Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

The Costs of GOP Intransigence

Last night, Democrats did everything possible to reach a compromise with Republicans to aid the auto industry. But Republicans stuck to unrealistic and unreasonable demands. Their intransigence has put millions of jobs and billions of dollars in personal income at risk, while sticking taxpayers with a far bigger bill than the loans sought by the automakers. Senate Republicans will have to explain this intransigence to their constituents.


Posted: 12/12/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Majority Leader Reid's Economic Recovery Proposals For America's Middle Class

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered a series of proposals to get Main Street back on its feet. Americans all across the country are watching the value of their homes plummet, their wages stagnate and their cost of living continue to rise, Senator Reid’s proposals address these and other issues. Below are some of Senator Reid’s economic recovery proposals for America’s middle class.  


Posted: 10/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Obstruction Creates Missed Opportunities For The American People

While Republicans broke records for obstruction this Congress, the real victims have been the American people. Bush-McCain Republicans have blocked numerous pieces of legislation that could have directly assisted families hurt by the current economic downturn. Among the bills blocked by Republicans were the efforts to enforce equal pay at the workplace for women, heating assistance for low-income families, the ability for Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, and health insurance for children.


Posted: 09/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Discuss Eight Years Of Failed Bush-McCain Economic Policies

As the financial markets crumble, Senate Democrats continue to emphasize the need for strong leadership and decisive action while out-of-touch Bush-McCain Republicans seek more of the same failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place. Today Senators Barbara Boxer, Debbie Stabenow and Bob Menendez took to the Senate Floor to discuss how the turmoil on Wall Street is a direct legacy of Bush-McCain economic policies that have failed this nation for eight years. 


Posted: 09/16/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Bush Administration's Failure To Make The Fight Against Al Qaeda In Afghanistan And Pakistan The Central National Security Priority It Must Be

Yesterday, President Bush called for a “quiet surge” of U.S. troops to Afghanistan in the coming months.  After years of focusing on the wrong fight in Iraq and diverting critical resources away from efforts to defeat the growing Taliban and al Qaeda threat, it is past time that the Administration turned its attention to defeating the terrorists that attacked our country on 9/11.  Unfortunately, however, this shift comes too late and falls far short.  A modest troop increase is not sufficient to reversing years of disastrous Bush administration policies that have allowed al Qaeda terrorists to rebuild their organization and secure safe havens along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.  In the face of a dramatically empowered al Qaeda network, actively plotting attacks around the world and on the U.S. homeland, we need a fundamental change in strategy.


Posted: 09/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Seven Years Later: President Bush Continues To Ignore The Growing Threat In Afghanistan

Today, President Bush discussed his plan to keep more than 140,000 American troops tied down in Iraq while Al Qaeda and the Taliban gain strength in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  By most accounts the troop reductions will do little to relieve the strain on the military, and will not provide close to enough troops to combat the rising terrorist threat emerging in Afghanistan. This week, Bob Woodward revealed how President Bush ignored his military advisors in pursuing his failed strategy in Iraq. Now it seems the President is once again refusing to listen to military commanders as they raise the alarm about the growing Taliban and Al-Qaeda threat in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Posted: 09/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Continue to Block Progress While Democrats Try to Provide Solutions to America's Energy Crisis

Senate Democrats are committed to solving America’s energy crisis. That is why Democrats went out of their way to address Republican concerns about the renewable energy tax credits and tax extenders bill. But despite Democratic efforts Republicans continued to block this critical legislation. Senate Republicans knew full-well that blocking this bill would put an end to any agreement to deal with other energy amendments but they did it anyway. The American people are left with only one conclusion: Republicans are more interested in talking than solving problems. Their claims to want to do something about our nation’s energy crisis are disingenuous at best. 


Posted: 07/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Groups Across the Country Support the Advancing America's Priorities Act, But Republicans Say No

The legislation that makes up the Advancing America’s Priorities Act has garnered support from groups across the country. Health care groups, mental health advocates, trade associations, state and local governments, and many others strongly support the legislation that has been held up by Republican obstruction and have urged passage of this bill. This collection of bills would improve the treatment of diseases and medical conditions, boost conservation efforts, improve economic development programs, and improve America’s ability to respond to disasters. But despite the broad support for this bill across the country, and the wide bipartisan support this legislation has received in the House and in Senate Committees, Senate Republicans continue to say no. It’s time for Republicans to stop standing in the way and work with Democrats on this important bill.


Posted: 07/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

On Energy, Will Bush-McCain Republicans Finally Take 'Yes' for an Answer?

This afternoon, Senator Reid once again offered to give Republicans votes on offshore drilling, oil shale and nuclear power. Senate Republicans have said they will consider it. This time will they take ‘yes’ for an answer? Senate Democrats understand the pressure that high energy prices are putting on Americans’ family budgets. This year alone, Democrats have put forward numerous bills to address the problem of high gas prices. But Bush-McCain Republicans have said no at every turn. No to renewable energy and energy efficiency tax credits, no to cracking down on price-gouging and excessive market speculation, no to rolling back tax breaks for Big Oil and no to helping low-income families, seniors and the disabled cope with high energy costs. It’s time for Bush-McCain Republicans to stop their obstruction and work with Democrats to lower energy costs for all Americans. 


Posted: 07/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

CBO Letters To Reid And Conrad Undermines Bogus Attacks On Package Of Noncontroversial Authorization Bills

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to a letter he received from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) regarding a package of noncontroversial authorization bills being blocked by some Senate Republicans:


Posted: 07/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Bush-McCain Republicans Block Critical Health Care Bills?

Next week, Bush-McCain Republicans will have the opportunity to vote in favor of a series of common-sense bills that will expand research and improve treatment for diseases and medical conditions that afflict millions of Americans. These bills are bipartisan and non-controversial, which should make it easy to for Bush-McCain Republicans to join Democrats in passing this important legislation. For the millions of Americans suffering from these diseases, these bills are critical to finding cures and living healthier, fuller lives. For their sake, Bush-McCain Republicans should join with Democrats to pass these bills.


Posted: 07/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Can't Take Yes for an Answer

Bush-McCain Republicans showed how uninterested they are in having a real debate over energy. The GOP leadership rejected offers by Democrats to have a debate and votes on amendments important to them. Not surprising, Republicans leaders spent the last several days making speeches instead of working with Democrats on the bill, perhaps because GOP campaign strategists back home have asked them to.


Posted: 07/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Falsely Claim Their Offshore Drilling Plan Is The Best Way to Lower Gas Prices, So Why Are They Saying No to a Vote on Their Drilling Proposal?

Bush-McCain Republicans have time and again touted their plan to expand offshore drilling “in order to lower gas prices”, despite the fact that the Bush Administration’s own Energy Information Administration says that any impact on prices will be insignificant. Senator McConnell said opening the Outer Continental Shelf to drilling would be “a huge step forward.” But now, when given the chance to vote on their proposal which they have been touting for weeks along with a Democratic alternative, they are backing away. If they say no, it reveals how disingenuous their claims to want to do something about gas prices have been and shows that they are putting politics ahead of policy. Democrats hope that for once, Bush-McCain Republicans will take yes for an answer and instead work with Democrats on solutions to bring down the price of gasoline.


Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Judiciary Committee Bills Blocked by Senator Coburn and Bush-McCain Republicans

Among the many bipartisan, non-controversial bills Senator Coburn has been blocking through petty procedural maneuvers, some of the most egregious deal with the law and criminal justice. Indefensibly, Senator Coburn has blocked the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, a bill to strengthen the Justice Department’s ability to solve the many murders still unsolved from the Civil Rights era – like that of Emmett Till himself.  He has also blocked common-sense bills to crack down on child pornographers and child exploitation.  Delaying these bills has real consequences for the many Americans who are victims of crimes.  But the responsibility does not lie with Coburn alone; the Republican leadership has done nothing to convince Coburn to lift his objections.  Hopefully, with the help of a few courageous Republicans, the Senate can bring to an end Senator Coburn’s obstruction of these critical bills. 


Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Democratic Energy Amendment: Supply, Demand & Taxpayer Fairness

During Senate debate on our legislation to curb excessive energy market speculation by Wall Street traders, Democrats will offer a proposal to increase domestic production of oil while reducing consumption.  These steps will provide the American people with both short term relief and long-term measures to solve our energy crisis.


Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It, Senator Cornyn: Experts Believe Speculation Is Driving Up the Price of Oil

On the Senate floor, Senator Cornyn declared that Senator Reid’s comments this morning was the first time that he had heard that excessive speculation could be responsible for a significant portion of record-high oil prices. But economists and energy experts have been saying for months that speculation is part of the problem. Even Senator Cornyn’s allies recognize this; after all, Bush-McCain Republicans included a provision to deal with speculation in their own energy bill. Bush-McCain Republicans should stop playing politics and work with Democrats to address the high gas prices that are hurting America’s families and businesses.


Posted: 07/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democratic Solutions for America's Energy Crisis

Democrats understand that high energy prices are taking a toll on American businesses and families and are committed to reducing energy costs through both short- and long-term solutions. We must increase domestic energy production, ensure fairness in the marketplace and reduce our dependence on oil by shifting to a new green economy. While Democrats have made important strides, like halting oil deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, passing a renewable fuel standard and raising fuel efficiency standards in cars and trucks for the first time in 32 years, Bush-McCain Republicans have stood in the way at every turn. But as gas prices continue to climb, we hope that our colleagues across the aisle will work with us on these short- and long-term solutions. By using our existing resources more efficiently and investing in newer cleaner energy sources, we will lower energy costs, reduce our dependence on oil and create jobs in a dynamic green economy.


Posted: 07/21/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Advancing America's Priorities Act | Summary and Reid Introductory Statement

Tomorrow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will introduce The Advancing America's Priorities Act. The following is Senator Reid's statement on the bill as prepared for delivery:


Posted: 07/21/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush-McCain Republican Energy Plan Will Not Bring Down Gas Prices

The Bush-McCain Republican approach to lowering gas prices amounts to nothing more than drill, drill, drill. Democrats support expanding domestic production but know that drilling alone will not solve this crisis. Big Oil has failed to drill on more than 68 million acres of leased land. President Bush says that more drilling will quickly and significantly bring down the cost of gas at the pump, but his own Energy Information Administration and even some Republican Senators disagree. Instead of just calling for more drilling, Democrats are committed to providing short- and long-term solutions to this crisis, like opening up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, curbing the market speculation that experts believe has driven up the price of oil and investing in renewable energy. Bush-McCainRepublicans should stop trying to score political points and instead work with Democrats on solutions to bring down the price of gasoline.  


Posted: 07/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: Republican Congress Failed to Find a Permanent Fix to Cuts in Payments to Doctors

Today, Senator Cornyn disingenuously blamed the Democratically-controlled Congress for failing to permanently put an end to scheduled cuts to payments to doctors under Medicare. Bush Republicans had ample opportunity to come up with a permanent solution when they controlled Congress, but instead kicked the can down the road. Instead of casting blame and playing politics, Bush Republicans should join with Democrats to pass this critical legislation, raise payments to doctors for 18 months and then work with Democrats on a permanent fix to these Medicare payment cuts.


Posted: 07/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Doctors, Seniors and Patient Advocates Support the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act

Before the July 4th recess, Bush Republicans had the chance to pass legislation supported by two-thirds of House Republicans that would prevent a scheduled 10.6 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors. But they said no. Today, they will have another chance. Since their irresponsible vote, the medical community as well as senior citizens and patient advocates have stated their strong support for this critical legislation. Will Bush Republicans do the right thing and vote yes or will they continue their obstruction in the face of such broad support for the bill from doctors, seniors and patient advocates. 


Posted: 07/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Energy Plan - Good for Big Oil, Bad for Consumers

Since President Bush came to office, the price of gas has soared 182 percent, to $4.11 per gallon.  But Bush Republicans refuse to work with Democrats to address the root causes of these record prices, instead continuing to offer more of the same failed policies that have helped Big Oil reap record profits and squeezed American drivers.  Rather than giving oil companies more offshore land in which to drill – despite failing to produce any oil and gas from 68 million acres of existing leases, an area bigger than Colorado – Bush Republicans should work with Democrats to address the root causes of high gas prices, reduce America’s dependence on oil and invest in renewable energy to create jobs and lower gas prices.


Posted: 07/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republicans Have Struck Out on Energy

After blocking three Democratic efforts to address our energy crisis by investing in renewable energy just this month, Bush-McCain Republicans are now offering what they are calling a “new” energy bill that offers more of their same failed policies. The bill calls for opening up additional drilling off America’s shores, despite the 68 million acres already leased to oil companies that are not producing. It also calls for expanding oil shale production, which is still hampered by the lack of commercially-ready technologies and high costs. While these proposals would help Big Oil amass ever greater profits, they would do nothing to lower the cost of gasoline at the pump, worsen global warming and fail to reduce our dependence on oil. Fortunately, the Republican bill does borrow one idea to bring prices down from Democratic bills, which is to strengthening the Commodity Futures Trading Commission so it cracks down on excessive speculation in energy markets, but there is still more to do. The most important step that Bush-Republicans could take to help solve our nation’s energy crisis is to stop standing in the way, and join Democrats in investing in energy efficiency and clean alternatives to help consumers get some relief.


Posted: 06/26/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Industry Experts, Housing Advocates and Economists Support Bipartisan Housing Bill

The bipartisan housing bill on the floor of the Senate has garnered support from industry experts, housing advocates and economists, who all believe this legislation is a critical step towards stabilizing the housing market and get our economy back on track. The bill reforms regulation of the Government Sponsored Enterprises, modernizes the FHA, helps families avoid foreclosure and establishes an affordable housing trust fund to help low-income families. Senate Republicans should join with Democrats to pass this bipartisan legislation without delay.


Posted: 06/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Housing Bill Provides Relief for At-Risk Homeowners

Today, the Senate continues debate on a comprehensive housing bill that by one account could help close to half a million homeowners keep their homes. The Senate bill will strengthen the Federal Housing Administration’s ability to keep people in their homes and provide them with secure fixed-rate mortgages, reform government sponsored enterprises (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and assist potential homebuyers with a tax incentive to purchase their first home. In addition, the measure also creates a landmark low-income housing trust fund to assist in the construction of affordable rental housing and provides assistance to communities with redevelopment aid.


Posted: 06/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Book of World Records

Any way you look at it, the Republican record is record-breaking. Many of the most important metrics by which we measure the economy are the worst they have ever been. Meanwhile, the human, economic and military costs of keeping our overstretched military in an intractable civil war grow greater every day. 


Posted: 06/19/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Fail to Understand That We Cannot Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices

From President Bush to the Senate Republican leadership, from Vice President Cheney to Senator McCain, the Republican energy policy can be summed up in three words: drill, drill, drill. The recent flip-flops by President Bush and Senator McCain to grant new access for offshore drilling comes as the Big Oil companies have spent $188 billion in stock buybacks over the last five years instead of investing significantly in increasing supply here and abroad. Meanwhile, at a recent House hearing, an ExxonMobil official testified that it was only investing $100 million over ten years on renewable energy.


