From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry Introduces Legislation to Restore and Preserve Coastal and Ocean Habitat

Bill would provide resources to Massachusetts for cooperative projects to Preserve Critical Coastal Lands and Habitat

Thursday, July 22, 1999

WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA) today introduced legislation that would fund co-operative coastal preservation projects at the federal, state and local levels.

The Coastal Stewardship Act (CSA) would create an Ocean and Coast Conservation Fund that would receive permanent funding from federal oil and gas leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Co-sponsors of the legislation include Senators "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC), John Breaux (D-LA), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA).

Senator Kerry said, "The Coastal Stewardship Act will greatly enhance our national commitment to coastal communities and our coastal and ocean environment. It is absolutely vital that these resources are returned to coastal states for preservation and restoration programs. These conservation programs are even more important as our coastal population grows and coastal development increases, and we are put more and more stress on these fragile, unique and interconnected ecosystem."

The CSA would direct 10 percent or a minimum of $250,000,000 of the Outer Continental Shelf revenues into the Ocean and Coast Conservation Fund each fiscal year. More than 75 percent of the Ocean and Coast Conservation Fund would be directed to states and local entities to undertake restoration and preservation projects, enhance research and enforcement and pay for essential conservation efforts. The remainder provides supplemental support to the National Marine Sanctuaries and full support to a new and urgently-needed national program to protect our remaining coral reefs.

The Kerry CSA has also been endorsed by the following organizations: Natural Resources Defense Council, Americans Oceans Campaign, National Association of Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs, American Sportfishing Association, Center for Marine Conservation, and Northeast Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs Association.

The bill will be referred to the Senate Commerce Committee, where Senator Kerry is the Ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries.

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