Democratic Leadership

"It's time to move America forward, and this is the team that will do it," said Reid about his new leadership team. "We're going to focus on bipartisanship. We're going to lead an open government. And we're going to deliver results. From Iraq to the economy, Americans want change, and the Senate Majority - - led by this distinguished, talented, experienced group - - is going to fight for change next Congress."

The Senate Democratic Leadership for the 110th Congress:

Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader
As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will unite the caucus to promote an agenda of opportunity, responsibility and security.

Robert C. Byrd
As President pro tempore, Senator Byrd will continue to provide the Democratic Caucus leadership and experience gained from a lifetime of public service.

Dick Durbin, Assistant Majority Leader
As Assistant Majority Leader, Senator Durbin will serve as the Majority Leader's key aide on and off the floor, helping to lead the Democrats' fight to protect America and help working families get ahead.

Charles E. Schumer, Vice Chair of the Conference
The third ranking member of the Democratic leadership, Senator Schumer will serve as Vice Chair of the Conference. In this post, Schumer will oversee strategy and policy to keep and build support for Democratic values.

Patty Murray, Secretary of the Conference 
As Secretary of the Conference, Senator Murray will play a critical role in helping shape and set the Democratic agenda.

Charles E. Schumer, Chairman of Campaign Committee
In addition to his role as Vice Chair of the Conference, Senator Schumer will once again serve as Chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).

Byron L. Dorgan, Chairman of Policy Committee
As he did during the 109th Congress, Senator Dorgan will continue to provide strong leadership at the Democratic Policy Committee (DPC). Under Senator Dorgan, the DPC has been credited with conducting aggressive Congressional oversight and generating innovative policy ideas for the Democratic Caucus.

Debbie Stabenow, Chair of Steering and Outreach Committee
Senator Stabenow will serve as Chair of the Steering and Outreach Committee. In her role as chair, Senator Stabenow will engage Democratic Senators and community leaders across the country in an active dialogue about the pressing issues facing our nation.

Jeff Bingaman, Chairman of Committee Outreach
As Chairman of Committee Outreach, Senator Bingaman will provide a voice in the Democratic leadership for Committee Chairs. Bingaman will harness the Committee Chairs' tremendous knowledge and experience, and ensure their important committee work is advanced in a united and consistent manner.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice Chair of Committee Outreach
As Vice Chair of Committee Outreach, Senator Clinton will work closely with Senator Bingaman in helping to coordinate the committee work of the Democratic Caucus.

Blanche L. Lincoln, Chair of Rural Outreach
As she did in the 109th Congress, Senator Lincoln will again serve as Chair of Rural Outreach. This position was created in the last Congress as a sign of the Democrats' strong commitment to aggressively engage and communicate with rural Americans. In this post, Senator Lincoln will continue guide rural outreach for the Caucus and find new ways to reach rural, suburban and exurban American communities.

Barbara Boxer, Chief Deputy Whip
As Chief Deputy Whip, Senator Boxer will continue to be responsible for managing and implementing Caucus efforts on the Senator floor. Working as the "right hand" of the Democratic Leader and Assistant Democratic Leader, Boxer plays an instrumental role in articulating, advancing and achieving the objectives of the Democratic Caucus.

Thomas R. Carper, Deputy Whip
Bill Nelson, Deputy Whip
Russell D. Feingold, Deputy Whip

Serving as Deputy Whips, Senators Carper, Nelson and Feingold will play critical roles in marshalling the Caucus's forces.

Democrat Caucus' Senate Journal

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Democratic Women for Change

2009 Inaugural News and Information

The Capitol Christmas Tree

Today in the Senate
December 12, 2008:

The Senate stands in recess for pro forma sessions only, with no business conducted on the following days and times: Friday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 16 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 23 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 26 at 11:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 30 at 10:30 a.m.; and Friday, January 2 at 10:00 a.m.

At the close of the pro forma Session on January 2, 2009, the Senate will stand adjourned sine die.


Senate Floor Calendar...

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