Friday, September 05, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 11:53 AM
Today, I was flipping through Business Week magazine and came across an interview between CNBC's Closing Bell anchor Maria Bartiromo and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin conducted on August 25 and August 27 – even before Palin gained the national spotlight as a Vice Presidential nominee.

It's called Sarah Palin on the Energy Challenge Facing America. The online version has the complete interview while the magazine focuses squarely on energy. Read the online version here.

One of the most telling quotes from the magazine article:
"In Alaska, we’re bursting with billions of barrels of oil that are warehoused underground.  We have to pump [this oil] and feed our hungry markets instead of relying on foreign sources.”
She goes on to say:
“I think some in Congress have misconceptions about what ANWR [the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] is all about and what Alaska is all about.”
“No one cares more about Alaska’s wildlife and lands and water and air than Alaskans.  So, when Alaska says, ‘We’re ready, and we’re willing, and we’re able to develop, and we will make sure that wildlife is not adversely impacted,’ people have got to give us some credit here and respect our position on this.”

As Congress returns to work next week, it's vital that we hammer out a comprehensive energy strategy that expands exploration for oil and natural gas, as well as increases investment in energy alternatives and conservation. Governor Palin is right:  As the state most directly impacted by proposals to drill, Alaska’s input is important and shouldn’t be ignored.

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drokmed writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 12:11 PM
Newsmax has a similar article
in it's September hard copy issue. I don't see an electronic version of it.

She also did an interview on CNBC:
Sam T. writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 12:15 PM
Congressional BAN & oil shale extraction
Congressional BAN & oil shale extraction

QUOTE: fd-4ad8-a426-b9a87f635903

The most startling Congressional prohibition on oil production concerns the ban on the development of oil shale in the Green River Formation. According to a Rand Study, this reserve contains over 1+ trillion barrels of oil, with 800 billion barrels recoverable, or 3 times the current oil reserves as Saudi Arabia.

The largest known oil shale deposits in the world.Estimates of the oil resource in place within the Green River Formation of Colorado, Utah, & Wyoming, range from 1.5 to 1.8 trillion barrels. For potentially recoverable oil, we roughly derive an upper bound of 1.1 trillion & a lower bound of about 500 billion barrels oil. For policy planning, it is enough to know any amount in this range is very high. U.S. demand for petroleum products is about 20 million barrels per day. If oil shale could be used to meet 1/4 of demand, 800 billion barrels of oil
would last for 400 years.

The same RAND study indicated that technology exists today that would allow oil extraction process that would be cost effective once the price of a barrel of oil was $95. The price of a barrel of oil today is around $130.

However, Shell has been investing in technology that would make extraction cheaper.

Shell Oil Company has successfully conducted small-field tests of an insitu process based on slow underground heating. Larger scale operations are required to establish viability, with regard to adverse impacts on groundwater quality. Shell anticipates the petroleum products produced by thermally conductive in-situ method will be competitive at oil prices in the mid-$20s per barrel.

In short, if the Congress removed its ban, America could develop a substantial amount of oil from domestic oil shale rather than relying on foreign governments.

end quote...
J writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 12:36 PM
Saw you too.. most impressive !!
Hi ! I watched the cnbc segment several times.. excellent! She is well spoken !
Always enjoy your tv. appearances, on cspan , on fox., and on the radio. Are you twins ?
Just kidding ! However this lady has nothing on you. You can handle the big boys just as well, and with a smile!
PC writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 1:31 PM
I thought McCain was against earmarks?
Palin's record on earmarks looks horrible. ntries/2008/09/04/the_palin_record_on_earmarks.html

The Palin record on earmarks
By Jay Bookman | Thursday, September 4, 2008, 11:25 AM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Here’s a pretty comprehensive rundown of Palin’s documented record on requesting earmarks. In her second term as Wasilla mayor, she got a total of $27 million in federal earmarks for a town of fewer than 9,000 people.

As governor, she requested $254 million in earmarks last year, and $197 million in earmarks this year. As the Seattle Times story notes, that’s more per capita than requested by any other state in the union:

“Palin’s requests to Congress came at a time of huge federal deficits, while Alaska state revenue was soaring due to rising oil prices and a major tax increase on oil production that Palin signed into law in late 2007.

As a result, Alaska this year was in such a money-flushed condition — with no state income tax or sales tax and total state revenues of $10 billion, double the previous year’s — that Palin gained legislative approval for $1,200 cash payments to every Alaskan.”

This, from the candidate who said Wednesday night that she “championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress.”

