Alissa’s Favorites

robey "i'm gonna be honest with you: if you ever see a graph that says you had 100% uptime, you have the wrong graph." - @stevej
Penn Jillette
pennjillette : I keep two big breast implants on my desk. Mouse in one hand, implants in the other. I just put a t-shirt over them and they're better.
Remiel is designed like a black hole. It sucks so hard that no information can escape.
_evan Crotchety goes to 11. (That's one additional crotchet.)
delbius Is it *really* true that my laundry isn't going to do itself? No matter how hard I wish for it?
Alex Payne
al3x "Magic." "You mean made up?" "That's usually what I mean by 'magic'."
sockington IS THIS AN EIGHT BIT DEVICE here wait gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw NOW 16-BIT
Steve Jenson
stevej much like the KGB, I'm getting to the bottom of things with brass knuckles and hershey kisses.
Michele Catalano
abigvictory I'm so old I remember when Jesus unfollowed Judas for turning on him like that
meangrape Pondering "medium intertia" of IM, email, twitter, SMS. Email is by far the heaviest for me -- once I'm in, I'm stuck.
meangrape Note to self: do not use that brand of wife's conditioner on my beard again -- instant floral perfume is not what I'm going for.
delbius Pet charities are my greatest weakness. After that, it's Diet Coke, then sleeping with two pillows and a blanket. I need vice-ier vices.
Greg Pass
gregpass Dreamt I lunched with @alissa: she was viewing her meal through yellow stained glass, and explained to me the beneficial properties thereof.
Eric Wright
ericwright Rands's wonderful response to the "mother of invention cop-out: "Panic is the mother of the path of least resistance."
Jason Goldman
goldman @crystal isn't terribly impressed by my Spanish skills. I think queso casalito as a translation for cottage cheese is pretty good.
Alex Payne
al3x Wait, "Cyber Monday" is about *shopping*? I have a few IM transcripts to delete
Eric Wright
ericwright Thinking about the overlap between software development and legislature: we have mostly spaghetti code in need of refactoring.
Eric Wright
ericwright Instead of waking up to forget perfectly composed symphonies or perfectly written screenplays, I now wake up and forget a really good tweet.
Remiel Even with a pitchfork and torch, a single person cannot effectively ostracize another human being. It takes a village.
Jason Goldman
goldman VMware is some pretty impressive stuff, I have to say. I've got Windows right where I want it ... in a little cage I can ignore.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Shannon Krissy Bush Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell telene Lane caroline mdy Nelson Minar Alex Payne jb Status Updates Jesse Andrews Britt Selvitelle meangrape Satan Evan Twitter Mark Hegge Sockamillion Remiel TEH CHANGELOG twii twitticisms Mike Davis robey Twittah Engineering