Posted: 06/19/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Are Fighting to Provide Tax Relief for Families and Small Businesses

Today, Senate Democrats will offer Republicans one more chance to provide tax relief to American families and small businesses. The Senate Democratic “tax extenders” measure provides over $55 billion in tax breaks, while offsetting this cost in a fair and responsible manner. Below is a sample of the misinformation being used by the GOP to block this bill, and the corresponding facts.


Posted: 06/17/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Obstruction Alert - Republicans Block Bipartisan Medicare Bill That Prevents Cut in Doctor's Payments And Takes Care of Seniors

The bipartisan Medicare Bill prevents the looming ten percent cut in payments to doctors that is scheduled to take effect at the end of the month. But it also goes much further in improving Medicare coverage for seniors and reducing their costs. The bill pays for improvements and prevents the payment cut by reining in overpayments to some private Medicare plans. In contrast, the Republican bill only prevents the cut in doctor’s payments but does nothing to improve care or help seniors with rising health care costs. Additionally, the Republican bill does nothing to reform the private fee-for-service plans that are being vastly overpaid – up to 117 percent of traditional Medicare rates. Unfortunately, Bush-McCain Republicans chose to protect the special interests instead of siding with Democrats to make these critical improvements to Medicare and protect our seniors.


Posted: 06/12/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Costs of Bush-McCain Republican Obstruction

Senate Democrats are working to address the most pressing problems facing our nation by proposing comprehensive legislation to address the record high gas prices, housing crisis, rising unemployment and the barriers our returning veterans face in finding employment when they return home from war, but Bush-McCain Republicans continue to stand in the way. The costs of their obstruction to the American people are stark: average gas prices are a record $4.05 per gallon; more than one million homes are in foreclosure; the economy has lost 324,000 jobs this year; and finally, the rate of young veterans out of the workforce surged to 23 percent in 2005, up from just 10 percent in 2000. These costs are too high for the American people to bear. It is time for Republicans to stop standing in the way and work with Democrats to craft solutions to the problems facing working families.


Posted: 06/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Experts and Advocates Support the Democrats' Consumer-First Energy Act

The Consumer-First Energy Act, legislation to address the root causes of high gas prices, is supported by energy and economy experts as well as labor, environmental, business, rural and seniors’ advocates. They agree that this bill will address the root causes of gas prices, spur innovation and development of alternative energy and reduce America’s dependence on oil. 


Posted: 06/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Bush-McCain Republicans Stand in the Way of Addressing the Root Causes of High Gas Prices?

Bush-McCain Republicans have talked extensively about the impact high gas prices are having on Americans across the country. With tomorrow’s vote on the Consumer-First Energy Act, they will have the chance to join Democrats in addressing the root causes of high gas prices. Democrats recently lead in passing bipartisan legislation to suspend filling of the nearly full Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Now, Bush-McCain Republicans once again have a choice between addressing this crucial issue by holding Big Oil accountable, cracking down on price gouging and market speculation and reducing our dependence on oil or continuing their record-setting obstruction. Americans feeling the pain of $4 per gallon gasoline hope that Republicans will work with Democrats on this critical legislation and other solutions to restore America’s energy and economic security.  


Posted: 06/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Intelligence Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports On Prewar Iraq Intelligence

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, and a bipartisan majority of the Committee (10-5), today unveiled the final two sections of its Phase II report on prewar intelligence.  The first report details Administration prewar statements that, on numerous occasions, misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq. The second report details inappropriate, sensitive intelligence activities conducted by the DoD’s Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, without the knowledge of the Intelligence Community or the State Department. 


Posted: 06/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Intelligence Committee Report Confirms Bush Administration Spun the Truth to Take America to War

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the Bush Administration’s use of pre-war intelligence confirms former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan’s account of how the Bush Administration led the nation to war. Through a coordinated propaganda campaign conducted by the President and his most senior advisers, the Bush Administration used innuendo and implication, made claims that went far beyond what the intelligence community concluded and ignored significant dissent within the intelligence community over other claims to lead the nation to war. As Scott McClellan wrote in his book, the President and his officials in the run-up to war “confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candor and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war.” This was the first in a series of misjudgments made by the Bush Administration that have gravely damaged U.S. national security.


Posted: 06/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Senate Republicans Match Their Words With Action to Combat Global Warming?

Some Senate Republicans have talked about the importance of addressing global warming. Some of them have called for a bipartisan solution that strengthens our economy, spurs innovation and significantly curbs greenhouse gas emissions. At the upcoming key procedural vote on the bipartisan Climate Security Act on the floor of the United States Senate, these Senators will have the opportunity to signal they support America leading, not following, in the global effort to reduce the risks of climate change.  Will they match their words with action, or will they join their colleagues in the Republican Conference to simply obstruct and delay and leave this enormous problem to burden future generations?


Posted: 06/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Climate Security Act Will Spur Innovation and Create Jobs

The Climate Security Act will help America transition to a green economy by spurring innovation in renewable energy and energy efficiency technology. This growing economic sector already sustains millions of good-paying jobs here in America, and this legislation will create millions more. Senate Republicans should join with Democrats to reduce our emissions and lessen our dependence on oil while creating jobs and strengthening our economy.


Posted: 06/03/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Rhetoric v. Reality on Senate Global Warming Bill

The following document highlights the top myths being asserted by opponents of the Senate’s global warming bill with the corresponding facts. In short, gas prices under the Climate Security Act may only modestly increase, and under some models may in fact go down. In addition, the measure provides tax relief to consumers and will spur investment in renewable sources of energy, which in turn will create millions of new jobs.


Posted: 06/03/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Support Middle-Class Tax Relief, Bush Republicans Call for the Same Failed Policies of the Past

This morning, President Bush once again called for making his signature tax cuts permanent. But the record on taxes is clear. Democrats support responsible tax cuts for the middle-class, to help them cope with the high costs of health care, higher education and gas prices. President Bush and his Republican allies continue to call for giveaways to multi-millionaires and special interests which have turned a budget surplus into record deficits and soaring debt and driven our economy to the brink of recession. As American families are struggling to make ends meet amid soaring costs, they need new ideas for how to strengthen our economy, not more of the same failed Bush Republican policies of the past.


Posted: 06/02/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

At Hearing, Will General Petraeus Add His Voice in Support of the 21st Century G.I. Bill?

Today, General Petraeus will appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee for his pending nomination to be commander of CENTCOM as the Senate continues to work on the supplemental appropriations bill. The hearing is a reminder that we are spending $12 billion a month on the Iraq war. We are also draining the readiness of our military and diverting America from fighting Al Qaeda, winning the peace in Afghanistan, and giving our troops and veterans the benefits they deserve. The 21st Century G.I. Bill included in the supplemental will ensure that our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan receive the same benefits that World War II veterans received at a cost over ten years equal to the costs of keeping our troops in Iraq for just two and a half months.  We hope that as General Petraeus offers his views on Iraq and the other threats in his new command that he honors our troops’ sacrifice and adds his voice to the thousands of veterans and leaders of veterans organizations in support of a 21st Century GI Bill.


Posted: 05/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: Bush/McCain Republicans Requested Funding for Programs Unrelated to Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

It’s time again for more Bush/McCain Republican games and their Orwellian tactics. Bush/McCain Republicans are using calls for a “clean” supplemental spending bill to oppose the 21st Century GI Bill, extension of unemployment benefits and other emergency spending priorities included in the supplemental spending bill. But President Bush and his allies in Congress asked for billions in emergency spending for programs unrelated to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Democrats believe that along with the billions Bush/McCain Republicans want to spend on the war in Iraq, they should also invest in crucial priorities here at home and crises abroad. Below are a few examples of the President’s requests and Republican amendments to the Supplemental spending bill that are unrelated to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:


Posted: 05/21/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

With Troops Strained from Multiple Extended Deployments, They Deserve a GI Bill Worthy of Their Sacrifice

Yesterday, the Pentagon announced troop rotations for units rotating into Iraq and Afghanistan, putting thousands of soldiers on notice that they will be deployed again. These repeated and extended deployments have put great strain on our forces, hurting their ability to do their jobs and resulting in increased mental health problems. These numerous deployments have also strained our military families, with higher divorce rates and incidence of domestic disputes. Our highest military and civilian leaders, including Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen, have expressed great concern about the strain on our troops. Our troops have sacrificed greatly for us, and they deserve a 21st Century GI Bill that is worthy of their sacrifice.  


Posted: 05/20/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Energy Bill Helps Big Oil, Not Consumers

The Bush Republican energy bill is just more of the same failed policies that have led to record-high gas prices. Instead of investing in renewable technologies, the Bush Republican plan calls for more oil drilling and expanding oil shale production, a process which has not been proven to be economically viable, results in huge greenhouse gas emissions and requires enormous amounts of water. The United States controls just 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, but accounts for 25 percent of demand. Instead of addressing the root causes of today’s high prices and trying to reduce our dependence on oil, Bush Republicans offer more of the same: more handouts for Big Oil, more harm to the environment and no help for America’s drivers.


Posted: 05/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Has Gone Back on Its Word on Stop-Loss

The Bush Administration promised to minimize the use of a stop-loss policy that keeps troops in uniform past the time their service should end.  But earlier this week, a Pentagon official announced that the Army’s stop-loss policy would have to continue until at least the fall of 2009 and that the President’s “surge” had forced a 43-percent increase in the number of soldiers affected by the Army’s stop-loss policy.  The program, criticized as a “back-door draft,” effectively bars active-duty soldiers from leaving the Army even though they are within 90 days of retirement, and commanders have expressed deep concern about its effect on troops. Democrats believe we must change course in Iraq to relieve the strain on our servicemen and -women and begin to rebuild our military.


Posted: 05/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Citizens Across the Country Support the Democrats' Consumer-First Energy Act

A broad coalition of citizens from the labor, environmental, business and rural communities strongly supports the Senate Democrats’ Consumer-First Energy Act. Below are highlights from their letters and statements of support:


Posted: 05/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Policies Have Weakened America's Energy Security

Seven years of Bush Republican policy failures have weakened America’s energy security. America’s dependence on oil undermines our national security interests by funding terrorism and hostile nations, as well as limiting America’s strategic options. America’s economy is so dependent on oil – and our energy infrastructure is so vulnerable to natural disasters and attacks – that high prices and other crises can cripple our nation. But the biggest threat to America’s energy security is our continued reliance on fossil fuels, which contributes overwhelmingly to man-made global warming. President Bush and his allies in Congress have had seven years to strengthen America’s energy security, but have done just the opposite. Democrats believe we must invest in alternative energy in order to end our dependence on oil, stem the tide of global warming and strengthen America’s energy security.


Posted: 05/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Five Years On, The Mission Is Not Accomplished

On May 1, 2003, President Bush declared, “My fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.” Unfortunately for our troops, veterans and nation, five years later the war still rages and the costs continue to grow. Our troops have done their job, but the Iraqis have failed to take responsibility for their own country and the Bush Administration has no other policy than to stay the course. Our brave men and women are still being killed and wounded amidst the ongoing violence in Iraq. The burden on American taxpayers to pay for the war continues to mount while needs at home go unmet. The war continues to erode our military readiness making America less safe and continues to divert focus and resources from the global terrorist threat. Democrats believe we must redeploy from Iraq so we can rebuild our strained military, refocus on the terrorist threat and focus our resources here at home.


Posted: 05/01/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The War in Iraq Has Contributed to Pain at the Pump

Higher gas prices are just one of the many costs of the war in Iraq. The price of gasoline when the war began was $1.57. Since then, disruptions from the war, insurgent attacks on the oil industry and a lack of investment have all strangled Iraq’s oil production. Coupled with concerns about greater Middle East instability, oil and gas prices have reached record highs. Gas prices, which now average $3.61 per gallon across the United States, hurt every American at the pump. 


Posted: 04/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Lead on Reducing America's Dependence on Oil - Bush Republicans Stand in the Way

Amidst record oil profits, Democrats tried to spur investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced technology vehicles, paid for by rolling back tax breaks on oil companies, but Bush Republicans refused. The White House also objected to provisions passed by both the House and the Senate to crack down on price gouging in times of declared emergencies and allowing OPEC to be sued for anti-trust breaches in U.S. courts. Instead of protecting their oil company friends, Bush Republicans should work with Democrats to reduce America’s dependence on oil and lower gas prices for American drivers.


Posted: 04/29/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

More Must Be Done to Ensure Our Wounded Warriors Receive The Care They Deserve.

Yesterday’s passage of the Veterans’ Benefits bill makes important changes to help our nation’s veterans. But more must be done to ensure that our wounded warriors receive the care they deserve. Nearly 20 percent of those who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from PTSD or major depression. Another 19 percent have TBI. Yet they are not receiving the care that they deserve. Our military medical facilities are short-staffed and our veterans are suffering through a bureaucratic nightmare. Instead of hiding the facts, the Bush Administration should work with Congress to improve the care our wounded warriors receive. 


Posted: 04/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fair Pay Act Is Vital to Ensuring Women Receive Equal Pay

Pay discrimination continues to be a very real problem for workers throughout our society. Women make only 77 cents for every dollar made by men, while African-Americans and Hispanics make 18 and 28 percent less than whites respectively. Women have been especially hard hit by the recent economic downturn, and must have protection against pay discrimination. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act restores the law to its original intent, helping to ensure that women earn equal pay for equal work. Senate Republicans are standing in the way of this crucial legislation to help all Americans achieve economic equality.


Posted: 04/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Failed Bush-Republican Environmental Record

President Bush and his Republican allies have done great damage to our environment and have failed to take the lead on confronting global warming. This Administration has sought to roll back environmental protections, spoiling our air and water and leaving our public lands vulnerable to ruin. The Administration’s ongoing failure of leadership on global warming has harmed efforts both here and around the world to curb the greenhouse gases that threaten our planet. The American people have rejected the Bush-Republican status quo and are looking for new leadership on these crucial issues. As the President marks his last Earth Day in office, the American people are looking to Congress and a new President to protect our environment and confront global warming.


Posted: 04/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: Senator McConnell Misrepresents Senate Fair Pay Bill

Today, Senator Mitch McConnell claimed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would ‘dramatically’ increase the amount of new litigation in the country. However, that claim is contradicted by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the bill would “not significantly affect the number of filings with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.”


Posted: 04/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

As Costs of War Mount, Americans Increasingly Believe We Must Redeploy Our Troops

Today’s Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that a majority of the American public believes success in Iraq is not integral to America’s anti-terrorism efforts and that the U.S. should withdraw military forces from Iraq to avoid further casualties. This comes on the news this week of the mounting human costs of this war on our soldiers and more evidence that Iraq’s security forces are not standing up. Meanwhile, the U.S. is not safer – global suicide bombings have surged since 2001 and America has failed to neutralize the terrorist safe haven in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Democrats believe we should redeploy our troops from Iraq in order to relieve the strain on our overburdened military and strengthen our national security.


