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Congratulations to @Nicco (and his wife Morra) on the birth of Asa Archibald Mele at 7:05am this morning.
Yesterday is was the remote control. Today, Henry is obsessed with the Red, Yellow and White A/V cables on the TV.
Listening to AOL Radio online -- they are playing Peaches by the Presidents of the United States of America. Awesome!
Trying to read Henry (my one year-old) a story from the WSJ online. He won't sit still and listen. No respect for mainstream journalism.
There should be an Olympic level competition for hitting plastic balls with a plastic hammer.
Henry playing with keys. Seems so enamored that even two parents in the room can't shake his attention loose.
@hotlead yes, bought it. But not loyal if they mess with by product. Tread carefully, Tropicana.
Hey Tropicana - why redesign your orange juice container? Doesn't look as good as old one.
She has exactly ten items (this is in the right) and she is mouthing off to the cashier.
Woman in front of me in express line very angry about being accused of having more than 10 items.
My 13-month old son just pointed the remote at the TV and pressed the buttons. I know I shouldn't be, but deep down inside I am proud.
Eating grapes.
Nothing better than football fans all dressed up for a game - face paint, mascot-themes hat, jersey.
Terrific Winter Classic game in the books. Now time to prepare for the Rose Bowl.
Headed back. Pucks and passes await!
Phew... Don't have to take the fifth pizza afterall (it would have been wasted I am sure)
Now I will have five pizzas (instead of four) - probably too my much food, but at least I didn't have to pay for it.
Pizza place messed up my order, but have me a free pizza as an apology.
The people next to me at pizza place are going to Kohl's after they eat.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Scott Beale Clay Johnson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis jyo Nancy Scola Brian Del Vecchio Sooz Josh Hallett Ruby Sinreich nicco mele Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Adam Weiss Bill Palmer Beth Kanter Eric Olson Doug Haslam Jim Long marianne richmond Brian Solis Ian Forrester Justin Abbott  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Marc Orchant giovanni Starbucks Coffee Anil Dash dotBen jimbo wales
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