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@izjay you might want to give this a read about the Ford vs. Online Community issue, as well as follow @ScottMonty
@mdurwin Full updates also here about the Ford vs. Online Community issue, as well as @ScottMonty
@ScottMonty I hope it's not some lame "we've got to protect our trademarks crap". . . waiting to hear the "real" story
@ScottMonty Hmmm, I wonder what that cryptic message means. Lawyers being lawyers?
@ScottMonty Scott Monty is earning his paycheck today. I think this is a good example for other corporations to look at.
Scott Monty, Ford's Twitter guru responds to the Ford vs. it's online community fans crisis follow him @ScottMonty
@ScottMonty I hope so! This is one that could really blow up in Ford's face.
@Energy_Geek Here's another article about the Ford attacks, including a reply from Ford http://www.mustangevolution...
@leeTrans More info about that here, with a response from Ford http://www.mustangevolution...
More info about Ford's attack against online communities http://www.mustangevolution...
Ford hates people who love them the most. It'll take more than a bailout to save them. It's at least as bad as the RIAA
@Blagojevich Anyone know why the feds arrested Governor Blagojevich?
@Marelisa Is it the real Malcolm Gladwell?
Fox News says 61% of Americans oppose the bailout of the auto industry. What do you think?
@davematson That's what Digg members do. Snakes hiss, dogs bark, cows moo, and Digg users pile on.
If you've ever contemplated bragging how many Facebook friends or Twitter followers you have, read this first -
There are some good nuggets for online community builders in this talk
enjoying a toasty fire on a brisk New England morning while the kids run screaming throughout the house.
@sitepointdotcom Started reading Outliers last night, first chapter was really interesting. Will get to the rest tonight :)


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