Democratic Women for Change

Multimedia: Videos

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Make Health Care Affordable

Make Health Care Affordable
Senator Blanche Lincoln

In this podcast U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas discusses the need to provide affordable health care to all Americans.

Americans deserve affordable health care. In the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world no working family or taxpayer who falls ill should be unsure how they will afford the necessary treatment to get well. Americans should not have to worry about how to pay for medical bills as they take care of sick loved ones. The Senate Democratic Women for Change believe affordable health care for all is a priority. Our small businesses, young families and senior citizens need a Congress and a president that will do what is necessary to make quality health care affordable not for the lucky few but for all Americans. That is change worth fighting for.

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Make America Energy Independent

Make America Energy Independent
Senator Maria Cantwell

In this podcast U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington discusses the need to provide an effective solution to America’s energy crisis.

America faces an energy crisis that we cannot drill our way out of. Meanwhile, the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress have obstructed and stalled rather than working to create a real solution. While Democrats push for investment in renewable fuels, conservation, and nationwide efforts to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil, Republicans just say no. The Senate Democratic Women for Change recognize that the energy crisis is a priority. It is a challenge that demands short-term and long-term answers. Supporting effective alternative energy supplies from wind, solar, biomass and other renewable fuels along with conservation are key to working our way forward, keeping the American dream affordable and maintaining our way of life.

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Creating Good Jobs in America

Creating Good Jobs in America
Press Conference

In this podcast, Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), with Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and Apollo Alliance Chairman Phil Angelides, discussed the importance of creating millions of good jobs for hard working Americans- while constructing a new framework necessary for American companies to continue to compete in the global marketplace- by rebuilding and repairing existing infrastructure.

Democrats are committed to making the American dream affordable again. By investing in our transportation infrastructure, we can create good-paying jobs for American workers here at home and helps America compete in the global economy.

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Take Care of our Military Families and Veterans

Take Care of our Military Families and Veterans
Senator Patty Murray

In this podcast U.S. Senator Patty Murray of Washington discusses the need to care for veterans and their families.

Military families in our nation sacrifice every day for America, yet the Bush Administration has repeatedly ignored those families to whom we owe so much. The Democratic women of the Senate believe that taking care of our veterans and their families is a top priority. Our veterans deserve to be provided for when they return from war and service around the world. That's why Senate Democrats fought so hard to pass the new G.I. Bill and to fund veterans' health care. The Checklist for Change makes it clear that we will continue to fight for those who fight for America.

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Restore America's Credibility in the World

United to Support Equal Pay for Equal Work
Rally with Congressional Women

Senate & House Democratic women, with guest Lilly Ledbetter, called upon Congress to pass fair pay legislation. With the Capitol as the backdrop, one month from the day the Checklist was launched, Democrats gathered with hundreds of women & men from across the country to express their commitment to ensure equal pay for working people without regard to gender, race, or religion. Senator Mikulski, Senator Clinton, Speaker Pelosi and Rep. DeLauro highlighted the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act pending in Congress. Ms. Ledbetter worked as a supervisor for a Goodyear Tire plant in Alabama. After nearly two decades, an anonymous note revealed that for years she had been paid less than male coworkers that held the same job, in the same department, including recent hires with less job experience. Not only did Goodyear pay her less at each pay check but her pension and retirement benefits are smaller because of the discrimination. Ms. Ledbetter brought a claim against Goodyear for the discrimination she suffered. A jury awarded her back pay and damages of over $3 million but in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Ms. Ledbetter could not collect any of the money Goodyear had cheated her of. Democrats understand the Court's ruling creates an untenable disadvantage for American workers. It ignores that reality of the workplace were co-workers generally do not know each others' salary and that companies seek to hide their discriminatory behavior making it unlikely that victims would discover the discrimination within the mere six months that current law requires. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would overturn that decision, which held that employees only have 180 days to challenge a discriminatory decision about their pay even if the discriminatory wage continues year after year.

