
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
10:00 a.m.
SR-301, Russell Senate Office Building

Hearing to receive testimony on S. 1487,
the Ballot Integrity Act

Click here to view the July 25th hearing.

Hearing Transcript

Opening Statement - The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

Opening Statement - The Honorable Robert Bennett
Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

Opening Statement - The Honorable Saxby Chambliss
Member, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration


The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton (Statement)
United States Senate

Panel 1:

The Honorable Deborah L. Markowitz (Statement)
Vermont Secretary of State
Past President, National Association of Secretaries of State
Montpelier, VT

Mr. George N. Gilbert (Statement)
Director, Guilford County Board of Elections
Greensboro, NC

Ms. Wendy Noren (Statement)
Boone County Clerk
Columbia, MO

    Representing National Association of Counties

Dr. Michael I. Shamos (Statement)
Professor, School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA

Mr. Ray Martinez (Statement)
Policy Adviser, The Pew Center on the States
Former Member, Election Assistance Commission
Austin, TX

Panel 2:

Ms. Mary Wilson (Statement)
League of Women Voters
Washington, DC

Mr. Doug Lewis (Statement)
Executive Director
The Election Center
Houston, TX

Ms. Tanya Clay House (Statement)
Director of Public Policy
People for the American Way
Washington, DC

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