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“Executive Business Meeting”

Senate Judiciary Committee
Full Committee
DATE: March 17, 2005
TIME: 09:30 AM
ROOM: SD 226


An Executive Business Meeting has been scheduled by the Committee on the Judiciary, for Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 9:30 a.m., in the Senate Dirksen Building, Room 226.

Senator Specter will preside.

By order of the Chairman


Executive Business Meeting
Senate Judiciary Committee

226 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.

I. Nominations

William G. Myers, III

to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit

Thomas B. Griffith

to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit

Robert J. Conrad, Jr.

to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of North Carolina

James C. Dever, III

to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina

Paul A. Crotty

to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York

J. Michael Seabright

to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Hawaii

II. Bills


S. 378, Reducing Crime and Terrorism at America's Seaports Act of 2005

[Biden, Specter, Feinstein, Kyl, Cornyn]

S. 188, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Reauthorization Act of 2005

[Feinstein, Kyl, Schumer, Cornyn, Durbin, Specter]

S. 119, Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2005

[Feinstein, Schumer, Durbin, DeWine, Feingold, Kennedy, Brownback, Specter]

S. 589, a bill to establish the Commission on Freedom of Information Act Processing Delays
[Cornyn, Leahy, Grassley]

III. Committee Business

Subcommittee Approval

109th Congress

Subcommittees of the Senate Judiciary Committee

Administrative Oversight and the Courts
Jurisdiction: (1) Court administration and management; (2) Judicial rules and procedures; (3) Creation of new courts and judgeships; (4) Bankruptcy; (5) Administrative practices and procedures; (6) Legal reform and liability issues; (7) Oversight of the Department of Justice grant programs, as well as government waste and fraud; (8) Private relief bills other than immigration; and (9) Oversight of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.

Membership: (4/3)
Jeff Sessions, AL (Chairman)
Charles E. Schumer, NY (Ranking Democrat)
Arlen Specter, PA
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Jon Kyl, AZ

Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
Jurisdiction: (1) Oversight of antitrust and competition policy laws, including the Sherman and Clayton Acts; (2) Oversight of antitrust and competition enforcement policies of Justice Department; (3) Oversight of antitrust and competition policies of the Federal Trade Commission; and (4) competition policy and consumer rights.

Membership: (6/5)
Mike DeWine, OH (Chairman)
Herbert Kohl, WI (Ranking Democrat)
Arlen Specter, PA
Patrick J. Leahy, VT
Orrin G. Hatch, UT
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Lindsey O. Graham, SC
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Sam Brownback, KS

Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights
Jurisdiction: (1) Constitutional amendments; (2) Civil rights oversight; (3) Property rights; (4) Federal-State relations; (5) Individual rights; (6) Commemorative Congressional Resolutions; and (7) Interstate compacts.

Membership: (5/4)
Sam Brownback, KS (Chairman)
Russell D. Feingold, WI (Ranking Democrat)
Arlen Specter, PA
Edward M. Kennedy, MA
Lindsey O. Graham, SC
Dianne Feinstein, CA
John Cornyn, TX
Richard J. Durbin, IL
Tom Coburn, OK

Corrections & Rehabilitation
Jurisdiction: (1) Corrections, rehabilitation, and other detention-related policy; (2) Parole and probation policy; (3) Oversight of the Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Prisons and Office of the Pardon Attorney; (4) Oversight of the U.S. Parole Commission; and (5) Rehabilitation programs under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended (including the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act).

Membership: (5/4)
Tom Coburn, OK (Chairman)
Richard J. Durbin, IL (Ranking Democrat)
Arlen Specter, PA
Patrick J. Leahy, VT
Jeff Sessions, AL
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
John Cornyn, TX
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Sam Brownback, KS

Crime and Drugs
Jurisdiction: (1) Oversight of the Department of Justice's (a) Criminal Division; (b) Drug Enforcement Administration; (c) Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys; (d) Violence Against Women's Office; and (e) U.S. Marshal's Office; (2) Oversight of the U.S. Sentencing Commission; (3) Youth violence and directly related issues; (4) Federal programs under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended (including the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act); (5) Criminal justice and victim's rights legislation; (6) Oversight of the Office of National Drug Control Policy; (7) Oversight of Community Oriented Policing Office and related law enforcement grants; and (8) Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service.

Membership: (6/5)
Lindsey O. Graham, SC (Chairman)
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE (Ranking Democrat)
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Herbert Kohl, WI
Jon Kyl, AZ
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Mike DeWine, OH
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Jeff Sessions, AL
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Tom Coburn, OK

Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
Jurisdiction: (1) Immigration, citizenship, and refugee laws; (2) Oversight of the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the immigration functions of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Directorate of Border and Transportation Security; (3) Oversight of the immigration-related functions of the Department of Justice, the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, and the Department of Labor; (4) Oversight of international migration and refugee laws and policy; and (5) Private immigration relief bills.

Membership: (7/6)
John Cornyn, TX (Chairman)
Edward M. Kennedy, MA (Ranking Democrat)
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
Jon Kyl, AZ
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Mike DeWine, OH
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Jeff Sessions, AL
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Sam Brownback, KS
Richard J. Durbin, IL
Tom Coburn, OK

Intellectual Property
Jurisdiction: (1) Intellectual property laws, including those affecting patents, copyrights and trademarks; (2) Oversight of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; (3) Oversight of the U.S. Copyright Office; and (4) Oversight of the intellectual property laws, treaties and policies affecting international trade.

Membership: (7/6)
Orrin G. Hatch, UT (Chairman)
Patrick J. Leahy, VT (Ranking Democrat)
Jon Kyl, AZ
Edward M. Kennedy, MA
Mike DeWine, OH
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
Lindsey O. Graham, SC
Dianne Feinstein, CA
John Cornyn, TX
Herbert Kohl, WI
Sam Brownback, KS
Richard J. Durbin, IL
Tom Coburn, OK

Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security
Jurisdiction: (1) Oversight of anti-terrorism enforcement and policy; (2) Oversight of Department of Homeland Security functions as they relate to anti-terrorism enforcement and policy; (3) Oversight of State Department consular operations as they relate to anti-terrorism enforcement and policy; (4) Oversight of laws related to government information policy, electronic privacy and security of computer information, Freedom of Information Act, and Privacy Act; (5) Oversight of encryption policies and export licensing; and (6) Oversight of espionage laws and their enforcement.

Membership: (7/6)
Jon Kyl, AZ (Chairman)
Dianne Feinstein, CA (Ranking Democrat)
Orrin G. Hatch, UT
Edward M. Kennedy, MA
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
John Cornyn, TX
Herbert Kohl, WI
Mike DeWine, OH
Russell D. Feingold, WI
Jeff Sessions, AL
Richard J. Durbin, IL
Lindsey O. Graham, SC

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