From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry YouthBuild Program Expanded

President's Budget increases YouthBuild funding by 75 percent

Thursday, January 28, 1999

Washington, DC - President Clinton today proposed a dramatic expansion of a national program designed to help disadvantaged youth with education and job training. YouthBuild, created on a federal level by U.S. Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), assists young adults gain education and employment skills by engaging in construction programs and home building for low-income and homeless people.

In 1992 Kerry authored legislation creating the enormously successful national YouthBuild program, modeled on the original Massachusetts-based program. Annually Kerry has led efforts to ensure expanded federal funding for the YouthBuild program.

"YouthBuild, both in Massachusetts and at the national level, has proved enormously successful at providing at-risk adults with educational opportunities, job training, and the chance for personal and civic development. Obviously, I'm pleased and gratified that the President has made increased funding for the program a priority, and I pledge to continue my fight for the simple and successful and commonsense investment in the future of a generation of Americans."

The President's proposal would expand YouthBuild by 75 percent, increasing funding from $42.5 million to $75 million in 2000.

The YouthBuild program offers a comprehensive approach that combines academic, vocational, life, and leadership skills training. Participants in YouthBuild program typically alternate a week on a construction site with a week in the YouthBuild classroom, where they work towards their GEDs or high school diplomas.

Statisics show that 82 percent of YouthBuild graduates secure a job with a liveable wage, or go on to postsecondary education. Over 100 YouthBuild programs have been started across the nation. Last year 4600 young men and women built hundreds of units of affordable housing in their own neighborhoods and helped rebuild their communities.


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