



What Would Nancy Do?

November 3rd, 2006 by Wikibill

Yesterday, Iran fired dozens of long range, Shahab-3 missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and threatening U.S. forces in the Middle East and our allies in Israel.  So what would Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats do to keep us safe from this threat?


“The United States does not need a multibillion-dollar national missile defense against the possibility of a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missle,” Democrat Leader and Speaker-wannabe, San Francisco’s own Nancy Pelosi.

And she is not alone in her desire to leave America defenseless.  Democrats have consistently opposed missile defense efforts and repeatedly voted to slash funding and curtail missile defense programs.  Most recently, in May 2006, 130 House Democrats voted to cut $9 billion from the Ballistic Missile Defense Program. 

You probably guessed already but Nancy Pelosi voted yes to slash this funding and opposed deployment of missile defenses capable of defending against misslies fired from North Korea and Iran.