From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry Joins Lieberman/Bayh in Support of Flexibility, Accountability in Education Reform

Tuesday, January 23, 2001

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA) today joined Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and Evan Bayh (D-ID) as well as other members of the New Democrat Coalition at a press conference in support of the "Three R's" education reform bill.

Kerry said, "I believe it is past time to break the partisan gridlock in Washington over education reform and to come together around programs, policies, and initiatives that members of both parties can agree are critical to improving education for our neediest children. This bill breaks some of the orthodoxy that has governed this debate for too long and, frankly, made the school children of America the victims of adult inaction.

"Bipartisanship means compromise, not capitulation -- and this is a real issue for compromise. We've been pushing for three years for real reform for our kids - we've been willing to put aside hot button issues -- now we want Bush to join us by putting aside his voucher proposals and working toward meaningful public education reform."

The Public Education Reinvestment, Re-invention and Responsibility Act seeks to raise academic achievement for all students, significantly streamline the mass of federal education programs, increase federal investment in public education by $35 billion over the next five years, and ultimately hold states and school districts accountable for producing results for children.

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