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Immigration Reform Bill  

Last night, the majority leader pulled the immigration reform bill from the Senate floor. This was after 3 cloture votes failed. For those of you who don’t know what a cloture vote is, it is a procedural move in the Senate to end debate.

I was prepared to offer several amendments yesterday, but the majority was demanding to set which amendments I could offer and how many minutes we could debate them. At one point they said we could have 6 minutes/per side to debate one of my amendments. This is a major amendment that deserves full consideration and debate, not just a few minutes.

The process the majority used to bring the legislation to the floor was undemocratic from the beginning. Not only did they fail to give us ample opportunity to debate our amendments, but they completely skirted the committee process.

I don’t know when or if the majority leader will bring the bill back for consideration. But, as long as it contains amnesty, I won’t be voting for it.