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Cleaning house
Didn't realize @_why was writing a language
@peterc: That EULA diff is quite interesting
Skeptical about palm's Web-only app strategy... Apple tried that too, remember?
In fact... after that Quicksilver-ish demo... it'll be a strong contender when my 2 years is up in September
Watching the pre Keynote finally the iPhone has some competition!
The git TextMate bundle is a little... underwhelming :( Am I using the right one?
Cool, tapping with two fingers in Google Maps zooms out
Fairly impressed with the cheap monoprice speaker stands. Had to supply some 1/4 bolts to mount the Onkyo speakers though.
Gotta love going to a local hardware store
Need to figure out a bash alias for `git push origin master` and `git pull origin master`, I type it a lot
Hmmm, think something may be up with the furnace
@monde: You'll be ripped in no time
Crap, how did I miss #codemash? It's so close by! :(
Disabling Quartz Extreme (via Quartz Debug tool) = perfectly working iMac
@wolverinechris: But there I go again, assuming AT&T would provide service of some sort
@wolverinechris: Unacceptable, requires people to change behavior... assumed AT&T provided a service to forward your MMSes to your e-mail
Ugh, the site was *so* awesome on the iPhone.
Being suckered into renewing Flickr Pro account, hiding all but 200 of your uploaded photos is an interesting tactic.


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