From the Office of Senator Kerry

Kerry Lends Support to Legislation to Protect the Arctic Wilderness from Drilling

Sunday, January 28, 2001

Washington, DC – Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA) today joined in a press conference in support of legislation introduced by Senators Lieberman (D-CT) and Congressman Ed Markey (D-MA) that would designate the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness area. Kerry is an original co-sponsor of the legislation.

Senator Kerry said, "I want to thank Senator Lieberman and my Massachusetts colleague Ed Markey for their leadership in introducing this critical legislation to protect the Arctic Wilderness, putting the coastal plain off limits to oil companies. The bill and it's more than100 cosponsors demonstrates the strong support for protecting the Arctic Refuge.

"President Bush and the oil companies want us to drill our way of our energy problems, starting with the Arctic Refuge. But it just won't work: there is not enough oil in ANWR or the rest of the nation for America to be truly energy independent. It would be a terrible mistake to ruin one of the last pure wildlife refuges in the world for a few months of oil a decade from now. I remain committed to a filibuster on the floor of the Senate should President Bush pursue this dangerous course.

"Drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge makes as much sense as chopping down the redwoods for firewood, capping Old Faithful in Yellowstone for geothermal power, or damming the Grand Canyon for hydroelectric power. "This is a false choice between having an energy policy and protecting the environment. It doesn't have to be that way. We need an energy policy that addresses our needs today and reduces our dependence on foreign supplies of oil in the long run. We can protect the Refuge, reduce our dependence on imported oil, protect the environment and grow the economy."

Last week Senator Kerry announced that he will filibuster any legislation on the Senate floor that contains ANWR drilling proposals

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