My friends, that is not reform we can believe in.

Screwtape writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 1:47 PM
Looking at the source article from the Seattle newpaper (which I know nothing of and therefore take the article with several grains of salt) it really does not seem that bad. It looks like she got into office and started to feed at the public trough like many politicians do then started to have 2nd thoughts about it. How the whole thing actually evolved needs scrutiny. It should be noted that McCain has never asked for a dime of earmark money and he is the one running for president. It's not like Palin got the VP slot then changed her stance, it seems to have been evolving over a period of time.
Sarah writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 1:59 PM
Not Ready To Step In
I don't believe she is ready to step in and be President if something should happen to John McCain. In Sen. McCain's effort to pick up Hillary disgruntled voters -his pick of Gov. Palin has turned off a lot of traditional conservative SAHMs. At a weekly get together of SAHMs in my neighborhood, there were a lot of concerns voiced about her and if she is really ready to be President if need be.
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:05 PM
Sarah may have requested earmarks,

Barry O. requested and voted for earmarks. Sounds like a tie on this issue. If Sarah is so undesirable because of her requesting earmarks as a mayor and governor, Barry O. is equally or more undesirable for using his position to award earmarks. Barry O. is far more involved in earmarks than is Sarah.
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:08 PM

your continued attacks on the GOP and Sarah now make sense to me. When you attacked everyone not Romney, I thought you were a Romney political supporter. Now I realize, you have a crush on Romney and are madly in love with him. It does explain how you lash out at anyone or anything that does not praise and adore Romney.

You keep going girl, love explains many crazy things and I will now place all of your posts in the context of overwhelming love for Romney.
susiecute writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:13 PM
Palin is not VP material
Why has McCain sent her back to Alaska and refuses to allow the media to interview her? It is because of the unvetted scandal that is swirling around her? Most likely. Ms. Palin is currently under investigation for unethical tactics and abuse of her power in the firing of a state employee. She broke into the records of a state trooper - a la bush - and used those classified personal records for her own gain. She's as much of a thug as the man she was trying to get fired.

Palin is also being accused of having an affair with her husband's business partner by the same publication that you guys cheered on when they broke the story of Edwards' affair.

Palin plays fast and loose with her "power" in a state where only 600,000 people reside, and as mayor of a town of 5000 where she had to turn over her administrative duties to someone else because of her ethics problems as mayor, as well, she is a member of THE MOST radical arm of the evangelical belief. War in Iraq was "God's will" in her mind - in other words a religious 'crusade'.

But the worst is the fact that this zealously ambitious woman is looking to walk out on her infant with Downs Syndrome so that she and McCain may DO exactly the same as Bush has done here in the US. There is no change here - only more of the same, and WORSE.....
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:16 PM
I believe Sarah returned to Alaska

because she wanted to spend some time with her son who is being deployed to Iraq next week, so sue her for wanting this time with her son. These liberal attacks on Sarah seem so cold and inhuman. They are confirming the lack of compassion existing in the left and Barry's BOYS and girls.
james beam writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:18 PM
bitter pc
can't accept the fact that romney was not chosen !!
paddy o'furniture writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:23 PM
Biden is a dog
If you want to continue in the old style, corrupt ways of the past, elect Obama and his political canker sore Joe Biden.

If you want real change, elect the maverick and the barracuda.....

If you want your brain to rot, read a susiecute post.....
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:26 PM

equally distressing, Barry O. is walking out on his two beautiful daughters to run for POTUS. OHHHHHH, the SHAME!!!! (sacasm off).
susiecute writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:28 PM
Caribou Barbie
Palin admits to shooting upwards to 40 caribou in a herd on a single hunting expedition - claiming that the next time they went hunting there "were as many or more" caribou, so no big deal. Now, that's the kind of leadership we all need - someone who touts killing 40 caribou as eco-friendly! Do you suppose she cleaned all those caribou on the spot and sent the meat to homeless shelters? Or just left them there to rot?
james beam writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:29 PM
eddie too
apparently mitt and hillary have a lot in common, they both want their party's canidates to fail so they can run in 2012. thats why pc and not too cute suze are attacking palin . i've seen it mentioned that the mittroids are behind some of the sarah palin smears.
paddy o'furniture writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:30 PM
40 caribou
Right on Sarah...!!!

Responsible hunters do not let animals lay there and rot.....nice try kimber.....

As usual, you know nothing and say even less....
Keith writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:34 PM
Fearlessly I read susie's post. Uhm, it is soooo Kimberly! Welcome back kiddo!
Monkeywrench writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:35 PM
Palin lies as much as Bachmann

Since the usual readers here seem to have a hard time digesting facts, better get this out here again.

