From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry, Senate Democrats Call for Full HUD Funding

Cardinal Law, Mayor Menino, AFL-CIO, Teamsters, NAACP, National Conference of Mayors Decry Cuts in Key Housing Programs

Tuesday, July 20, 1999

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), the ranking member of the Senate Banking subcommittee on Housing, and Senate Banking Committee Democrats today sent a letter strongly urging the full funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The letters, sent to President Clinton and Vice President Gore, Majority Leader Trent Lott and Minority Leader Tom Daschle, warned of the danger of proposed steep cuts in HUD programs and urging full fuding of the VA-HUD appropriations bill for fiscal year 2000.

Kerry has mobilized a wide coalition of National and Massachusetts community activists and political leaders in support of critical investments in HUD's housing programs. This coalition that includes the National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayor, Teamsters, the NAACP, AFL-CIO, also sent a letter to the Administration and Members of Congress urging full finding for the VA-HUD Appropriations bill.

Senator Kerry said, "This broad coalition demonstrates a strong commitment to critical housing investments. We know the proposed cuts in housing will deeply affect the people and communities in Massachusetts that can least afford them. We must not forget that even at this time of economic prosperity, too many Americans have been left behind. I strongly urge my colleagues and the administration to reconsider these cuts."

Cardinal Law said, "Senator, you and I are working together with MassINC, Fleet Bank, Citizens Bank and the Chamber of Commerce on a serious housing affordability crisis in Greater Boston. It is difficult to see how we can address the challenge of affordable housing without HUD taking a strong lead. This need must be brought to greater awareness and I support and applaud your efforts."

Mayor Tom Menino said, "Cutting back on programs that help people in Boston and cities across the nation obtain quality housing or reach the ultimate dream of home ownership makes absolutely no sense during such a time of budget surpluses. Boston, with the help of federal funding, is showing how abandoned properties and neighborhood blight can be transformed to anchor communities with new families. We must continue to create quality affordable home ownership opportunities for people."

Jim Hoffa, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, "Housing is the key component to achieving the American dream. It is good public policy to provide adequate means for hard-working families across the United States to obtain affordable shelter."

Hillary Shelton, Director of Washington Bureau of NAACP, "Despite the good economic conditions that our nation is currently enjoying, whole communities are being left behind. The Clinton Administration's request for funding for HUD is a good start, although we still need to do more to ensure that every American has access to decent, affordable housing."

Sheila Crowley, President of National Low Income Housing Coalition said, "Tax cuts to people who are prospering instead of fully funding the President's HUD budget request, assuring that current stock of affordable housing is preserved, and putting more rental assistance into communities are irresponsible."

Nan Roman, President of the National Alliance to End Homelessness added, "No one in this great nation should have to be homeless. The Alliance commends Senator Kerry for his leadership on affordable housing issues and joins him in calling upon Members of Congress from both parties to support a HUD budget that makes progress in addressing the critical housing needs of millions of Americans.

The current funding to the VA-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee would result in a minimum 13 percent across the board cut in all HUD programs. Programs that would be severely cut include: homeless services for job training, mental health counseling and drug treatment; housing assistance for persons with HIV/AIDS; lead abatement assistance programs; public housing for low-income individuals and families.

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