Posted: 04/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats and Republicans Have Very Different Priorities on Taxes

As Americans pay their taxes tomorrow, Democrats continue to push their priorities: tax cuts for middle-class families, America’s military men and women and homeowners struggling to stay in their homes. In contrast, Bush-McCain Republicans have fallen in lock step behind the failed economic policies of the Bush years that have led to the current economic downturn: tax breaks for multi-millionaires and big oil companies while doing little to help middle-class families struggling to make ends meet. Republicans need to reject these failed policies and work with Democrats to help middle-class families squeezed by the economic downturn.


Posted: 04/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator McConnell Is Not Even Sure What He's Obstructing Anymore

Senator McConnell has led his Conference in record-setting obstructionist fashion. But today, while discussing the Highway Technical Corrections, he claimed that the Senate was on the bill. Unfortunately, due to Republican obstruction, the Senate is still considering the motion to proceed to the bill, wasting valuable time in post-cloture debate of a bill that yesterday got support from 93 Senators, with only one objecting. Either Senator McConnell has been obstructing so much he’s lost track of Senate procedure, or he was trying to gloss over the fact that Senate Republicans are doing all they can to obstruct and delay.


Posted: 04/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: Republican Rhetoric on Taxes

Bush-McCain Republicans continue to mislead the American people on the Democratic record on taxes. The record is clear. Democrats have fought to lower taxes on middle-class families while Bush-McCain Republicans continue to call for more tax breaks for multi-millionaires and special interests. It’s time to check their facts.  


Posted: 04/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Finally Calls for Shorter Deployments, But Will Bush Republicans Match His Rhetoric with Legislative Action?

Democrats have long been pushing to relieve the strain on our soldiers. Last year, Senate Democrats twice led the fight to ensure our soldiers have the same amount of dwell time at home between deployments as they do deployed in theater. These efforts garnered support from a majority of the Senate, but were blocked by Bush Republicans. Democrats welcome President Bush’s announcement today to limit future army deployments to 12 months, but believe more must be done to limit the strain on our forces currently deployed and relieve the strain on our marines. Now that President Bush has finally acknowledged the strain on our forces, will Bush Republicans join Democrats in codifying the announcement into law and ensuring that our troops have the dwell time they need to recover from combat and train for future operations? 


Posted: 04/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: 12 Benchmarks?

At this morning’s hearing, Ambassador Crocker incorrectly asserted that the Iraqi Government had met 12 of 18 benchmarks. Unfortunately, the Iraqis have not made adequate political progress and have at best met just six benchmarks, depending on how certain laws are implemented. The Iraqis have failed to take responsibility for their own country and America is paying too high a price.  Democrats believe we need to change course by responsibly redeploying our troops and holding the Iraqis accountable for achieving political reconciliation and taking the lead militarily.


Posted: 04/08/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The State of Iraq and America's National Security

The Bush/McCain mismanagement of the Iraq war and their stubborn refusal to change course have exacted tremendous costs on America and left America less secure. The war has severely strained our military, and weakened our national security by distracting us from the main threats facing the United States. And in Iraq, little political progress is being made and violence levels are rising. Democrats believe that we must change course in Iraq so that we can refocus on the war on terror, rebuild our military, and strengthen our national security.


Posted: 04/08/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Results of Bush Republican Failed Economic Policies

Today’s announcement that the U.S. lost 80,000 jobs in March is just the latest example of the failure of Bush Republican economic policies. Years of economic mismanagement have created a housing crisis and credit crunch that are spreading throughout the economy and hurting American families. That is why Democrats believe we need to act urgently to strengthen the economy for all Americans and prevent the housing crisis from spreading.


Posted: 04/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Security Experts Believe U.S. Must Change Course in Iraq

During today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on the military and political prospects in Iraq after the surge, national security experts reiterated their calls for a change of course in Iraq. Citing the continued lack of political progress, the tenuous nature of security gains and the cost of the war on our military readiness, they called for redeployment of our troops from Iraq. Democrats agree with this assessment, which is why we continue to push for a new strategy that refocuses on the terrorist threat, allows us to rebuild our military and redeploys our troops from Iraq.


Posted: 04/02/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Push Housing Stimulus Measure to Aid Struggling Families

Today, Senate Democrats will once again attempt to pass legislation to help struggling homeowners stay in their homes. The Foreclosure Prevention Act targets families most in need by keeping families facing foreclosure in their homes; helping families avoid foreclosures in the future; and helping communities already harmed by foreclosure to recover.  Last month, Bush Republicans blocked Democratic efforts to debate this important measure. Today, those very same Republican Senators have a chance to address the concerns of their constituents.


Posted: 03/31/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Costs of the War in Iraq By the Numbers

As we begin the sixth year of the Iraq War, the costs of President Bush’s misguided decision to use force have far surpassed the Administration’s rosy predictions. Nearly 4,000 U.S. troops have been killed, with nearly 30,000 injured. Our army is out of balance according to Army Chief of Staff General George Casey, and violence is surging in Afghanistan/Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden remains at large. Democrats continue to push for a change of course, but Bush Republicans block the way, insisting on more of the same.  


Posted: 03/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Diverse Coalition Representing Millions of Americans Supports the Democratic Budget

Groups representing a range of issues and millions of Americans have joined together to support the Democratic budget that will strengthen our economy and restore funding for critical education, homeland security, infrastructure and renewable energy programs. The Democratic budget will effectively reverse years of Bush Republicans’ fiscal policies that have weakened the economy and put the burden of a looming recession on the backs of middle-class families.  


Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Spin Fiction on Taxes

Bush Republicans have been parading out to the floor to criticize the Democratic budget on taxes in a vain attempt to score political points. However, the facts are clear. The Democratic budget cuts taxes for middle-class families, helping the family budget.


Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Are Playing Politics on Immigration

Senate Republicans’ immigration amendments to the budget are part of an effort to use immigration as a wedge issue in the 2008 elections. But it hasn’t worked. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans do not support their divisive, extreme position on immigration and instead support tough, fair, and practical comprehensive immigration reform. Results at the ballot box for immigration hard-liners have been hard to come by, even in the Republican Presidential primary. Democrats support comprehensive immigration reform and believe we should be legislating on this important issue instead of playing politics.


Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Strengthens America While the Bush Republicans' Would Weaken It

The Senate Democrats’ budget makes America more secure by investing in our national security and our homeland security. On veterans and troops, the Democratic budget closes a $3 billion shortfall under the Bush Republican budget while rejecting the Bush Republican budget’s attempt to raise co-pays for veterans. In recognition of their service, the Democratic budget fully funds our troops in harms way and gives them a pay increase. The Democratic budget also invests in our security here at home. The Democratic budget funds local law enforcement programs, first responders and strengthens our nation’s homeland security.  In contrast, the Bush Republican budget eliminates the COPS program and slashes funding for first responders and other vital homeland security programs. While Bush Republicans talk tough on security, the Democratic budget invests in security.  


Posted: 03/12/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Strengthens the Economy by Creating Jobs Right Here at Home

Senate Democrats are getting our economy moving by creating jobs right here at home. The Democratic budget invests billions in infrastructure projects that will immediately create good-paying jobs. The Democrats’ budget also makes critical new investments in clean energy which will create new green-collar jobs for American workers. While Democrats are working to create jobs, the Bush Republican budget cuts billions from job training and placement programs to help workers affected by the current economic downturn. The Bush Republican budget has the wrong priorities; tax breaks for multi-millionaires and special interests. The Democratic budget has the right priorities; creating jobs right here at home and getting Americans back to work.


Posted: 03/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Sheds Light on Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Iraq

Today’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on waste, fraud and abuse shed new light on the extent of corruption in American contracting in Iraq. The hearing also exposed the rampant corruption and sectarianism within the Iraqi government. Most importantly, the hearing highlighted the ways in which corruption undermines our reconstruction efforts in Iraq. The Bush Administration has failed to hold the Iraqis or fraudulent contractors accountable for their corruption. Democrats are committed to enforcing accountability and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse.  


Posted: 03/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Helps Working Families, While Bush Republican Budget Only Offers More of the Same Failed Economic Policies

America’s families are struggling to make ends meet in the midst of an economic downturn. That is why Democrats are putting the family budget first. The Senate Democrats’ budget cuts taxes for hard-working families and helps make health care, college tuition and energy more affordable. The Bush Republican budget only offers more of the same failed policies; tax breaks for multi-millionaires and special interests while underfunding America’s priorities. It’s time for a budget that helps all Americans, not just Bill Gates, Paris Hilton and Exxon Mobil.


Posted: 03/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq War Has Exacted a High Cost on America's National Security

Admiral Fallon’s testimony today before the Senate Armed Services Committee once again made clear the high costs that the Iraq War has exacted on America’s national security. President Bush’s failed strategy has taken focus and resources away from the threats we face in other areas of the world and strained our military almost to the breaking point. The Iraq War has caused us to neglect Afghanistan, which according to independent experts is faltering. In addition, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is still the main threat to our homeland, as the NIE from July determined, and continues to plot attacks from its base in the Pakistan border region.  


Posted: 03/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Keeping America's Children Safe

Today, Senate Democrats will introduce legislation to substantially increase the budget and enforcement capacity of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, given the alarming rise in recalled children’s toys. Last year alone, over 20 million toys were recalled because of the hazard they posed to children. Unfortunately, the Commission, which during the Bush administration only hired one full-time toy tester, opposes the Senate’s efforts to increase its capacity, claiming they would be unnecessary and too difficult to implement. Given the risk posed by the Bush Administration’s dismal record overseeing imported toys and products, numerous consumer groups have joined Senate Democrats in an effort to pass this measure.


Posted: 03/03/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's War Has Cost Our Country Dearly

The Iraq war has exacted tremendous costs on our country. The lives and livelihoods of the thousands of courageous troops who have been killed and wounded is the most tragic cost. But the war has cost us in many other ways as well, including direct and indirect economic costs which are estimated by the Joint Economic Committee to reach $1.3 trillion by the close of 2008. According to Professor Stiglitz, who testifies before the JEC today, the costs could be even higher. The costs of war also include our failure to invest in domestic priorities, the strain on our military forces which has reduced our ability to respond to other threats both abroad and at home and the cost of taking our eye off the ball and failing to confront the terrorist threat posed by Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. All of these costs illustrate the urgent need to change course in Iraq, refocus the mission and begin to redeploy our troops.


Posted: 02/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Paul Wolfowitz's Happy Talk Five Years On

Five years ago on Monday, General Eric Shinseki testified to the Senate Armed Services that it would take “several hundred thousands soldiers” to secure the peace in Iraq. Five years ago today, then-Deputy Defense Secretary – and recently appointed chairman of the State Department’s International Security Advisory Board – Paul Wolfowitz called Shinseki’s warning “wildly off the mark.” He also predicted that American troops would “be greeted as liberators.” Unfortunately, history has proven Wolfowitz wrong on all counts. Yet, despite the thousands of American troops killed and wounded, the billions of dollars spent, the happy talk of war supporters continues five years later. Senate Republicans need to join with Democrats to transition the mission, redeploy our troops and refocus on the terrorist threat facing our nation.     


Posted: 02/27/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Walter Reed One Year Later: Democrats Lead the Way for Change, While Lessons Are Lost on the Bush Administration

One year ago, the Washington Post published the first in a series of articles documenting cases of neglect at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  Reports of wounded service members being denied proper treatment and enduring substandard and often deplorable living conditions at the Center’s outpatient facility raised widespread concern about the quality of care at Walter Reed and at other Department of Defense (DOD) and Veterans Administration (VA) medical facilities across the country.  The scandal prompted several Congressional hearings and investigations led by the VA and a special bipartisan panel known as the President’s Commission on Care for America’s Returning Wounded Warriors – all of which confirmed the failures at Walter Reed and found similar cases of neglect at many VA hospitals and clinics nationwide. 


Posted: 02/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration on FISA in Their Own Words

The Bush Administration is not being straight with the American people on FISA. The President said that there was no excuse for letting the current FISA law expire, but threatened to veto any extension. He said failure to pass a new FISA law would put our country in more danger of an attack, but DNI McConnell said the real issue was getting retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies. DNI McConnell also said that we were losing capability, but yesterday testified that intelligence collection could continue even if the current law expires. Instead of playing political games and trying to force Congress to accept its bill, the Administration should work with Congress to find a compromise that gives our intelligence professionals the tools they need while protecting Americans’ civil liberties.


Posted: 02/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush and Senate Republicans Continue Playing Politics With FISA

President Bush and his allies in Congress are playing politics with America’s national security. While warning that the current FISA law must not lapse, they have objected to any temporary extension to allow the House and Senate to work together to craft a bill that protects America’s national security while protecting our civil liberties. Senate Republicans also slow-walked passage of the bill in an effort to jam the House and force it to rubber stamp the Senate bill. President Bush and his allies in Congress should stop fear-mongering and work with Democrats to pass a bill that gives our intelligence professionals the tools they need and protect the civil liberties of all Americans.


Posted: 02/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Have Been Outspoken Against Torture - Will Their Votes Match Their Rhetoric?

Several Senate Republicans have been outspoken critics of the use of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics. But will their votes today on the Intelligence Authorization bill, which includes a provision to ensure all U.S. agencies abide by the Army Field Manual in all interrogations, match their rhetoric?


Posted: 02/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Over Republican's Objections, Senate Democrats Remain Committed to Helping Americans Suffering in Bush Economy

Democrats are proud to have ensured that 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans will receive rebate checks, but are disappointed that Bush Republicans blocked other key improvements to the economic stimulus bill that would further strengthen the economy.  Democrats will continue to fight to help those who have lost their jobs, help small businesses suffering in a shaky economy, and help American families avoid foreclosure.


Posted: 02/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republicans Say No to Helping Seniors, Disabled Veterans

The economic stimulus package passed by the House lacked rebate checks for 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans.  Senate Democrats have pushed to include these seniors and veterans, and to extend unemployment benefits, just as we have in past efforts to address economic downturns. Last night, however, the overwhelming majority of Senate Republicans said no.


