From the Office of Senator Kerry

Half-Way Solution on Stem Cell Research is No Solution At All

Thursday, August 9, 2001

Senator John F. Kerry said, "President Bush was faced with a difficult decision on stem cell research, but leadership is making choices, and governing means laying out priorities. Regrettably, tonight's announcement aims to create a political middle-ground where there is no scientific one.

Compassionate conservatism could have meant lifesaving treatments for those suffering from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease; instead it appears to be using words of compassion to mask efforts to keep a campaign promise to conservatives.

If, as he says, the President believes that stem cell research may have lifesaving potential for millions, he should give scientists the tools to explore it -- rather than have the government impose burdensome restrictions which close the door to medical advances.

The problem isn't that the President broke a campaign promise and angered conservatives, it's that he's tying the hands of the doctors and scientists for whom this is not about politics -- those working to find cures to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and those whose only hope for a cure may depend on meaningful stem cell research.

Many of us worked together to put aside political and religious differences to craft a bipartisan, reasonable coalition offering support to the President in this decision -- and Sen. Frist should be commended for his courageous leadership on this issue. I only wish the President had joined that effort more fully. Tonight's announcement is a set-back, but not a deterrent -- we will continue to push for moral and thoughtful answers on stem cell research consistent with the full promise of modern science."

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