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@pinwheel I likd your new 'stache. You got the most out of 2008, I see.
my backpack's got jets. I'm boba the _____ -- 2008, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Took @stacy out for some Pho. She's still recovering from her sinus cold and has no sense of taste.
@alissa a humidifier helps a lot, too. we use one at Chez Jenson.
@_evan @dcbriccetti I'll probably just chuck mine in the "for electronic recycling" bin I have in the basement.
I have a mix of 1/4W and 1/2W resistors. I wonder why this isn't part of the color coding scheme.
@meangrape you mean I shouldn't keep it in a place of honor on my desk? because that's what I'm doing along with the rs232-to-ps/2 adapter.
@baus yes, I found it in a bin of old junk that I've had since at least 1998.
why did I keep an AT to ps/2 converter? (and if you know what I'm talking about, then it's time for you to head to Carousel)
ever since I got an arduino for christmas, my desk has been a disaster. now there's a Helping Hands and a Multimeter added to the mix.
speaking of, if you're into sensor data then checkout
I think any new service launched should have an elevator pitch plus a URL that fits into under 140 characters.
@nelson It reminds me of swimming.
@robey, @ronpepsi but they're standardized! standardized!
I'm enjoying Top Gear so much tonight, you wouldn't even know I'm sober.
What are kibibytes, mebibytes, and gibibytes?
@coda I loved seeing him last year.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Livia Shannon Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Craig Calef Stacy Jenson, dammit Steve Mays Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Eric Case Jason Shellen lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Salim caroline lorna Niall Kennedy Michael Herf Erika Hall bryan mason
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