From the Office of Senator Kerry

Senators Kerry and Kennedy Announce Senate Committee Approval of $1 Million for Brockton Intermodal Transportation Center

Thursday, July 12, 2001

Washington, DC -- U.S. Senators John F. Kerry and Edward M. Kennedy announced today that the Transportation Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved $1 million in funding for the completion of the Brockton Intermodal Transportation Center. The funds will be included in the Senate Interior Appropriations Bill for the fiscal year starting October 1.

Senator Kerry said, "This funding will allow Brockton to finish work on the Transportation Center, linking the community with other regions of Massachusetts and serving as an anchor for economic development in the area."

Senator Kennedy said, "This project is essential to both the economy and the environment of our region. Greater access to public transit will help commuters, businesses and tourists, and will be of special benefit to the elderly and the disabled. Increased use of mass transit will also enhance the impressive ongoing economic development efforts by the City of Brockton."

The Center will accommodate buses, trains, taxis, bicycles, cars and other modes of ground transportation, serving as a crossroads for Metro South commuters and area residents by linking them to Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. The requested additional federal funding will be used to construct additional parking facilities, to improve pedestrian connections between the Center and the core area of Brockton and light its passageway to improve visibility for pedestrians.

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