



Didn’t You Hear?

September 19th, 2006 by Jack Kingston


Here are a few numbers the Mainstream Media may not want you to hear: 

  • Corporate Tax Receipts hit a record high in the third quarter - $71.8 billion
  • Gross federal tax receipts hit an all time high of $85.8 billion - a nearly 20% increase over the same quarter last year

Missing MSM headline:  “Bush Tax Cuts Working As Revenues Hit All Time High”

President Bush’s overall job approval rating is on the rise.

  • The latest USA Today/Gallup poll shows Bush approval ratings steadily climbing from 31% back in May to a year long high of 44% today.  The survey shows steady improvement for 5 monthly surveys in a row.  Similar gains are seen in every major poll.
  • NBC/Wall Street Journal poll finds 42% approve of the President today, up from 37% in June.
  • FOX/Opinion Dynamics stands at 40% approval today up from 35% in May.
  • The AP finds overall approval up to 39%today from 33% back in May. 

We heard these numbers ad nauseum everyday on the way down, but today we have another missing MSM headline:  “Bush Approval On The Rise”

Today’s USA Today/Gallup poll also showed likely voters evenly divided between Democrat and Republican candidates for Congress, 48%-48%.  Missing MSM headline - “Republicans Drase Dem Advantage In Mid-Term Elections”?

Two more numbers you may not have seen:

  • CBS poll finds that 51% of Americans agree that President Bush’s policies have made us safer, with only 29% saying they made us less safe.

Missing MSM headline: “2:1Americans Believe Bush Has Made Us Safer”

And last, we have Nancy Pelosi’s worst nightmare - the most recent Pew Poll finds that by 57% to 40%, Americans are concerned that if Democrats take control of Congress they would weaken the country’s efforts to combat terrorism. 

Missing MSM headline:  “Americans Fear Democrats Would Weaken Country”

For me, the lessons in these numbers are clear.  Lower taxes spur economic growth and increase tax revenues.  Pro-energy policies for the development of American energy helps keep gas prices in check.  The American people respect principle and conviction and they expect their government to keep them safe by aggressively fighting the forces of terror and Islamic radicalism while protecting the homeland.

Or maybe you didn’t hear?