Posted: 02/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Headlines Say It All - Republicans Block Economic Stimulus for Working Americans

Yesterday, Bush Republicans had a chance to strengthen our weakening economy, but instead they blocked a bipartisan bill which would have given a much deserved rebate to an additional 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans. The package also would have given heating assistance to low-income families across the nation. The headlines say it all:


Posted: 02/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Rhetoric and Reality on Economic Stimulus

Republican rhetoric on the economic stimulus bill has heated up of late, but their claims have been divorced from reality. Senator McConnell claimed Democrats were delaying rebate checks, but checks cannot be sent until mid-May no matter what. Senator Gregg said extending unemployment benefits would not boost the economy, but economists say it is one of the best ways to get money into the economy quickly. Republican Senators referred to the additional provisions sought by Democrats as “pet projects,” even though they are widely-supported measures such as heating assistance for low-income families and rebates for seniors and disabled veterans. Finally, Senator Kyl said economic stimulus would not help the economy recover, in the face of calls for stimulus from the President and Secretary Paulson. What’s the common theme here? Bush Republicans do not want to pass the Senate Finance Committee bill and have used every tactic in the book to delay its passage.


Posted: 02/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Budget Lowlights

President Bush’s final budget continues down the  same fiscally irresponsible path  he started on seven years ago –  weakening America's economy by running up massive deficits and making large cuts in America’s priorities. As more Americans feel the effects of the current economic downturn, President Bush’s proposed cuts to home heating assistance, job training and education programs show just how out of touch he is. Democrats will continue to strengthen our economy, by investing in middle class families and responsibly funding America's priorities.


Posted: 02/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Security Facts

In July, the U.S. intelligence community determined that Al-Qaeda represents the main terrorist threat to the United States.  Yet instead of focusing on the threat posed by Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the President has focused on policing an Iraqi civil war started on false pretenses. The result has been a regenerated Al-Qaeda, a military stretched thin and a less secure America. It’s time to refocus on the main threat of international terrorism.


Posted: 01/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's Glass Is Half Full State of the Union

During his State of the Union address last night, President Bush presented a picture of America’s economy, as well as its efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan in the most positive light possible. But the President conveniently overlooked some inconvenient facts that show things are not quite as rosy as the President would like our country to believe. While jobs have been created unemployment has increased and while violence has lessened in Iraq the Iraqis have still made very little political progress. The public deserves a full and thorough accounting of the state of our union, not a White (House)-washed version of the truth.


Posted: 01/29/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush: Trying to Have it Both Ways on Earmarks

With his attack on earmarks, President Bush is trying to have it both ways. The President has criticized Congress for its earmarking, but the President himself requested more than $20 billion in earmarks last year.  In the 110th Congress, Democrats were the first to bring transparency and accountability to earmarks and drastically cut earmarks to ensure better oversight.  Bush Republicans have little credibility on the issue – earmarks more than quadrupled under Republican rule, including billions of dollars in earmarks signed into law by President Bush. Furthermore, Republican leaders in the Senate routinely tout their ability to deliver for their states. Instead of trying to pick political fights, the President should work with Democrats to craft solutions to the pressing problems facing our nation, like the declining economy, soaring health care and energy costs and ongoing threats to our national security.


Posted: 01/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republicans: Playing Politics on FISA

President Bush and his allies have consistently warned of the dire consequences of allowing the Protect America Act (PAA) to expire. But the Bush Administration’s threat to veto a 30-day extension of the PAA illustrates that the President and his allies in Congress are more concerned with having a political fight than working to craft a solution. Democrats are focused on legislating: the House has passed a bill and the Senate is working through the legislative process, but Republicans are trying to block debate on this complex and important matter. Bush Republicans should stop playing politics and work with Democrats to find a solution that improves our nation’s ability to fight terrorism while protecting Americans’ civil liberties.


Posted: 01/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Seeks Immunity for the Very Contractors it Cannot Manage

Yesterday two remarkable events occurred surrounding the administration’s oversight of contractors in Iraq. The same day Defense Department officials testified before a Senate committee that they cannot manage the approximately 180,000 contractors currently in Iraq, the Bush administration sought to provide immunity for all Defense contractors from Iraqi law in any long term security agreement. This should not come as a complete surprise as administration officials controversially provided contractors with immunity in 2004. However, this current news is troubling given recent abuses by some private security contractors, such as the September shooting incident involving Blackwater USA. As Jack Bell, the deputy undersecretary of defense for logistics and materiel readiness said. “Frankly, we were not adequately prepared to address” what he termed “this unprecedented scale of our dependence on contractors.” This news also further exemplifies why no long term security agreement should be negotiated without the involvement from Congress.


Posted: 01/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact and Fiction on FISA

This morning, Vice President Cheney was the latest Administration official to talk about the need for FISA legislation, even as Bush Republicans in the Senate continue to oppose Democrats’ efforts to pass a one-month extension of the law. However, their opposition to a one-month extension puts their credibility at risk. Democrats believe Congress should have the time it needs to debate legislation that improves our nation’s ability to fight terrorism while protecting Americans’ civil liberties and have proposed a one-month extension of the law. Instead of playing politics, Bush Republicans should work with Democrats to give our intelligence professionals the tools they need to keep America more secure.


Posted: 01/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush: No Intention of Keeping His Promises to Military Families

When President Bush announced over the weekend that he was open to halting his promised troop withdrawals, he put in jeopardy many military families’ hopes that their loved ones would return home – particularly those on their second or third deployment in the region.  Worse still, by vetoing the Defense Authorization bill only days earlier, the President rejected numerous benefits Democrats had secured for our men and women in uniform, including a 3.5 percent pay increase, incentive pay and bonuses for many career fields, enhanced care and treatment of troops returning with combat-related injuries, and extended leave for family members to take care of disabled service members.


Posted: 01/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The War in Iraq Has Stretched Our Military Thin, Endangering Our National Security

After six years of war in Afghanistan and four and more than four and a half years of war in Iraq, the U.S. military is under tremendous strain. President Bush’s “surge” policy in Iraq which was enacted one year ago, has added to this strain.  The overextension of our armed forces has forced extended and repeated deployments, hurting the readiness of our fighting forces and taking a toll on the lives of our men and women in uniform. Extended deployments have hurt our military’s recruitment and retention efforts and have led to significant equipment degradation and shortages. The end result: our commanders are concerned that overextension of our forces has hurt America’s ability to respond to other threats, making us less safe. President Bush must work with Congress to redeploy our troops, refocus on the most serious threats facing our country and get our military forces back into balance.


Posted: 01/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

One Year Into Bush's "Surge," America's National Security Remains Under Threat

In the year since President Bush announced his surge strategy violence in Iraq has diminished, but the national security of the United States is no less threatened. In Iraq, insurgents pushed out of Anbar and Baghdad have moved into Northern Iraq, making it now the most dangerous part of the country. While the U.S. has been focused on Iraq, the global terrorist incidents have risen, violence in Afghanistan has surged to levels not seen since 2001 and Al-Qaeda has used a safe haven on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to regenerate its ability to attack the U.S. homeland. Pakistan’s political instability has hurt its ability to tackle the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in its tribal areas and could compromise the security of its nuclear arsenal.  Despite President Bush’s promises that the new strategy would “bring a future of peace and security for our children and grandchildren,” the United States is far from safe. The President should work with Congress to redeploy our troops in Iraq and refocus our security resources on all of the threats facing our nation.


Posted: 01/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Blind To The Economic Reality Facing Americans

Today, both President Bush and Secretary Paulson will attempt to ease America’s concerns about the nation’s struggling economy. Unfortunately, rhetoric alone does not address this growing concern. In Cook County, Illinois, the location of the President’s speech, close to 29,000 homes are projected to be lost to foreclosure, the second highest in the nation. In addition, almost two-thirds of homeowners in the county will see their property values affected. Worse still, Illinois continues to lose manufacturing jobs at an alarming rate. Since Bush took office, the state lost close to 18,000 (1 out of 5) manufacturing jobs. While Bush continues to claim the fundamentals of the economy remain strong, economic indicators tell a different story.


Posted: 01/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress: A New Direction for America

Last year, Democrats were elected to take the country in a new direction by advancing the priorities of the American people.  Nearly one year into the Democratic-led Congress, Democrats have made a significant down-payment on those expectations. After nearly a decade of Republican control, we have worked to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, fund the government, and pass key legislation on countering terrorism, homeland security, troop readiness, veterans’ care, crime, energy independence, competitiveness, ethics reform, labor and wages, small businesses, health care, nutrition, education, stem cell research, economic security, housing, transportation, water infrastructure, government accountability, and Gulf Coast revitalization.


Posted: 12/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Grand Obstruction Party Blocks Omnibus Bill Without Iraq Funding to Break Record

After engaging in unprecedented obstruction throughout the year, the Grand Obstruction Party finally broke the Senate’s record for cloture votes tonight, forcing the 62nd of the year. The previous record of 61 in a two-year term was set in 2001-2002, the last time Republicans were in the minority in the Senate.


Posted: 12/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Highlights of the FY '08 Consolidated Appropriations Bill

Democrats have made our priorities clear; increasing veterans’ health care funding, expanding college aid and funding the fight against terrorism. But President Bush has very different priorities; more and more funding for Iraq but less funding for investments here at home, like our aging infrastructure, officers on the street and medical research.  


Posted: 12/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Pass Landmark Energy Bill That Invests in America's Future

Yesterday, Senate Democrats began the process of decreasing America’s dependence on oil. After Bush Republicans prevailed in protecting oil companies rather than promoting clean renewable energy, Democrats reached across the aisle to forge a compromise that protects America’s security and economic interests. Even with the compromise, outside conservation groups praised the efforts of Senate Democrats. The League of Conservation Voters wrote, “The U.S. Senate should be applauded for passing a much-needed energy bill that is a significant first step toward increasing fuel efficiency standards for our automobiles to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. We urge President Bush to sign the bill.” However, the LCV also made clear, “[A]t a time when the oil industry is enjoying near-$100 per barrel oil and record profits, the Senate by one vote earlier today sided with Big Oil and against the American people and the environment. Voting 59-40, a minority of senators blocked an attempt to repeal billions of dollars in tax giveaways to the oil industry…”


Posted: 12/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Grand Obstruction Party Blocks Bipartisan, Non-Controversial Bills

Bush Republicans have engaged in unprecedented obstruction. They have used every delaying tactic available to them, including filibusters and secret holds. But Bush Republican efforts to block floor consideration of even bipartisan and non-controversial bills clearly reveals their strategy: block everything.  


Posted: 12/12/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

While Visiting the Office of National Drug Control Policy, President Bush Should Have Explained Why He Vetoed Its Funding

Today, President Bush visited the Office of National Drug Control Policy to discuss the latest report by the Monitoring the Future Program. Before the President touts the accomplishments of this vital program, perhaps he should explain to them why he put the program at risk by vetoing its funding.


Posted: 12/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Obstruction Alert - 58 and Counting

Bush Republicans continued their record-setting obstruction today by blocking consideration of an energy bill that would increase fuel efficiency standards in cars and trucks as well as providing new tax incentives to increase the production of renewable fuels. Bush Republicans have forced 58 cloture votes this year, fast-approaching the record of 61 for a two-year term. It is clear from their actions that Bush Republicans are more interested in blocking progress than doing the work of the American people.


Posted: 12/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Hold Hearing to Highlight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Defense Contracting

Today, the Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing investigating waste, fraud and abuse at the Department of Defense and contracting in Iraq. In addition to receiving testimony from whistleblowers involved in Iraq contracting, the committee received written statements and questioned two of the nation’s leading experts in military affairs. Below are highlights from their submitted testimony.


Posted: 12/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush vs. The Facts

President Bush’s press conference simply reiterated how out of touch with the facts he has become. His comments on Iran, Iraq and Congress show that there is indeed a difference between the facts, and the facts as he sees them.


Posted: 12/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Facts on the Ground Show the Escalation Is Still Not Working

President Bush and his allies have trumpeted reductions in violence in Iraq and claiming that the escalation strategy is working. But by the President’s own measures it is not. The political solution the escalation was meant to produce is still not at hand. Violence levels remain too high, and are not notably improved from levels two years ago. Sectarian violence is down, but largely because many neighborhoods in Iraq have been ethnically cleansed, resulting in millions of displaced Iraqis, and ethnic tensions continue to simmer just beneath the surface. General Petraeus himself has said that Iraq must have a political solution. Our troops have done tremendous work in achieving tactical victories on the ground, but Iraq’s leaders have failed to stand up and take responsibility for their country. It is time to the change the course, refocus the mission and begin to bring our troops home. 


Posted: 11/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Light of President's Veto and Rising Energy Costs, Families Prepare for a Long Winter

On the same day President Bush vetoed the Labor-HHS spending bill, which included much needed funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), outside experts warned of the rising heating costs families could face this winter. In fact, the President raised concern about the rising cost of oil the very same day he vetoed the LIHEAP funds. Unfortunately, with his veto the President placed these funds in jeopardy and with home heating oil potentially rising as high as 26 percent, Democrats are seeking to override the President's veto. Senate Republicans must now decide whether they stand with the President or America’s families.


Posted: 11/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Lecturing Democrats on Fiscal Responsibility: Priceless

Today, President Bush once again played politics with our nation’s priorities by vetoing the Labor-HHS-Education spending bill and lecturing Democrats on fiscal responsibility. But as today’s report by the Joint Economic Committee underscores the growing cost of the Iraq War, it is clear that the President has little ground to stand on. President Bush has increased our nation’s debt by $3 trillion dollars and funded his entire failed Iraq war strategy on the nation’s credit card, maxing it out 5 times. Instead of playing politics, President Bush should work with Congress to fund our nation’s priorities.


Posted: 11/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Secure Funds for America's Troops and Provide Continuing Disaster Relief Assistance

Yesterday, the Senate sent to the President a comprehensive appropriations bill that allocates $459 billion for the Department of Defense to strengthen our military and provide for our troops. Specifically, the measure provides over $11 billion for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, $23.5 billion for military health care programs and a 3.5 percent pay raise for active duty military personnel that the Bush Administration opposed. In addition, the bill also provides continued disaster relief assistance for the Gulf Coast and $500 million for federal firefighting programs.


Posted: 11/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Farm Bill Provides Vital Funding for Nutrition Programs

This week Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, ushered to the Senate floor the 2007 farm bill – the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007. The measure passed the Committee on October 25th.


Posted: 11/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Congressional Republicans Put Siding With President Bush Ahead of Poviding for America's Veterans

This week, as Congress prepares to send a conference report to the President containing the Labor-HHS appropriations bill along with the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations bill to the President, Senate Republicans are threatening to try to use parliamentary tactics to delay this vital funding for veterans. It would not be the first time Congressional Republicans put their loyalty to President Bush ahead of their responsibility to care for our nation’s veterans. The Republican-controlled Congress consistently underfunded veterans’ programs, resulting in funding shortfalls, backlogs and a rise in the rate of uninsured veterans. Congressional Republicans should resist President Bush’s political games and work with Democrats to send a bill to the President that fully funds our nation’s veterans’ programs before Veterans’ Day. 


