From the Office of Senator Kerry



Wednesday, April 9, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today passed unanimously an amendment calling for the Bush Administration to “demonstrate international leadership and responsibility in reducing the health, environmental, and economic risks posed by global climate change.”

The Sense of Congress amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorizing Act for FY 2004 was sponsored by Senator John Kerry and Committee Ranking Member Joseph R. Biden.

“The Committee made a very strong statement today that the United States must provide leadership on climate change,” said Kerry. “The Bush Administration’s complete dismissal of climate change issues is unacceptable, particularly when the scientific evidence of the negative impacts of climate change is so compelling.”

“By passing this amendment, we’ve set forth some specific principles about what leadership on global climate change means. That includes taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and doing so in a way that protects and promotes the economic interests of the United States,” said Kerry.

The resolution articulates Senate views on the following:

§ It points to the mounting evidence that increases in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases are contributing to global climate change.

§ It addresses Senate Resolution 98 (105th Congress) by affirming its standing and stating that it should not be interpreted as a reason for the United States to abandon its shared responsibility to help solve global climate change.

§ It calls on the Administration to participate in international negotiations, including putting forth a proposal to secure United States participation in a future binding climate change treaty. Such a treaty would be negotiated in a manner that is consistent with the environmental objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, that protects the economic interests of the United States, and that recognizes the shared international responsibility for addressing climate change, including developing country participation.

The Kerry-Biden Amendment expresses the sense of the United States Congress that the United States should demonstrate international leadership and responsibility in reducing the health, environmental, and economic risks posed by climate change by:

1. taking responsible action to ensure significant and meaningful reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases from all sectors;

2. creating flexible international and domestic mechanisms, including joint implementation, technology deployment, tradable credits for emissions reductions and carbon sequestration projects that will reduce, avoid, and sequester greenhouse gas emissions;

3. participating in international negotiations, including putting forth a proposal to the Conference of the Parties, with the objective of securing United States participation in a future binding climate change Treaty in a manner that is consistent with the environmental objectives of the UNFCCC, that protects the economic interests of the United States, and recognizes the shared international responsibility for addressing climate change, including developing country participation; and

4. establishing a bipartisan Senate observer group designated by the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate to monitor any international negotiations on climate change, to ensure that the advice and consent function of the Senate is exercised in a manner so as to facilitate timely consideration of any new treaty submitted to the Senate.

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