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Restore America's Credibility in the World

Restore America's Credibility in the World
Senator Dianne Feinstein

In this podcast U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein of California discusses the need to restore America's credibility in the world. Throughout our history America has represented a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Yet under the Bush Administration that beacon has dimmed. Our reputation even amongst our allies has been tarnished by Guantanamo Bay and torture. Restoring America's credibility is a priority for the Senate Democratic Women for Change. The time has come to renew America's integrity as a moral and just nation dedicated to the principles captured in the Bill of Rights & the U.S. Constitution. Democrats understand that those are the principles upon which the American Dream is built.

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Protect Our Environment

Protect Our Environment
Senator Barbara Boxer

In this podcast U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer of California discusses the need to protect our environment and lead the world on global warming. Climate change is threatening our planet and the future of our children and grandchildren. America must become a leader once again on the environment. We must reverse the dangerous, anti-environmental policies of the Bush Administration. Democrats in Congress will work with the next President to bring back the health protections the American people deserve as well as lead on global warming issues. It is our moral duty to protect the environment for the future of our planet, our families, and our nation.

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Keep Good Jobs in America

Keep Good Jobs in America
Senator Debbie Stabenow

In this podcast Democratic U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan discusses the need to create and retain good jobs for American workers. Since January of 2008 year, 324,000 good-paying jobs have been lost in the U.S.A. While President Bush has been in the White House, we have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs in this country. Blue collar workers in Michigan and from coast to coast have taken a hit from that loss. African-Americans are experiencing record unemployment numbers. Many white collar workers have been laid off or are underemployed. Meanwhile, their families still have to pay high gas and food prices.
We need to end the race to the bottom that is depressing middle class incomes, sending our jobs overseas and threatening the American dream. Democrats want to make the American dream affordable again. We have a plan and it starts with good jobs for hardworking people. That is what we are fighting for.

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Prepare for Future Disasters

Prepare for Future Disasters
Senator Mary Landrieu

In this podcast, Democratic U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana discusses the federal government’s need to do more to prepare America for future disasters. Whether they be manmade or natural disasters there is much more that can be done to protect us. The failure of FEMA in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast after hurricanes Katrina and Rita demonstrate that the current administration does not feel the urgency to do what the experts agree must be done to safeguard lives and livelihoods. Even as wildfires burn in California and floods plague communities along the Mississippi River we know we cannot wait much longer for a government that is ready to act when people are most in need. We know that we require a different approach to our safety and security when confronted by disasters. We know want an approach that does not waste taxpayer dollars, but uses them wisely to help people gain their footing again.

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Equal Pay for Equal Work

Equal Pay for Equal Work
Senator Barbara Mikulski

In this podcast Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland discussing “Equal Pay for Equal Work.” In the year 2008, women are still earning 77 cents to every dollar their male counterparts make. After a misguided Supreme Court decision in the Goodyear v. Ledbetter case to deny women the right to make employers pay equal wages for equal work, Republicans are standing in the way of fixing the law. It is simply unfair especially at a time when middle class families often need two incomes to make ends meet.

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Checklist for Change Intro

Checklist for Change Intro

Senate Democratic Women for Change introduce a series of podcasts discussing their Checklist for Change. They outline the issues on the Checklist, why they’ve chosen to highlight these issues and why the issues are so important to American families. This podcast introduces the legislative, political and election issues that matter most.

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Senate Democratic Women Unveil the Checklist for Change

Senate Democratic Women Unveil the Checklist for Change

This week Senate Democratic women launched the Checklist for Change website to highlight their fight for middle class families and an affordable American dream. Senate Democratic Women for Change held a press conference to discuss Democrats' commitment to provide equal pay for working people, keep good jobs in America, fight global climate change, take care of our veterans, restore America's image around the world and other crucial issues. Senator Debbie Stabenow said, "During the coming months we will release videos and other content to communicate the challenges our constituents face all over America and what must be done to help them." "We have come together to offer America a checklist for change. We are a voice for the women of America. We are a voice for families of America. And we are here to fight for change," said Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Dean of the Women Senators. She invited all Americans to join Senate Democratic women "in the fight to bring about the change that the American people need and deserve."

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