From the Office of Senator Kerry

Statement of Senator John F. Kerry on the Bush Energy Plan

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Senator John F. Kerry said, "Unfortunately, the Bush energy proposal does a lot for companies and very little for consumers and the environment. This is a retro energy policy that feeds our long term dependency on foreign oil, instead of investing in new technologies that would create energy independence.

"I am particularly dismayed to see that the Bush Administration continues to advocate drilling in the Arctic Refuge in Alaska despite the clear bi-partisan opposition from Congress and from the American people. In fact, raising the gas mileage on our cars by only three miles per gallon would find more oil than destroying the pristine wilderness that Paul Tsongas worked so hard to protect for all of us to enjoy.

"The Bush administration has also proposed weakening sections of the clear air act that protect those of us in New England from pollution from power plants. The nation's environmental laws can and must be faithfully enforced, while still meeting our energy needs. It is a false and unnecessary choice to pit public health and environmental safeguards against the nation's energy demands.

"Developing an energy plan for the future is critical, and the proven success of renewable technologies after even minimal investment should put a major emphasis on this goal. I urge the Administration to stop looking backwards and instead take a new approach on energy that would take a rational course to address our energy needs now and in the future."

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