Posted: 11/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Veterans' Organizations Urge Congress to Support Labor, Health & Human Services, & Education, Override Veto

Today, eight national veterans' organizations signed on to a letter urging Congress to support the Labor, Health & Human Services, & Education Appropriations bill and to override a presidential veto.  The following organizations signed the letter., Iraq Veterans Against the War, National Coalition for the Homeless, Veterans of Modern Warfare, Help Wounded Heroes, Coalition to Support America's Heroes, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families Speak Out.


Posted: 11/06/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Bush Administration Never Intended to Negotiate With Congress on CHIP

Today it was reported President Bush, in direct contradiction with his public statements, never intended to work with Members of Congress to sign the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Measure. Internal documents reported by the New York Times revealed the President not only urged Republican members not to work with Democrats on CHIP, he went so far as to politicize the debate by requesting Republicans not negotiate with Democrats so as to have “leverage” later on. In fact, one Republican Members of Congress stated the White House “did not come forward with any real offer of a solution or a compromise.”


Posted: 11/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Troubling Contracting Trends in Iraq

Yesterday, the Chairman of the Commission on Army Acquisition and Program Management in Expeditionary Operations briefed the media on the group’s investigation into Defense Department procurement, During the hearing, Chairman Jacques Gansler made a number of noteworthy comments. Namely, that 50 percent of the expeditionary force in Iraq is made up of contractors. As Senator Byron stated this week on the Senate floor, not all of the President’s recent supplemental request will go to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. A substantial portion of that money goes to contractors. Of note, it was also reported this morning that KBR, the former parent company of Halliburton and largest American contractor in Iraq, saw a significant boost in profits because of war contracts in Iraq, even though it is under investigation for fraud in the U.S. and Great Britain.


Posted: 11/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Fighting to Protect the Safety of America's Children

This week, Senate Democrats highlighted their measure to bring accountability and oversight to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).However, it has been reported that the head of the Bush Administration’s CPSC opposed Congressional attempts to boost the agency’s ability to inspect products, stop the sale of recalled products and fine retailers. Senate Democrats have taken the lead to ensure parents feel confident the products they buy for their children receive the highest possible scrutiny before hitting the shelves.


Posted: 11/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Shifts Goalposts, Shows No Intention of Signing Children's Health Insurance Bill

As the President continues his crusade against the Children’s Health Insurance Program, one thing is for certain, he is only interested in playing politics with the wel-being of America’s children and has no intention of providing health care for the 3.9 million kids who would otherwise be uninsured if the new CHIP measure is not enacted. As White House Press Secretary said after the President’s veto, “We won this round on SCHIP.”


Posted: 10/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Top 5 Ways that the Bush Administration Is a Nightmare for America's Children

As children across America go out trick or treating tonight for Halloween, the Bush Administration’s policies should scare them more than ghosts and witches. From the President’s threats to oppose crucial funding for education and juvenile justice programs to the President’s continuing opposition to a bipartisan bill that provides health care for 10 million children, this Administration gives America’s children plenty to be scared of. In the short-term, they should be scared that toys won’t be safe because the Administration has opposed strengthening the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In the long-term, America’s children will be forced to deal with the crushing debt passed on by President Bush. With this Administration, it’s clear that America’s children are getting all trick and no treat.


Posted: 10/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Bush Record on Fiscal Responsibility and Misplaced Priorities

After turning record surpluses into record deficits and increasing spending 50 percent, President Bush has no credibility on the issue of fiscal responsibility. Yet his speech today perfectly illustrates how his priorities compare to Democrats’ priorities and the priorities of our hard-working middle-class families. President Bush is willing to spend endlessly for the war in Iraq, with money borrowed largely from foreigners, while refusing to invest in important priorities here at home, like children’s health care, medical research, local law enforcement and homeland security. President Bush should stop playing politics and work with Congress to pass legislation that reflects the needs of our middle class families here at home.


Posted: 10/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: President Bush Misleading on Children's Health Insurance

This morning, the President continued spinning fictions about the Children’s Health Insurance bill. But the facts are clear. Despite the President’s refusal to meet with Congressional leaders, Democrats in Congress crafted a bill to respond to Republican concerns, in an effort to win their support, and the President’s signature. But the President’s continued veto threats show that he can’t take yes for an answer. It’s time for the President to put politics aside and make sure that 10 million children get the care they need.


Posted: 10/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Threatens to Veto New Children's Health Care Bill

This morning the President issued yet another veto threat to the new Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization currently under debate in the House of Representatives. This new veto threat is the clearest indication the President has no interest in providing health care for the almost 4 million additional kids this bill would cover. Below are passages from the President’s Statement of Administration Policy and the corresponding facts.


Posted: 10/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT SHEET: President Bush's Hypocrisy on Appropriations

President Bush’s $200 billion request for funding for the war in Iraq highlights his hypocrisy on federal spending. In almost the same breath that he asks for an additional $200 billion for an intractable civil war in Iraq, he continues to threaten to veto efforts to invest in domestic priorities like homeland security, bridge repairs and law enforcement. And the sad fact is that the President is playing politics with America’s priorities, treating appropriations from the Democratically-controlled Congress entirely differently than spending bills from the Republican-controlled Congress. President Bush needs to stop playing politics and work with Democrats to address the priorities of the American people.


Posted: 10/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Targets Low-Income Children Again, Threatens to Veto Key Education Programs

Today the Senate continues debate on the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education spending bill. The measure provides a significant investment in the nation’s children, from their health to their education. Having just come off his veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization, the President has now set his sights on vetoing this bill. As Senator Robert Byrd said, “While the President spends $10 billion every month in Iraq, we have invested a fraction of that figure above his inadequate budget request in key domestic priorities here at home. For too long, our education system and health facilities have been burdened with the Bush Administration’s unfunded mandates and empty promises.”


Posted: 10/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Having Vetoed CHIP, President Sets His Sights on Vetoing Medical Research

Coming on the heals of his veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance measure, President Bush has now set his sights on vetoing funding for the nation’s medical research institutions. Last week, the President issued a veto threat to the measure which provides funds for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. Below are highlights of the medical and public health research initiatives funded by the Senate Labor-Health and Human Services measure, which are threatened by the President’s veto.


Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

More of President Bush's Misplaced Priorities

Today, President Bush asked Congress for an additional $46 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and other national security programs, bringing his supplemental spending request to $196 billion for fiscal year 2008. But his request comes on the heels of his veto of a bipartisan compromise children’s health care bill, perfectly illustrating the President’s misplaced priorities; opposing much-needed domestic investments for our country while continuing to spend on an intractable Iraq  civil war . When the President says, “Our men and women on the front lines should not be caught in the middle of partisan disagreements in Washington, D.C.,” he should remember that neither should America’s children.


Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Top 5 Myths About the Bipartisan Children's Health Insurance Bill

With the vote to override President Bush’s veto fast approaching in the House of Representatives, the President and his allies in Congress continue to repeat myths about the program. But the facts are clear. The bipartisan compromise Children’s Health Insurance bill will provide coverage for 3.8 million more uninsured low-income children. The President has decided to use this heartless veto to make a political stand, rather than putting kids first.


Posted: 10/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Continues Pushing His Wrong Priorities - American Middle Class Suffers

While continuing to push for hundreds of billions in spending for Iraq, President Bush today reiterated his opposition to Democratic efforts to focus on the middle class and invest in our needs here at home.  Nothing illustrates the President’s misplaced priorities so clearly as his veto of legislation to provide health care for children.  Rather than addressing the pressures facing working families, President Bush continues to insist on policies that make matters worse.  The President should stop playing politics and work with Congress to invest in America’s domestic priorities and strengthen the middle class.


Posted: 10/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Arkansas' Children Welcome You, Mr. Bush

Today, President Bush will be traveling to Arkansas to tour a packaging plant and deliver a speech on the budget.  Having recently vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill, the President actually owes the 88,000 children insured by this program in Arkansas an explanation as to why he wants to place their health care at risk. 


Posted: 10/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Makes New Push to Dismantle Medicare

The same week President Bush vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program compromise bill, he went one step further and revived a proposal to apply a ‘means test’ for Medicare’s Prescription Drug benefit. The unfairness of applying a means test for seniors that spent their whole lives paying into a system with guaranteed benefits, proves that the President doesn't share America's values.


Posted: 10/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Governors From Across the Country Oppose President's Veto of CHIP; Urge Veto Override

Yesterday, in the wake of President Bush’s veto of the bipartisan Children’s Health Insurance program, governors from across the country spoke out in support of the bill. They roundly expressed dismay at the President’s decision and called on the members of their state’s Congressional delegations to vote to override the President’s veto. Will members of Congress listen to the governors who agree that this legislation is vital to the children of their states?

Posted: 10/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: President Spins More Inaccuracies on Vetoed Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today President Bush spoke before the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and defended his baseless veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Bill. Below are highlights of the President’s speech and the corresponding facts.


Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Pennsylvania's Children Welcome You Mr. Bush

Today, President Bush gave a speech before the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Having just vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill, the President has a lot of explaining to do to the children whose health insurance he just placed in jeopardy.  


Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Democratic Action Plan to Stem the Rising Tide of Foreclosures

The crisis of rising mortgage foreclosures affects not just homeowners, but also neighboring homeowners and communities, lenders and the economy as a whole. Projections show that 1.7 million people nationally could lose their homes this year and next, nearly double the number of foreclosures during the last two years. Subprime mortgages have soared in recent years, with 3 million new subprime loans in 2005 and 2006, and have triggered this national foreclosure crisis. Democrats are committed to acting quickly to rein in subprime loans, increase the availability of stable, affordable home loans and keep families in their homes.


Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Limbaugh Selectively Edited His Own Broadcast to Spin His Way Out Of "Phony Soldiers" Controversy

On September 26, Rush Limbaugh impugned the patriotism of soldiers who have questioned the war in Iraq. The context of his comment about “phony soldiers” was a conversation about soldiers who oppose the war. Only a full two minutes later did Limbaugh refer to Jesse MacBeth. Yet on September 28th, Limbaugh played back an edited version of his September 26th broadcast with two minutes cut out of the tape to make it seem like he was talking about MacBeth when he made his “phony soldiers” remark. The edited tape trick, straight out of the Nixon White House playbook, failed to fool anyone who actually heard the original broadcast. And to make matters worse, Limbaugh followed up by including decorated Vietnam veteran Congressman Jack Murtha in a list of “phony soldiers.” That he edited his own broadcast, and claimed he aired “the entire transcript,” shows just how desperate he was to spin his way out of his remarks.


Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Increase Funds for the Nation's Law Enforcement Agencies

Senate Democrats joined local officials at a press conference today to discuss the importance of funding local law enforcement and policing initiatives.  The Senate will begin debating the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill this week, and will seek to support important programs to fight crime in our schools and communities after years of cuts by the Bush Administration.


Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Strengthening America's Armed Forces

Today, the Senate began debate on the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The measure provides service members a pay raise, increases funding for military health care and provides needed equipment funds for the National Guard and Reserve Forces. In addition, the measure funds the recently passed Wounded Warriors bill Senate Democrats fought for to help returning soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries. 


Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Wounded Veterans Suffering Financially

Over the weekend, a little noticed news report detailed the difficult task Veterans have had readjusting from the battlefield into society. The piece illustrated the painful reality Veterans face in receiving adequate medical care, particularly those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Democrats have made the care for America’s wounded warriors one of their highest priorities. In addition to authoring and passing legislation to boost funding for Veterans care, Democrats have repeatedly sought to allow our forces to reset and rest before re-entering combat.


Posted: 10/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush on Climate Change: A Record of Putting Big Polluters First

Today, President Bush spoke to delegates at the Major Economies Meeting on Energy Security and Climate Change and called on individual nations to combat climate change. Unfortunately, the President and his administration have a very poor environmental and conservation record that includes manipulating and not enforcing the Clean Air Act, consistently placing the interests of oil and gas companies first, and  failing miserably to lead the nation and the world in reducing the risks of global warming. As Vice President Cheney said, “Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy. Read More...

Posted: 09/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Was for CHIP Before He Was Against It

President Bush’s repeated veto threats against the bipartisan children’s health care bill are just more examples of his signature “go it alone” style. The compromise bill, worked out with both Republicans and Democrats at the table, has garnered broad bipartisan majorities in both the House and the Senate. However, the most curious thing about the President’s veto threat is that he was for CHIP before he was against it. During the 2004 campaign he repeatedly called for covering more kids under the CHIP program. Similarly, while he now decries the bill for providing coverage to kids whose families make more than 200 percent of the federal poverty level, his Administration has provided waivers to numerous states to provide coverage to kids from higher income families, touting the Administration’s efforts to give states the flexibility to tailor their programs to meet their citizens’ needs. It’s time for President Bush to end his hypocrisy on CHIP and sign this bipartisan bill to ensure that America’s low-income children receive the care they deserve.


Posted: 09/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Report: Bush Administration Slow to Help Returning Wounded Warriors

Yesterday, the General Accountability Office released a report detailing the continued failure of the Pentagon and Veterans Administration to take care of America’s wounded warriors. According to the GAO, “Many challenges remain, and critical questions remain unanswered. Among the challenges is how the efforts of the Army, which has the bulk of the returning service members needing medical care, will be coordinated with the broader efforts being undertaken by DOD and VA.” The report is another in a long list that has concluded the Bush Administration has left our wounded warriors behind.


Posted: 09/27/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Leading Push for Political Reconciliation in Iraq

More than a year ago,Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE), along with President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations Leslie H. Gelb, announced a detailed plan for promoting a political settlement in Iraq that would allow our troops to leave, without leaving chaos behind.  The plan called for a decentralized, federal system in Iraq which would give its people local control over the fabric of their daily lives, including police, jobs, education and government services.  A limited central government would be responsible for protecting Iraq’s borders and distributing its oil revenues.


Posted: 09/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Move to Consider Hate Crimes Legislation

Today, Senator Reid announced that the Senate will vote Thursday on the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which seeks to strengthen the ability of federal and local law enforcement officials to prosecute hate crimes. This measure, an important part of a broad civil rights agenda, strengthens federal civil rights laws and provides grants to state and local law enforcement agencies to combat hate crimes.


Posted: 09/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Urges President Not to Veto Bi-Partisan Children's Health Care Measure

Last week, members agreed to a bi-partisan, bi-cameral deal that reauthorizes the very popular Children’s Health Insurance Program. The compromise would provide health insurance to more than 10 million children. Unfortunately, the President has vowed to veto the measure, placing the health care of these children at risk.


Posted: 09/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Investigating Private Military Contracting in Iraq

Today the Democratic Policy Committee conducted a hearing investigating the use of private security contractors in Iraq, in light of the shooting incident in Baghdad involving Blackwater USA. The hearing also investigated waste, fraud and abuse in wartime contracting.


Posted: 09/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Headlines Say It All: Republicans Once Again Fail Our Heroes

From a lack of body armor to Walter Reed and problems with mental health care to inadequate pay, President Bush and Republicans have repeatedly failed our heroes.  Yesterday, Republicans bowed to pressure from the White House and blocked the Webb dwell time amendment.  


