From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kennedy, Kerry and Lynch Announce Grant to Improve Community Safety in the City of Brockton $225,000 grant to fund Brockton Weed and Seed site

Wednesday, October 8, 2003

Washington, DC - Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John F. Kerry along with Congressman Stephen F. Lynch today announced a $225,000 Department of Justice supplemental award to the Plymouth County District Attorney's office in Brockton, Massachusetts. The funds represent their fifth award since receiving Official Recognition in May of 1999. $116,278 of the total award will be used to support weeding activities such as community policing, which will increase the number of officers on the street. The law enforcement component of the award will work with the community to reduce violent crime by 25%. Other initiatives covered by the funding include prevention, intervention and treatment programs, outreach efforts, a reduction in truancy, an improvement in communications between officers and the community as well as the production of monthly statistics for each beat and rapid response officer. "Community policing is a proven solution to the troubling crime problems faced in cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth, and this is another step forward in our ongoing fight against crime. I'm pleased we were able to work together to provide these much-needed needed resources to Brockton," Kennedy said. "As a strong supporter of the Community Oriented Policing program, I know that keeping our families safe means a commitment to putting more cops on the street in our communities," said Kerry, who offered the original amendment to provide funding to place 100,000 police officers in community policing assignments. "The efforts by the Brockton Weed and Seed site to improve community policing is a step in the right direction and I am pleased to announce funding for this program." "Congressman Stephen F. Lynch said, "This federal funding is the result of the successful partnership formed between community leaders and faith-based organizations to support Chief Paul Studenski and his public safety efforts. Weed and Seed is an initiative that works, and I'm pleased that the Department of Justice is continuing its investment in the City of Brockton." These funds are awarded by the Executive Office for Weed and Seed. Each site is required to demonstrate a firm commitment either of time or resources in order to qualify for this funding.
