From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry-Frist Unveil Comprehensive Strategy to Fight Global AIDS, Malaria, TB

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In an effort to combat the spread and devastation of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria on a global scale, Sens. John Kerry (D-MA) and Bill Frist (R-TN) today unveiled 'The U.S. LEADERSHIP AGAINST HIV/AIDS, TB and MALARIA ACT OF 2002'-- a comprehensive package of funding for AIDS prevention programs and investments in vaccine research and purchase funds as well as the first effort to create a long term strategy for American leadership in responding to this global pandemic. If passed into law, the Kerry-Frist bill would represent the largest single monetary commitment ever made by the United States to deal with the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

"This bipartisan effort comes at a critical moment in the world's fight against AIDS and infectious disease. More than 5,000 Africans die each day of AIDS, and two-thirds of all TB patients in Africa are also infected with HIV. We are facing the world's worst health crisis since the bubonic plague," said Senator Kerry. "American leadership is needed as never before. The United States can not afford to sit on the sidelines or tinker at the edges of a global pandemic. This legislation will provide clear American leadership, helping to harness resources here at home and around the globe for research and development to eradicate these deadly diseases, investing unprecedented amounts of capital in effective prevention programs and directing resources to the people on the ground fighting these diseases. There's no room for partisanship -- our only goal must be to bring real relief to Africa and developing countries."

"The global AIDS crisis continues to take a devastating toll on humanity," said Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN). "America has already provided critical leadership which has resulted in a tremendous international response. Winning the war against AIDS will require strengthening United States leadership through a coordinated, comprehensive strategy that utilizes our unique resources and capabilities. This bill brings together the best ideas to address the global AIDS crisis into one comprehensive piece of legislation."

The Kerry-Frist bill not only would increase US spending on global AIDS from roughly $1 billion this year to more than $2 billion per year, but it would also require the US government to come up with a five-year plan to significantly reduce the spread of AIDS around the world. It would provide new money for treatment, vaccines, and education. The Kerry-Frist " U.S. LEADERSHIP AGAINST HIV/AIDS, TB and MALARIA ACT OF 2002' is co-sponsored by Sens. Joseph Biden (D-DE), Jesse Helms (R-NC), Tom Daschle (D-SD), Russell Feingold (D-WI), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT).

Senators Kerry and Frist are senior members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and are the co-chairmen of the CSIS (Center for Strategic International Studies) Taskforce on Global HIV/AIDS.

Contact: David Wade, or (202) 224-4159