From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry, Bond Introduce Comprehensive Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Early Intervention for At-Risk Children

Tuesday, May 18, 1999

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA) and Christopher "Kit"Bond (R-MO) today introduced the bipartisan "Early Childhood Development Act of 1997." This initiative would provide federal support and funding to enhance and expand successful programs and services for the nation's youngest at-risk children, from birth to six years of age.

Studies continue to demonstrate that early intervention has a powerful effect on a child's brain activity and their future learning capability and can reduce the costs of government welfare, health, criminal justice, and education expenditures in the long run.

Kerry said, "We cannot say that we are having a real debate about youth violence if we are not talking about early childhood intervention efforts. Our failure to provide our children what they need during this period has long-term consequences and costs for America."

"Early intervention can reduce the long term costs associated with school dropouts, crime and drug use," Kerry continued. "This legislation will be successful because it channels the resources of existing organizations that have already been successful in their local communities."

Senator Bond said, "Yet parents today face a variety of stresses that were unheard of a generation ago. In many families, both parents work. Whether by choice or necessity, they must try to find good child care -- which is not always available. We are seeking, through this legislation, to provide families with support through early childhood education and more child care options."

This legislation creates a partnership with states, communities and the private sector to build on local initiatives such as parent education, child care, after school programs, immunizations and preventative health care screening. The federal funds would be used to supplement, not replace, state and local activities for young children. In addition, additional resources would be provided for the successful Child Care and Development Block Grant for at-risk infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

Provisions of the Kerry-Bond bill were accepted by the Senate last year as an amendment to the McCain Tobacco bill. Unfortunately that bill ultimately died in the Senate.


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