Brochures and maps are available in several formats, including large print, braille, ASCII disc and audio tape form for visitors who are blind or have low vision. These include: The Congressional Special Services brochure and the Washington Highlights: Tour Information for Visitors with Disabilities.
The Congressional Special Services brochure highlights information regarding CSSO services, maps showing facilities accessible to individuals with disabilities, such as restrooms, elevators, telephones, ramps, etc., and historical information.
The Washington Highlights: Tour Information for Visitors with Disabilities brochure highlights information regarding parking, accessible Washington area tourist sites, TTY phone numbers, and assistive services.
Congressional Special Services also offers an Audio Descriptive Tour of the Capitol, for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision. We have designed this audio tape to be used either before or after taking a tour, and we have not intended it to be used as a self guiding tool.
Copies of these brochures and audio tape are available through either of an individual’s Senators’ offices or by contacting the Congressional Special Services Office directly.