From the Office of Senator Kerry

Statement of Senator John F. Kerry on President Bush's Announcement on Air Pollution and Global Warming

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Today, President Bush has offered the nation an environmental policy that is all procrastination and no progress. It may well lead to more pollution, not less. But I can say with certainty that it protects special interests at the expense of the environment, public health and the broader economy and it misleads the American people by telling them they must choose between a healthy environment and a strong economy. The President's announcement today amounts to a false choice that sells our nation short.

First, this so-called plan allegedly meant to reduce global warming pollution will surely fail because it is voluntary. It requires nothing of anybody. We've been down this road before. In 1992, President Bush's father ratified the voluntary Framework Convention on Climate Change. Since then, almost every manner of voluntary program, from tax incentives to labeling to public-private partnerships, has been tried. Some of these programs produced results, but overall pollution has continued to climb in the United States and throughout the world. I believe in a strong energy policy for this nation, and while some companies have been true environmental leaders, the notion that companies will volunteer to significantly cut their pollution is pure fantasy. As we have in almost every aspect of environmental law, we need to set firm and achievable targets, to create markets for new technologies and innovation, and enforce those targets. The Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act have worked not because they were well-intentioned but because they are mandatory.

Second, the plan is completely disconnected from President's other policies. This is yet another part of a pattern of telling Americans one thing and doing another. The Administration begrudgingly accepts that global warming is a threat which must be addressed even as their energy plan would increase global warming pollution by more than 30 percent. They say they want to stem air pollution which makes Americans sick and degrades our land and water but their proposals weaken pollution controls at power plants. They submit an energy plan and tell us not to worry because it is "energy policy, not environmental policy" when any school kid in America could tell you energy policy and environmental policy are inseparable. The President, with all due respect, cannot have it both ways. You cannot back policies that will increase pollution and mislead the American people by claiming to be helping the environment.

Third, the President is selling Americans short. He is telling us that we cannot cut pollution because it will hurt the economy. That same argument was used against the Clean Air

Act, the Clean Water Act and every major environmental protection Americans have chosen since Richard Nixon was in the White House. We know better. Over the past 30 years we have made substantial environmental gains and our economy has prospered . In fact, economists will tell you our prosperity has grown because, rather than in spite of, our commitment to protecting the environment.

There is a better direction for our country, and Americans deserve a leadership willing to tell the truth and help take the country there together. In the area of energy, we can make the transition to clean energies while growing our economy. Efficiency, wind, solar, biomass and other clean energy technologies can be designed and manufactured right here in America. We can create jobs, not pollution. It is simply a false choice to offer an environmental plan that does next to nothing, acknowledge it does next to nothing, and use our economy as an excuse for inaction.

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