Posted: 09/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Local Politics Will Drive National Politics? Time for a Change of Course in Iraq

Today, in his press conference, President Bush said, “I also said in my speech, local politics will drive national politics. And I believe that.” Though he was referring to Iraq, the same should hold true here at home. The 2006 elections delivered a sharp rebuke to Bush over the war. Three hundred  towns, cities and states representing about fifty percent of the American people have passed resolutions against the Iraq War. President Bush should listen to his own rhetoric and work with Democrats to change course in Iraq.


Posted: 09/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: The Bush-Republican Record on Spending

WHITE HOUSE FICTION: White House Press Secretary Dana Perino: “…The President, even in a Republican Congress, would issue veto threats on legislation. He did not veto a bill in the first six years of his presidency. Part of that was because we were able to help try to hold down the line on spending.” [White House Press Briefing, 9/18/07]


Posted: 09/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Working for D.C. Residents

Today the Senate voted against moving forward on a critical civil rights bill that sought to give the citizens of the District of Columbia the right to a voting representative in the US House of Representatives. However, the Senate today did vote to reauthorize a program that gives thousands of District of Columbia students fair access to higher education. Both measures represent the strong commitment Senate Democrats have made in enhancing the civil rights of District residents.


Posted: 09/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Americans and Iraqis Agree: Time for a Change of Course in Iraq

As the President prepares to address the nation to announce once again that he will continue his failed policy in Iraq, he should listen to the voices of the American people who are calling for a change of course in Iraq, not more of the same. He should also listen to the Iraqi people who overwhelmingly believe the surge has not brought the improvements in security claimed by the Bush Administration. The facts on the ground are clear: despite the valiant efforts of our men and women fighting in Iraq, the Iraqis are no closer to achieving the national reconciliation needed to create a stable country. It is long past time to change the mission in Iraq to focus on counter-terrorism, force protection and training Iraqi security forces so that we can begin to bring American troops home and better ensure our national security.


Posted: 09/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Is the War in Iraq Making the U.S. Safer?

In his testimony today, General Petraeus said that he did not know if continuing the mission in Iraq was making the U.S. safer. Yet, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker both refused to answer how long it would take to achieve a political solution in Iraq. With our commander on the ground not sure if our mission is making us safer, it’s time for a  change of course in Iraq that gets our valiant men and women out of harm’s way and refocuses the mission on fighting terrorists, not policing a civil war.


Posted: 09/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Just Another Six Months...

In their testimony today, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker made a bid for more time to stay the course in Iraq. They offered hope that with another six months there could be tangible political progress, but were tight-lipped about how long a successful outcome would actually take, or in the words of Senator Hagel, how much American blood and treasure it would require. With General Petraeus not sure if our mission is making us safer, it’s time for a  change of course in Iraq that gets our valiant men and women out of harm’s way and refocuses the mission on fighting terrorists, not policing a civil war.


Posted: 09/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Moving the Goal Posts

Bush Administration has moved the goal posts on the length of the escalation. From General David Petraeus today:


Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Rhetoric on Iraq: It's All About September

Today, the Bush Administration yet again called for more time in Iraq. But Republicans in Congress and the Bush Administration have repeatedly said that there would be a full assessment of Iraq policy in September. Now, with reports showing that violence in Iraq remains high and that a political solution remains out of reach, the Administration wants more time for a failed strategy. Now that September is here, it’s time for Republicans to live up to their own rhetoric and work with Democrats to force a change of course in Iraq.


Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: Today's Testimony Offers Few Answers

Today in his prepared remarks, General Petraeus made the following statements regarding sectarian violence in Iraq. Unfortunately, his remarks raise as many questions as answers.


Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Working to Make College More Affordable

Congress is working to send the President a bill that provides $20 billion in additional college aid to students – the largest increase since the G.I. bill.  It will also increase grant aid and college access for low-income students, and makes the student-loan system work for students, not the banks, by cutting interest rates on loans in half over five years. Yesterday Democratic Senators and Congressmen joined college students at a press conference to discuss Democrats’ efforts to make college more affordable for more Americans, giving every student a chance to succeed while making America more competitive. Read More...

Posted: 09/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Debunking the "Bottom Up" Anbar Myth

Recently, the Bush Administration has increasingly touted “bottom up” reconciliation as yet a new New Way Forward in Iraq. Administration officials and war supporters have used reductions in violence in Anbar Province as evidence of progress in Iraq. But today’s release of the Jones Report confirms the long-time consensus that there must be national reconciliation in Iraq. Efforts by the White House PR machine to spin success cannot change the facts on the ground; the Iraqi government is making little progress towards national reconciliation and violence levels remain high due to crippling sectarianism. Continuing the surge while simply changing the goals of that strategy will not change the outcome in Iraq. It is time for Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats to ensure a change of course in Iraq.  


Posted: 09/06/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Fighting for America's Returning Heroes

Democrats are investing in America’s infrastructure and our military and supporting our veterans. The Senate is currently debating legislation that would provide $109.2 billion in funding for military construction and the Veterans Administration, which is approximately $4 billion more than the president requested.


Posted: 09/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Reid Promises Vote on the Veterans Suicide Prevention Bil

Responding to a hold placed on the Joshua Omvig Suicide Prevention Act, Senator Harry Reid promised the bill’s author, Senator Tom Harkin, that he would bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote.


Posted: 09/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: Minority Leader McConnell and Republican Obstruction

At his press conference today, Minority Leader McConnell claimed that his record-setting use of filibusters to slow the process in the Senate was a tool to stop overly partisan legislation. But barely an hour after his press conference discussing the virtues of bipartisanship, McConnell went to the Senate floor and objected to a motion by Leader Reid to appoint Senate conferees on the Children’s Health Insurance reauthorization, further obstructing bipartisan legislation. In addition, on issue after issue, McConnell and his Republican colleagues have used filibusters to force time-consuming cloture votes, regardless of the degree of bipartisan support the underlying bills receive. The record is clear that Senator McConnell and his colleagues are using obstruction as a political tool for their own uses.


Posted: 09/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Can No Longer Hide Behind Failed Escalation Strategy

During his “surprise” visit to Iraq this past weekend, the President touted success in al-Anbar province as a reason to keep his failed escalation policy in place. Unfortunately, the President’s rhetoric does not match the reality on the ground in Iraq. According to the President himself, the troop escalation was meant to allow Iraq’s political leaders the time to reconcile their differences and build a sustainable government. According to today’s GAO report the Iraqi’s have by all accounts failed to achieve any political reconciliation. In addition, not only has the central government failed to meet benchmarks, the White House’s own spin is unraveling. Not only have the modest security gains in al-Anbar province made national reconciliation unlikely, they were well-underway prior to the surge. It is time for Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats to force a change of course in Iraq.


Posted: 09/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush on Iraq: More Empty Rhetoric

For the second time in two weeks, President Bush sought to rally support for his failing Iraq policy with pure rhetoric. Last week, the President reversed himself and compared Iraq to Vietnam. Today, President Bush once again claimed that Iraq presents a “direct threat to American peace and security,” despite the judgment of the U.S. intelligence community that Al-Qaeda is the main threat to the U.S. He also painted a rosy picture of progress in Iraq, but the facts on the ground remain the same: high levels of violence, little progress towards national reconciliation and Iraqi security forces years away from conducting operations on their own. President Bush should heed the advice of General Pace and Senator Warner and work with Democrats to change course in Iraq.


Posted: 08/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Katrina Recovery: Two Years Later

Since January, Senate Democrats have made a strong commitment to the Gulf Coast region. Democrats have authorized and financed vital projects in the region while fighting obstacles imposed by the White House and executive branch agencies in getting aid to hurricane victims. Below is a brief summary of the commitment Democrats have made to the region and what we will accomplish.


Posted: 08/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Intelligence Estimate Paints Gloomy Picture for Iraq's Political Future

Today, the intelligence community released their latest National Intelligence Estimate which confirmed that the Iraqi government is failing to achieve meaningful political reconciliation, the stated goal of the President’s current Iraq policy, while our troops are forced to police a civil war. This summer has been the bloodiest to date and any modest improvements in security have not been matched by the political progress of Iraq’s leaders. As Democrats and Republicans have made clear, the only way forward is a political solution that, unfortunately, is a long way off. In light of the NIE and other recent assessments of Iraq’s political situation, the U.S. must change course.


Posted: 08/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Empty Rhetoric: President Bush and Iraq

Today, President Bush used yet another historical comparison to try to boost sagging support for his Iraq War strategy. But no matter what comparison he uses, it does not change the fact that Iraq is going through its bloodiest summer yet, the Iraqis are no closer to political reconciliation and the President’s Iraq policy is not working. The President is also using this new rhetoric to avoid talking with the VFW about the major failures in providing care for veterans that have occurred on his watch. President Bush should stop politicking and work with Congress to change direction in Iraq so that we can start bringing our troops home and ensure that our valiant veterans receive the care they deserve.


Posted: 08/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

New Data Shows Middle-Class Americans Are Struggling Under the Bush Economy

While President Bush is in Canada, new data was released showing that average Americans are struggling under the Bush economy. In recent weeks, Bush has touted his Administration’s economic record, but the numbers show what most Americans are feeling: that it is harder to make ends meet.  Democrats in Congress are working to ease the middle-class squeeze by raising the minimum wage, making college more affordable, lowering the cost of prescription drugs and continuing to cut taxes on middle-class families. President Bush should put pragmatism before ideology and work with Democrats to enact the people’s business.


Posted: 08/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reeling from Defeat, Bush Administration Seeks to Cut Kids from the Children's Health Insurance Program

According to reports this morning, the Bush Administration, mandated new restrictions making it more difficult for states to provide health care for low income children. The Administration will now require that states certify that children were uninsured for at least one year before providing health insurance for children from families earning more than 250 percent of the poverty level or $51,625 for a family of four. In addition, those states must also demonstrate that at least 95 percent of children from families making less than 200 percent of the poverty level have been enrolled in the children’s health insurance program or Medicaid.


Posted: 08/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Troubling Questions About the September Report on Iraq

Yesterday, a Los Angeles Times story raised grave concerns that the President may rely on White House operatives rather than seasoned experts when he writes his September report to Congress on whether his surge strategy in Iraq has achieved its original goal of providing a political solution for Iraq.  Today, theWashington Post reported that the White House was proposing to restrict General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker to testifying to Congress only in closed session. These reports contradict the repeated statements by Administration officials that General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker would provide their frank and candid assessments without political interference and that their testimony would be key to informing the debate about future strategy in Iraq. These moves by the White House are troubling and beg a number of questions: Has the Bush Administration purposely invoked Petraeus and Crocker to add credibility to what they intend to be a report full of spin? Will the report provide an objective assessment of the situation in Iraq if it is written by the White House? And what is the Administration trying to hide by limiting their testimony to closed session?


Posted: 08/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Talk Is Cheap, President Bush's Actions Ring Hollow on Veterans Care

Today, President Bush will tour the DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center. We hope he will address some of the glaring needs facing the nation’s wounded warriors. Unfortunately, under the Bush Administration, resources for Veterans’ services have been sorely lacking. Democrats have worked to make Veterans issues front and center by providing needed funding for critical Veterans services. Below are just some of the various ways Democrats have fought for America’s veterans as well as some of the problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs under the Bush Administration.


Posted: 08/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Forgotten War: The State of Afghanistan

Despite reassuring words from the White House, it is undeniable the President has dropped the ball on the real front in the war on terror - Afghanistan.  Osama bin Laden remains at large, attacks are on the rise, poppy crops, which are used to finance Taliban operations are at record levels, and Al-Qaeda is regrouping on the Afghanistan, Pakistan border.  It is clearer than ever that we must redeploy our forces in Iraq so we can re-focus our efforts on the war on terror.


Posted: 08/06/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush-Lott-McConnell Amendment Seeks to Dismantle Bi-Partisan Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today, Senators Mitch McConnell and Trent Lott offered an amendment to the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill. In short, the amendment would provide coverage for far fewer new children while jeopardizing the coverage of hundreds of thousands of children. Below are highlights of why the GOP leadership’s amendment would put kids' health insurance coverage at risk.


Posted: 08/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Government Watchdog Groups Praise Democratic Ethics Reform Bill

Democrats are championing the most sweeping ethics and lobbying reforms in generations. This week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Dianne Feinstein and Joe Lieberman announced final agreement with the House on the text of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (PDF file).  This bicameral agreement contains the most sweeping ethics and lobbying reforms in generations. The bill is being praised by leading ehics and reform organizations.


Posted: 07/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Rhetoric vs. Reality: The Ethics and Lobbying Reform Bill

Some Republicans Senators such as Senators Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint are attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill regarding differences between the landmark Democratic reform bill and the bill passed earlier by the Senate. The final bill-- which could not go to conference due to objections by DeMint-- accomplishes the same goals as the Senate-passed bill. Though the language of the final bill is not word-for-word what Senators DeMint and Coburn have called for, the differences are not substantive. The reality is that their complaints are unfounded and the bill marks the most significant ethics and lobbying reform in over a decade.


Posted: 07/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Issues Misleading Statement of Administration Policy on Senate Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today the Bush Administration underscored their veto threat in their Statement of Administration Policy on the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization. In their Statement, the administration makes several erroneous assumptions about the bill. Below are key administration assertions with the corresponding facts.


Posted: 07/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK - Secretary Leavitt and CHIP

Today on C-Span’s Morning Edition, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, provided misleading information about the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Bill. Below are his comments and the corresponding facts.


Posted: 07/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Protects Health Care for Kids

Today, a bipartisan Senate coalition offered legislation to reauthorize a vital children’s health insurance program, known as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). With their commitment to ensure children in need have the opportunity to receive the care they deserve, Democrats worked with GOP Senators in crafting a bi-partisan bill that covers 3 million children who are currently uninsured and does so in a fiscally responsible manner.


Posted: 07/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project - A Wrap-Up of this Week's Senate Oversight in Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued holding oversight on the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee veterans receive the care they earned, and deserve.


Posted: 07/27/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK - Republican Leadership Press Conference

This afternoon, the Republican Leadership offered their version of events in the 110th Congress. Below are a few fact checks.


Posted: 07/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The 110th Congress - Democratic Accomplishments and Republican Obstructions

This afternoon, Congressional Republican leaders will try to spin fictions about the Democratic-controlled 110th Congress. But the facts are clear. Democrats have produced a record of accomplishment in spite of unprecedented obstruction by the Republican minority. Republicans must stop dragging their feet, and work with Democrats on the business most important to the American people.


Posted: 07/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Murray Commends Passage of Wounded Warriors Bill

Today U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) helped pass landmark legislation to improve care for wounded troops and veterans when they return home from battle.  The Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act passed the Senate today by unanimous consent.


