From the Office of Senator Kerry

Senators Kennedy and Kerry Announce Senate Committee Approval of $ 1 Million for Boston Urban Ring Transit Route

Thursday, July 12, 2001

Washington, DC -- Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John F. Kerry announced today the Senate Appropriations Committee approval of $1 million in funding to support development of an urban ring transit route around Boston. The funds are contained in the Senate Transportation Appropriations Bill for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

Senator Kerry said, "Expanding public transportation is an important step in creating the commuter-friendly atmosphere we strive to achieve in Boston," said Senator John F. Kerry. "This will help reach commuters currently left out of the loop and ease the burden of traffic congestion and pollution in greater Boston."

Senator Kennedy said, "I'm delighted we were able to obtain funds for this important initiative to help our communities accommodate to the new commuting patterns in the Greater Boston area. Streamlining our transportation network is essential to reduce stress on families and neighborhoods and keep the local economy thriving."

The urban ring transit project combines buses, light rail, and rapid transit to provide a critical transit link for the City of Boston and its surrounding communities, Greater Boston's existing transit system consists of spokes emanating from the downtown core to neighborhoods, cities and towns throughout Eastern Massachusetts. The new link provides 24 new stations and connections to every Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) commuter rail line, all four rapid transit lines, every major highway and more than half of the MBTA bus routes.

The bill will increase the efficiency of travel between the presently underserved populations surrounding Boston, as well as the metro area's economic growth centers. An additional $4 million is also being sought to continue an Environmental Impact Study and a Major Study for the Urban Ring to assist in the selection of a preferred route.

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