From the Office of Senator Kerry

Senator John F. Kerry Applauds Release of $6.7 Million for Massachusetts in LIHEAP

LIHEAP Funds Will Help Low Income Seniors Buy Home Heating Oil

Monday, December 18, 2000

"This is another step towards helping seniors in Massachusetts through another winter of high oil prices and low temperatures, and I am grateful to President Clinton for working with the Massachusetts congressional delegation from the start to put keep our response to this energy crunch way ahead of the curve. The release of $6.7 million of LIHEAP funds for Massachusetts is a dramatic demonstration of our unwillingness to ever be caught flat-footed on an issue of such immense importance to low income seniors – but make no mistake, the energy crisis in New England is every bit as dramatic – with very serious consequences for families trying to heat their homes and pay their bills this winter," said Senator John Kerry. "Heating oil is a basic necessity, and we're committed to doing all that we can to ensure a steady, affordable supply for Massachusetts families. Families in Massachusetts should never have to choose between putting food on the table and heating their homes -- and it will take a comprehensive approach at all levels of government, beyond even this release of LIHEAP money, to get us through another long New England winter."

Deeply concerned about the high price of home heating oil, Sen. Kerry has pursued a strategy for Massachusetts and the nation of helping those most in need through support of LIHEAP; taking steps to protect consumers by encouraging price arrangements, summer fill and investigating anti-competitive behavior; urging the Administration to increase global supply by negotiating with international suppliers; support a Northeast Reserve as a contingency to respond to severe shortages; encouraging the Clinton Administration to execute a swap from the SPR; and supporting a long-run policy to encourage conservation and natural gas to reduce heating oil demand and dependency.


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