Posted: 07/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What Is NOT Being Sent to Iraq

This morning, President Bush will watch cargo being loaded onto planes en route to Iraq. But there are a number of items that have not been sent to Iraq, despite being desperately needed by our troops. For instance, our troops lack the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles that could save hundreds of lives. Commanders in the field cannot receive the battlefield surveillance they need because our military does not have an adequate number of Predator drones. The Army has struggled to keep up with demand for armor, equipment requests have not been met and operations have been delayed. 


Posted: 07/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Backgrounder on Student Lenders

As college tuition has skyrocketed students are leaving college with more and more debt, to the benefit of student loan providers. At the same time, improper relationships between lenders and universities have contributed to the rising costs faced by students. As of Friday, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo had settled with 11 lenders in his probe of the student loan industry. The Department of Education — officials of which have also faced questions over potential conflicts of interest -- has failed to provide adequate oversight of the industry, leaving it to Congress to act. The Higher Education Reauthorization Act will provide important oversight of the out-of-control student loan industry and put an end to the cozy relationships between lenders and universities. Below are just a few examples of the conflicts of interest and financial arrangements that have come to light within the student loan industry.


Posted: 07/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Keep Their Promise to Working Americans by Raising the Minimum Wage

In May, Democrats delivered on their promise to raise the minimum wage for millions of American workers.  The first installment of that raise goes into effect today, July 24, 2007.  Since the last increase in the minimum wage in 1997, prices for basic needs, from food to gasoline to child care have skyrocketed. By fighting for and passing this minimum wage increase, Democrats have helped millions of Americans immediately earn an extra $1,500 per year and eventually an additional $4,400 per year when the full $2.10 increase is realized. 


Posted: 07/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Republicans' Obstructionism Unprecedented in Senate History

An analysis of the history of filibusters in the Senate over the last 30 years shows that Senate Republicans’ use of the tactic has been unprecedented. Having forced 42 cloture votes already this year – more than in any two year term before 1985-1986 – Senate Republicans are on pace to force 153 cloture votes over the course of the term, nearly three times as many as the 52 of the previous term and far ahead of the record of 61.


Posted: 07/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Student Loan Backgrounder

As college tuition has skyrocketed students are leaving college with more and more debt. The bill passed this morning by the Senate will provide a $17 billion increase in funding for college aid to help more young people go to college. Below are just a few reasons why passage of this bill is crucial for the future of working families.


Posted: 07/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight in Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued holding oversight on the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans receive the care they earned, and deserve.  


Posted: 07/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: President's Budget

For the second time in two weeks, President Bush touted his Administration’s record on the budget. After presiding over a nearly 50 percent increase in spending, a $3 trillion increase in the national debt and the largest deficits in history, Bush is talking tough and threatening to veto spending bills from Congress. But a look at his record shows that he has little credibility on this issue.


Posted: 07/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Finance Committee Approves Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act

By a vote of 17-4, the Senate Finance Committee has approved a bipartisan plan to renew and improve the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) this year.  CHIP provides health coverage to low-income, uninsured American children whose parents do not qualify for Medicaid, but who cannot afford private health insurance.  U.S. Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) crafted the $35 billion Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act to maintain coverage for all 6.6 million children covered by CHIP today – including 800,000 who will lose CHIP coverage without these additional funds – and to bring dependable health coverage to an additional 3.2 million low-income, uninsured American children in the next five years.   The Committee-approved bill sharpens CHIP’s focus on children’s coverage, and targets the lowest-income eligible children for outreach and enrollment.


Posted: 07/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Mislead On Pay Raise For Our Troops

Senate Republicans cried crocodile tears over the delay of the Defense Authorization bill, criticizing Democrats for denying a pay raise for our troops. But they said nothing about the fact that it was Democrats who initially proposed the 3.5% pay raise and that the White House has  gone on record opposing it, claiming it would be too costly. The only things standing between our troops and their pay raise is the White House and Senate Republicans  intent  on blocking any effort the change course in Iraq.  The good news is Senate Republicans still have time to end their filibuster and work with Democrats to pass the Defense Authorization bill, ensuring that our troops receive the pay raise they deserve.


Posted: 07/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

24 Hours of Debate On Iraq: By The Numbers

In the 24 hours that the Senate debated the Levin-Reed Amendment, thousands of Americans across the country made their voices heard in support of a new direction in Iraq. In that time, millions of dollars more were spent, and even more lives were lost in Iraq. In the Senate, as Democrats pushed for a new direction in Iraq the Grand Obstruction Party continued their tactics to block the will of the American people.  


Posted: 07/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Obstructing on Iraq: 50 Vote Margin Norm for Amendments to DOD Authorization

The Grand Obstruction Party is blocking Democratic efforts – supported by the vast majority of Americans - to change course in Iraq by forcing all amendments to the Defense Authorization bill meet a 60 vote threshold.  But forcing 60 votes for amendments to Defense Authorization is completely unprecedented.  Historically, amendments where roll call votes were held were decided by simple majorities.  By refusing to allow up or down votes on Iraq related amendments Senate Republicans have shown they are more interested in protecting the President than protecting our troops.  Below is the reality behind amendments to DOD Authorizations:


Posted: 07/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Talk Is Cheap ...

With violence in Iraq increasing and last week’s progress report showing the Iraqi government and security forces have failed to stand up, it is clear that we must change course in Iraq and re-focus on the war on terror.  Unfortunately, four years into the war and six months since the escalation began, the Grand Obstruction Party is blocking an up or down vote on changing the course in Iraq.  Republicans who spoke against the President’s policy in January, and those that came out against it recently, must stop blocking the will of the American people and allow an up or down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment.  The American public, military, intelligence and foreign affairs officials, and editorial boards are all calling for a new direction.  It’s time Republicans stop obstructing, put their money where their mouths are and stand with the majority of Americans in supporting an end to this war. 


Posted: 07/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: President Bush And Iraq

Seven years into his term, President Bush is still spinning Americans on Iraq.  The truth is after four years of a flawed strategy and six months into the President’s misguided escalation, Iraqi security forces cannot stand up, violence is increasing, and more damage is being done to America’s national security.   Below are the facts behind the President’s spin:


Posted: 07/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act

From difficulties accessing health and mental care, to squalid living conditions and endless red tape, it is clear the President has failed our injured troops and veterans.  Democrats understand that those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice deserve better, and we have been working hard to address these problems.  Below is a brief description of the Wounded Warriors bill – introduced today on the Senate Floor – which reverses many of this Administration's failures regarding veterans' health care.


Posted: 07/12/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Webb Amendment Essential for Troops and National Security

Multiple and extended deployments and rotations that keep our troops in battle longer than they are home have strained our forces and their families.  It has endangered our ability to respond to both threats abroad and disasters at home.  Senator Webb’s amendment addresses these problems, ensuring our heroes have adequate rest and training time.  Republicans must support our troops and the restoration of our military, and vote for this amendment.


Posted: 07/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Rhetoric v. Reality: President Bush And The Economy

Today, President Bush attempted to paper over his record deficits and sad economic record.  Unfortunately, for middle-class Americans struggling to pay the bills and future generations who will be forced to pay off the debt, his record is all too real.  Below is a brief rundown on the reality behind Bush’s rhetoric.


Posted: 07/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Webb Faults Republican Filibuster Of Amendment To Support Troops

Senator Jim Webb of Virginia released a statement following the Republican decision to filibuster his amendment on responsible overseas troop deployment.


Posted: 07/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Baucus Comments On Presidential Remarks On Health Care

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented today on remarks by the President Bush, who called again to replace efforts to renew and improve the successful Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) with tax proposals instead.  CHIP covers low-income American children for health care when their families cannot afford private insurance.   The Finance Committee will soon consider legislation to renew this vital program.


Posted: 07/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Webb Introduces Bi-partisan Amendment Supporting Troops Through Responsible Deployment Cycles

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) today introduced a bi-partisan amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act requiring that active-duty troops and units have at least equal time at home as the length of their previous tour overseas. The amendment also sets a minimum 1-to-3 year ratio for National Guard and Reserve members and units.


Posted: 07/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Kennedy On Immigration After Cloture Vote

Senator Edward M. Kennedy spoke on the Senate floor today after cloture vote.


Posted: 06/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans: The "Grand Obstructionist Party"

While Senate Democrats are determined to move America in a new direction, Senate Republicans are doing their best to stop change at every turn.  Senate Republicans are forcing the Senate to waste hours upon hours debating meaningless motions – wasting Congress’ time and the American people’s time. Senate Democrats are trying to lead the way – but Senate Republicans are determined to stand in the way.


Posted: 06/27/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Myth vs. Reality: The REALITY is the Employee Free Choice Act Helps American Workers and their Families

In November 2006, Americans elected Democrats to take the country in a new direction, in part because we pledged to seek better jobs and better pay for working Americans.   Six months into the 110th Congress, Democrats are delivering on that promise.  In May, after a ten year battle, Congress gave lower-income workers a long overdue raise by increasing the federal minimum wage to $7.25/hour, benefiting millions of workers and their families.  Though a major victory for the American people, there is much more work to be done.


Posted: 06/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.


Posted: 06/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid Hails The Passage of Energy Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today hailing the passage of S.6, the National Energy and Environmental Security Act of 2007.

Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve. Read More...

Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress: Leading America in a New Direction

Less than six months into the 110th Congress, Senate Democrats have made significant strides in passing important, common-sense legislation that reflect the priorities of the American people.  After nearly a decade of Republican control, Democrats have worked to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington and pass key legislation on Iraq policy, homeland security, troop readiness, veterans’ health care, economic competitiveness, ethics reform, the minimum wage, health care, education, energy independence, stem cell research, and Gulf Coast revitalization.  Democrats are committed to proving that elections do matter, and we will continue to pursue the international and domestic priorities that matter most to the American people.  Together, we will take the country in a new direction. 


Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

News from Outside the Beltway

Throughout the Senate energy debate, America has voiced its opinion and the Senate Democrats have listened. Democrats and most Americans recognize that a dramatic shift away from the interests of Big Oil is essential for the environmental sustainability, economic, and national security of our country.  In order to decrease our dependence on oil, America must adopt stronger fuel efficiency standards for automobiles, utilize more energy from renewable sources, and increase its domestic energy production.  Progress in these areas is exactly what the National Energy and Environmental Security Act of 2007 delivers.


Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: President Bush on Stem Cell Research

President Bush today vetoed legislation to expand embryonic stem cell research – for the second time.  Instead of providing hope to millions of Americans, President Bush chose ideology over science.  President Bush needs to face facts: Americans support this bill by a wide margin. 


Posted: 06/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.


Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Moving Forward On Employee Free Choice Act

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) this week. EFCA creates an easier path for workers to receive union representation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is speaking this afternoon at an Employee Free Choice Rally in support of legislation.


Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Pictures From The Employment Free Choice Rally (Updated w/ video)

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) this week. EFCA creates an easier path for workers to receive union representation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Richard Durbin, Charles Schumer, Edward M. Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown spoke this afternoon at an Employee Free Choice rally in support of legislation. We have video and some great pictures from the rally which included thousands of labor advocates and leaders. 


Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Summary Of The Employment Free Choice Act

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act with a possible vote on Thursday. Click on read more for a smmary of the legislation that will allow workers to choose a union free from employer coercion. 

Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Maria Cantwell Calls For Energy Reform In Democratic Radio Address

Senator Maria Cantwell delivers this week’s Democratic Radio Address, calling on Congress to pass an energy policy that strengthens America’s national security and economy.


Posted: 06/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Harry Reid: How the U.S. should fuel its prosperity

The following op-ed piece written by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was published in the Dallas Morning News today:


Posted: 06/12/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact vs. Fiction: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Americans have lost confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Below are some of the reasons why Senators should vote today to express a lack of confidence in the Attorney General. On issue after issue, Gonzales's statements leave Americans with more questions than answers. The country needs an Attorney General focused on administering justice.


Posted: 06/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.


Posted: 06/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Americans Have Lost Confidence in the Attorney General

Today, every Senator will have the opportunity to go on record and either approve or disapprove of the performance of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.  Gonzales has repeatedly shown that he lacks the leadership necessary to run the Justice Department.  Republicans have joined Democrats in speaking out in protest of Gonzales’ poor management and questionable judgment.  When the time comes to vote, will they stand by their earlier statements, or will they provide cover to a President unwilling to demand accountability from the Attorney General? 


Posted: 06/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

No Confidence Vote on Gonzalez this Monday

Today, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) announced that a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be held this Monday: 


Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve. 


Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

News from Outside The Beltway

As they returned home for the Memorial Day District Work Period, Democrats addressed the record-breaking gas prices and threats to our environment that need urgent attention in Congress. Newspapers from across the country are picking up Democrats’ united call for energy legislation that protects consumers, increase our energy independence, strengthens the economy and reduces global warming emissions. Next week Democrats will begin debate on an energy bill that accomplishes all of those goals, while also keeping the pressure on this Administration to change course in Iraq.


Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush: Not Getting the Job Done on Global Warming

At the G-8 Summit this week, President Bush has been working to weaken a proposal to cut emissions and limit global warming.  Unfortunately, this latest move by the President to undercut efforts to combat global warming is entirely consistent with his poor record on energy and the environment.  Next week, the Senate will be moving forward with energy legislation that will begin to address the issues the President has ignored.  Our plan will achieve reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions and help curb the risks of global warming by requiring the oil industry to start producing clean, renewable fuels in America rather those that contaminate our air and water and bringing more efficient cars, appliances and products to market. The cleaner our power sources, the fewer pollutants we produce and the easier our communities and our children breathe.


Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

After a Ten Year Battle, Democrats Raise the Minimum Wage for American Workers

Last year, Americans voted to take the country in a much-needed new direction by electing Democrats to lead Congress.  Democrats promised to seek better pay for working Americans, starting by raising the federal minimum wage to $7.25/hour.  In May, after a decade-long battle, Congress, under Democratic leadership, accomplished that important goal.  While the Senate passed H.R. 2, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 earlier in the year, the wage was finally increased as part of P.L. 110-28, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (2007 Emergency Supplemental).  


Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bipartisan Group of Senators Call on President to Make Climate Change a Priority for G8 Summit

In a letter (PDF) sent to President Bush today, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) called for U.S. participation in the development of a multilateral response to global warming at the G8 Summit this week. The effort, led by Chairman Biden, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), urges President Bush to engage his counterparts at the G8 constructively in order to reach consensus on global solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.


Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people are demanding a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  This week, Senate Democrats are continuing to conduct the oversight necessary to hold the President accountable.


Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid Responds To The White House's Vision Of South Korea Model For Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to the White House’s announcement that it would like to see a lengthy U.S. troop presence in Iraq like the one in South Korea


Posted: 05/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Administration Must Show Real Leadership On Global Warming

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to President Bush’s call for a global greenhouse-gases emissions goal: 


Posted: 05/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Majority Leader on Sudan Sanctions ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to newly announced sanctions against Sudan:


Posted: 05/29/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' New Direction: Fulfilling Our Commitment to Veterans

The Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) has released a fact sheet entitled: "Senate Democrats' New Direction: Fulfilling Our Commitment to Veterans". This report has been released in conjunction with the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee's video, entitled "Keeping The Promise: Senate Democrats Honor Our Commitment to America's Veterans". Read More...

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

War Veteran Delivers Memorial Day Message In Democratic Radio Address

In this week's Democratic Radio Address, Afghanistan war veteran Elliot Anderson gives his opinion on the best ways to honor our troops this Memorial Day. Read More...

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Report Comes Out On "Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Postwar Iraq"

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, today unveiled one of the final remaining sections of Phase II: Prewar Intelligence Assessments About Postwar Iraq. The report is available on the Committee's website and is accompanied by two recently declassified Intelligence Community assessments from January 2003.


Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve. Read More...

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Impact of High Fuel Prices on the American Economy and Businesses

The Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) has released a document detailing the impact of high fuel process on the American economy and business. Gasoline prices broke records nationally and in 20 states this month. The DPC documenta details how high prices are increasingly taking a toll on the economy:


Posted: 05/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Welcome to the Coast Guard Academy, President Bush!

President Bush will address graduates of the Coast Guard Academy today, thanking them for their service to our country.  Unfortunately, under his watch, Coast Guard readiness has deteriorated greatly. The Coast Guard has fewer ships than it had five years ago despite billions of dollars in taxpayer expenditures. Today, the President is expected to speak on the subject of Iraq, but Americans will want to know what he plans to do about making sure the Coast Guard is ready to do its job. The members of America's Coast Guard deserve better than their current civilian leadership. Read More...

Posted: 05/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senators Reid, Levin, Biden and Rockefeller Write to President Bush

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Carl Levin, Joseph Biden Jr. and John D. Rockefeller IV sent a letter to the President in light of new developments regarding Iran and the release of the IAEA's latest assessment of Iran's nuclear activities.


Posted: 05/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's New Plan B Was America's Plan A

As Senate Democrats continue to hold the President accountable for his failed stay-the-course policy in Iraq, the White House has started to consider going back to the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group as a "Plan B". Senate Democrats have long advocated for many of the recommendations that were incorporated into the Iraq Study Group's report, while the White House dismissively rejected the group's recommendations in December in favor of a flawed plan crafted by the American Enterprise Institute. Meanwhile, Americans and Iraqis have paid the price for the President's slow transition from its flawed Plan A to a more sustainable Plan B. Read More...

Posted: 05/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable. Read More...

Posted: 05/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Needs Tough, Fair, and Practical Immigration Reform

America's immigration system is broken. Ineffective enforcement and inadequate pathways to legal immigration have led to a skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants. It is estimated that nearly 12 million people live in this country without authorization, with an additional 500,000 settling each year. Last year, the Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan measure to address this problem, but it was blocked by House Republicans. The American people deserve better. The Democratic Policy Committee recently released a fact sheet titled, "America Needs Tough, Fair, and Practical Immigration Reform." Read More...

Posted: 05/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq.


Posted: 05/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Growing Momentum Toward Changing Course in Iraq ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delivered a statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate stating how there is a growing momentum in the toward changing course in Iraq:


Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Measuring Progress in Iraq: The Status of Political Benchmarks

In September, the Iraqi government publicly committed to meet a series of political benchmarks, by the end of 2006 or early 2007, for advancing the national reconciliation process, including measures for amending the constitution; holding provincial elections; reforming de-Baathification laws; regulating the oil industry; and disbanding sectarian militias.


Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Floor Roundup: Democrats Pass a Budget

Last November, Americans called for an end to the Republicans' irresponsible management of tax-payer dollars. The Democrats' budget answers this call. It returns fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C. and invests in America's real priorities. Today, on the Senate Floor, Democrats hailed the return of responsible budgeting to our Nation's Capital. Below are a few of their comments: Read More...

Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Democrats Will Continue To Push For Change Of Course In Iraq ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate regarding Sen. Levin’s withdrawal of his amendment to change course in Iraq:


Posted: 05/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Remain Committed to Fund Our Troops & Change Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senators Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Russell Feingold and Ron Wyden held a press conference today discussing Democratic efforts to change in course in Iraq. To watch a video of this press conference please click here. Read More...

Posted: 05/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senators Durbin, Schumer, Feingold and Kennedy Write to Attorney General Gonzalez

Senators Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, Russell Feingold, and Edward Kennedy sent a letter today to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez today requesting prompt response concerning questions stemming from former Deputy Attorney General James Comey's dramatic testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Read More...

Posted: 05/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Senate Leaders Agree On Path To Emergency Supplemental Conference

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today:


Posted: 05/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Senate Will Have Opportunity To Speak On Change Of Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today, announcing the introduction of two amendments to the Water Resources Development Act that would allow Senators the opportunity to vote to change course in the war in Iraq, while also expediting Senate consideration of the Iraq war supplemental:


Posted: 05/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Democrats Will Fix Immigration System In Tough, Fair, Practical Way

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada made the following statement earlier this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate: Read More...

Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Bipartisan Consensus Emerging To Change Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate:


Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President’s conduct of the war. Read More...

Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Benchmarks In Iraq Must Include Consequences

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to President Bush’s remarks on the war in Iraq: Read More...

Posted: 05/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out On The War In Iraq

Senators Debbie Stabenow and Ted Kennedy kicked off an effort today to make the voices of everyday Americans heard by the President and Congress. Senators Stabenow and Kennedy held a press conference today to highlight how each and every American, from every walk of life, is impacted by the Iraq war and the failed policies of the Bush Administration. This is the first in a series of events to give a larger voice to Americans across the country who are concerned about and affected by this war. The Senators were joined by teachers, farmers, faith leaders and veterans from across the country including Donn Teske, a Kansas farmer, Anna Burger, Secretary-Treasurer of SEIU and Jim Winkler, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.


Posted: 05/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Needs Tough, Fair and Practical Immigration Reform

America's immigration system is broken. Ineffective enforcement and inadequate pathways to legal immigration have led to a skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants. It is estimated that nearly 12 million people live in this country without authorization, with an additional 500,000 settling each year. Last year, the Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan measure to address this problem, but it was blocked by House Republicans. The American people deserved better. In the 110th Congress, Democrats have made immigration reform that is tough, fair and practical a top priority. As the Senate's scheduled debate on this issue approaches, it is important to remember why fixing our broken immigration system is important to our nation. Read More...

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Work to Protect Consumers and Move Toward Energy Independence

As the price of gasoline passed $3 per gallon this week, Senate Democrats continued to push for policies that protect consumers in the short run and move America toward energy independence as soon as possible. Democrats are working to pass legislation that will enhance American's security by reducing the nation's dependence on foreign and unsustainable energy sources and the risks of global warming by: Read More...

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Leadership Expresses "Grave Concern" re. Crisis at The World Bank

Today Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbn, Patty Murray, and Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President George W. Bush expressing "grave concern about the situation with respect to the leadership of the World Bank". Read More...

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Oversight Highlights Week of April 30, 2007

Congress has the Constitutional responsibility to perform oversight of the Executive Branch and matters of public interest.  Each week the Democratic Policy Committee releases a report summarizing highlights from Senate oversight hearings. Here is the report highligting Senate oversight hearings from the week of April 30, 2007. Read More...

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

On Timetables ...

As President Bush sends 35,000 more American soldiers over to Iraq, giving him the capability to keep his escalation going even longer, members of his party are discovering a newfound appreciation for the timetables they previously joined Bush in rejecting. Unfortunately, the American people are demanding a change of course now, not next September. Republicans who have had enough of President Bush's flawed Iraq policies should join with Democrats to craft legislation that transitions the mission. Read More...

Posted: 05/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Guard Readiness Suffers from President Bush's Iraq Policies

The President's flawed stay-the-course policy in Iraq has decreased the capacity of our National Guard to respond to crises at home.  The tornadoes that ripped through Kansas this weekend tragically demonstrate that our National Guard is stretched too thin and lacks the equipment necessary to handle disasters in the U.S. The President's strategy in Iraq is making America less safe and communities in Kansas are paying the price. Read More...

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable. Read More...

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Middle-Class Life Under Bush: Less Affordable and Less Secure

For millions of hard-working, middle-class families, life under the Bush presidency has grown less affordable and less secure. President Bush's record of fiscal incompetence and mismanagement, and Republicans' close ties with special interests, have helped lead to both lower wages on the one hand and skyrocketing costs for basic necessities like gas, health care, and college tuition on the other. Unfortunately, instead of producing solutions to the problems facing the middle class, Bush Republicans have ignored them and pushed for policies that would make matters even worse. Read More...

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Are Breaking From The President On Iraq

With our troops mired in the middle of a civil war, U.S. casualties mounting, and terrorist attacks up across the globe, some Congressional Republicans are beginning to realize that the current path in Iraq is unsustainable. There is hope that they will put the interests of the country ahead of protecting the President. Read More...

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up Of This Week's Senate Oversight On Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President’s conduct of the war.  While the President and Senate Republicans have chosen to follow a failed stay-the-course strategy in Iraq, Senate Democrats continued to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy. Read More...

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid joined millions of Americans today in commemorating Cinco de Mayo, which is celebrated tomorrow, May 5th. This day marks the historic triumph of the Mexican people over the French Army in the battle of Puebla in 1862.

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats United In Efforts To Change Course in Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement earlier this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate:  Read More...

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Schumer, In Democratic Radio Address, Calls For Change Of Course In Iraq

Senator Chuck Schumer delivers this week's Democratic Radio Address, calling on the President to work with Congress to forge a new direction in Iraq. Democrats remain united in our efforts to fully fund our troops and change course in Iraq. Read More...

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Ben Nelson's Iraq CODEL

Senator Ben Nelson (NE) recently led a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) to Iraq to meet with Nebraska troops and assess the challenges and progress in the war-torn country. Read More...

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Book Report: At the Center of the Storm, by George Tenet

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, former CIA Director George Tenet confirms that the Bush Administration rushed into war in Iraq based on suspect intelligence with no plan to secure the peace.  Here are some of the key revelations from Tenet’s book: Read More...

Posted: 05/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Mission Accomplished?

Four years after President Bush declared "mission accomplished," Americans from all parts of the country continue to bear the burden of the President's flawed Iraq policies. Over 3,300 American servicemen and women have been killed, and over 24,000 have been wounded. Read More...

Posted: 05/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As the President threatens to veto a bill that will fully fund the troops and transition the mission, Senate committees continue to hold oversight hearings on the administration's policies in Iraq. Read More...

Posted: 04/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Sen. Reid's Fine Leadership

The Senate Democratic Caucus sent a letter to the Washington Post to contest the attack on Senator Harry Reid's Leadership by David S. Broder in his April 26 column, "The Democrat's Gonzalez." Read More...

Posted: 04/27/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Senate Passes Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Conference Report to Address Critical National Security and Domestic Needs

Today the Senate passed the conference report to the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 by a vote of 51-46. The legislation provides $124.2 billion in emergency funds primarily to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan; ensure continued recovery for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; providing first-class health care for wounded veterans; address critical gaps in homeland security; and provide emergency disaster assistance for farmers. This fact sheet provides an overview of the key provisions, which - unfortunately - President Bush claims he will veto when the legislation reaches his desk. Read More...

Posted: 04/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Rhetoric Vs. Reality: Responding to Republican Attacks on the Supplemental Appropriations Bill

For the past several weeks, the White House and its Republican allies in the House and Senate have launched a full-scale attack on Congress's handling of the Fiscal Year 2007 supplemental appropriations bill. Hoping to shift blame for war funding shortfalls, declining military readiness, and a failing strategy in Iraq, Republicans are employing false claims and misleading rhetoric to find ways to vote against a bill that would fund the troops, protect America, and increase chances for success in Iraq. The following fact sheet outlines the most common Republican attacks against the bill and sets the record straight on why President Bush should sign this legislation as soon as it reaches his desk. Read More...

Posted: 04/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq: The Facts on the Ground

Today Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delivered a speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars where he gave an honest assessment of the reality on the ground in Iraq. While the President today continued to talk about the progress his escalation plan is bringing to Iraq, the facts on the ground tell a different story. April has become one of the deadliest months on record for coalition troops, with an average of almost four killed every day. Senator Reid and Democrats are calling for a change of course. Read More...

Posted: 04/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush in Michigan

Today, President Bush returns to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to discuss the war on terror. In 2003, President Bush went there to make the claim that Iraq and al-Qaeda were working together, a claim we now know to be false. While President Bush may still call Iraq the "central front in the war on terror," the truth is that the President's failed policies in Iraq are making America less safe. Michigan service men and women are bearing the brunt of Bush's "stay the course" strategy, and Michigan's communities are paying for Bush's inflexible policy of surging our troops into the midst of an Iraqi civil war. The President should drop his threat to veto a bill that will provide the troops the funding they need and the change of course they deserve. Read More...

Posted: 04/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Facts on Iraq Spending

On April 16, the Department of the Army informed Congress that it has the funds to keep operations running through the end of June. This information contradicts the timeline the President has put forth in his effort to pressure Congress to send him the supplemental funding bill in the form he would prefer. President Bush should level with the American people and sign a supplemental that will provide the troops with the funding they need while changing the course in Iraq. Read More...

Posted: 04/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush in Ohio

One day after the deadliest day in Baghdad since the beginning of the new security initiative, President Bush today is delivering remarks on the global war on terror at Tippecanoe High School in Tipp City, Ohio. While the President likes to call Iraq "the central front in the war on terror," the discouraging truth is that the President's flawed policies in Iraq have made America less secure. Ohio service men and women are bearing the brunt of Bush's "stay the course" strategy, and Ohio's communities are paying for Bush's inflexible commitment to an Iraqi civil war. The President should drop his threat to veto a bill that will provide the troops the funding they need and the change of course they deserve. Read More...

Posted: 04/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Is Alone in Supporting the Attorney General

President Bush continues to support his Attorney General: "President Bush was pleased with the Attorney General's testimony today. After hours of testimony in which he answered all of the Senators' questions and provided thousands of pages of documents, he again showed that nothing improper occurred. He admitted the matter could have been handled much better, and he apologized for the disruption to the lives of the U.S. Attorneys involved, as well as for the lack of clarity in his initial responses." (Press Release, 4/19/07) Read More...

Posted: 04/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 12, 2008:

The Senate stands in recess for pro forma sessions only, with no business conducted on the following days and times: Friday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 16 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 23 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 26 at 11:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 30 at 10:30 a.m.; and Friday, January 2 at 10:00 a.m.

At the close of the pro forma Session on January 2, 2009, the Senate will stand adjourned sine die.


Senate Floor Calendar...




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