From the Office of Senator Kerry

Senators Kerry, Collins Introduce Commercial Fisherman SafetyAct of 2001

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Washington, DC - Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA) today joined with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) to introduce the Commercial Fishermen Safety Act of 2001. This legislation would provide fishermen with a tax credit of up to $1,500 for the purchase of safety equipment such as life rafts, immersion suits and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBS), that help save lives at sea.

"In the cold waters off New England a fisherman who goes overboard without an immersion suit has about 6 minutes to be rescued by his shipmates," said Senator Kerry. "But fishermen with fully functional immersion suits and life rafts are more than twice as likely to survive the sinking of their vessel. These fishermen, facing the most extreme financial burdens, often can not afford to replace or inspect old worn out life rafts and immersion suits. This legislation will help fishermen put needed equipment on their boats and -- quite simply -- it will save lives."

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ranks commercial fishing as the most dangerous occupation in America, with approximately 130 deaths a year per 100,000 employees. Nearly 90% of all fishing related deaths result from drowning -- whether a fisherman falls overboard by slipping on a wet or icy deck, is washed off deck by a wave or is dragged under by a hook or line.

The Commercial Fishermen Safety Act of 2001 provides a fishing safety equipment tax credit for 75% of cost of qualified fishing safety equipment expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer. The credit is capped at $1500 and can also be used to off-set the cost of maintaining or inspecting safety equipment to ensure that it is ready should disaster strike.

Senator Kerry is the ranking member of the Commerce subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries. Kerry also recently joined the Senate Finance committee that will have jurisdiction over these tax credits.

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