Garth Roxburgh-Kidd Kim Marshall Ourmanintokyo Six Apart Skud John Adams Wil Wheaton Amanda McPherson Benjamin Trott Simon Sharwood Remember The Milk zac spitzer Zombie Attack jws Luis M beth Alien Ted timer Tim Dysinger Thom May MelbTwitUngrdBrigade melbournegirl kelisha Mark Pilgrim stewartsmith Martin Roesch Leora Israel Amrit Williams Rob Chanter stacythayer Andrew Clay Shafer Luke Kanies Donna Benjamin