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home with Kenna, going to hang out this afternoon although their are a million things to do
Full Time Mom starting very soon, join in at
kids at school, time for me to get cleaned up and ready for the day
between Meagan and Matt taking their showers and me washing dishes we are now out of hot water, should warm back up before Kenna's turn
getting kids showered and ready for school, just finished cutting Matt's hair, going to do the dishes while the older 2 bathe themselves
Watching the final ER Christmas episode, actress who is an intern on Grey's is a patient tonight
@tlverst you can borrow one of mine ;-)
Matt didn't put the seat down & Kenna fell in, while explaining that he should be considerate of his sisters I burst out laughing, not good
Fixing dinner and man it smells good
Kenna asked if we can stay home for a little bit so she can play Kitchen, how can I resist that sweetness, she has been so good today
at home for lunch, almost finished with my mother in laws gifts then onto the gifts from @gspn 's grandparents, then my own, fun day for me
Getting hungry going to finish MIL's then get lunch and come back to do my wrapping
@AlisonL have you been around my children this morning, they always argue with me about what I know ;-)
At the insurance office wrapping presents for my MIL
At school not alot of work due to one teacher being out sick, think I may wrap presents for my MIL when finished, I LOVE wrapping
trying to get some energy to get my self going this morning, volunteering at school today so I must get ready with the kids
Just found out my sister April is expecting a baby, excited to be an Aunt, again ;)
Dinner is ready, we are once again jamming to tobyMac, kids request, how cool is that
starting dinner and tidying up for Home Team, I love having a "clean/decluttered" house


Shannon Ryan Robert Johnson Jeremy L. Kim Cliff Ravenscraft Fred Firestine Jaime Ditterline Amy Pearson Bay-Bee Kim Fenolio Amy Wright Holly Fe de Leon Krissy Maggie Rachel Lorrie Jeskey Patti B. Nicola Maltby Sharon April Kirsty Heaton Geoff Gentry Shelly Amy aka Knitnmom Amanda from Michigan Mark Tafoya Beth Madonna ariel publicity Andrea Zuñiga ibneaters Melinda/melinky Anne