Let's fact check Caribou Barbie's little speech last night. Oh look, she lied!

Monkeywrench writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:35 PM
Palin lies as much as Bachmann

Let's fact check Caribou Barbie's little speech last night. Oh look, she lied!

susiecute writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:36 PM
eddie too
Ah, the faux feminists of the RW are all aflutter over the Palin's lack of a mother's heart on the issue of her tiny infant. Better to leave the little tyke in the capable hands of the six year old spit-comber, right? Imagine for a moment, eddie, that Obama's wife - the primary childcare provider in their home - were to be in Palin's position. You know you and you fellow hypocrites would be all over that one with the feigned outrage of the "family values" mob crying over the Obama babies left behind to be cared for by others. Instead, we've got the "family values" hypocrites finding their inner feminazi in an effort to legitimize this Palin's shocking lack of mothering instincts - and embracing with open arms the boy who got Palin's teen daughter pregnant. It just doesn't GET any weirder than this.

eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:39 PM

not many dead animals rot in Alaska. There are bears and wolves and foxes and coyotes and mountain lions and eagles and vultures and buzzards and bobcats and many insects, etc. to eat dead corpses. The point was that the caribou are not an endangered species. Very little goes to waste in nature.

I imagine the anti-McCain forces will be making many things up over the next 60 days. We will just have to keep providing the truth to their lies.
paddy o'furniture writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:41 PM
When you think of it.... caribou is worth many susies or angels or monkeybutts.....

Funny how they all show up at if they've received marching orders or something....

eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:43 PM

most any American would be pressuring a boss to fire someone who abused children. Where is the scandal?
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:44 PM

especially if the abused child were their nephew and not the abuser's son.
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:47 PM

maybe you come from a small family, but in our family all of the siblings are fighting to hold and protect the baby. It is a LOVE thing. Do you understand?

Many seven year olds imitate their big sisters and their mothers when it comes to taking care of the baby.

I am surprised and a little disappointed that someone smart enough to turn a computer on does not understand the dynamics in the Palin family. However, it would be understandable of people who either were not raised in a loving family or who were from a very small family.
eddie too writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 2:49 PM
People who criticize the Palins because

their mother is running for VP simply do not understand how much attention Trig will be receiving from his mother, his father and his siblings. They reveal a lack of family and love in their own upbringing.
susiecute writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 3:02 PM
eddie too
It's the hypocrisy, stupid. If Palin wants to run for office that's her right - it's the HYPOCRISY from the RW that is so very hard to take. You guys are just too much!
Julie writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 3:47 PM
Right on eddie too
And I cannot understand these people who say Palin is neglecting her baby by running for VP. We have made huge strides in women's rights in this country. Are you saying that the lady running the cash register who has a baby at home is doing the wrong thing? Oh, yeah, you're liberal so you think she should quit her job and go on welfare.
Sam T. writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 3:59 PM
Its a NON-issue & lie Angel666
Again another NON-ISSUE...

"Palin is accused of firing Walt Monegan for failing to dismiss a trooper who went through a messy divorce with Palin's sister before she was governor."

"In 2005, before Palin ran for office, the Palin family accused trooper Mike Wooten of drinking beer in his patrol car, illegally shooting a moose and firing a Taser at his 11-year-old stepson."

"Palin and her husband, Todd, also claimed Wooten threatened to kill Sarah Palin's father. Wooten, who hasn't returned numerous phone calls left by The Associated Press this week, was suspended over the allegations for five days in 2006 but still has his job."


Sounds like to me that Wooten SHOULD have been fired, & if Monegan would NOT do so, then Gov. Palin was doing her duty to remove Monegan and appoint someone else that WOULD do the right thing & their JOB in protecting the public & FIRE Wooten...

Again another lie & a NON-ISSUE...

Try again with another smear Angel, cause that one AIN'T gonna work...

Sam T. writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 4:27 PM
basically another NON-ISSUE...
AGAIN, the so called "ear mark" issue is basically a NON-ISSUE...

As far as the so called "ear-marks" issue with Ms. Palin goes, there is some explanation for that that has be given, BUT ignored...


There are already various EXISTING federal grant money programs that provides federal funding to help improve infrastuctures in areas that are experiencing population, industrial, and business growth, and to help further advancement & incourage such economic growth...

As Mayor, Sarrah Palin "in her duties as a mayor", put in for some of these "funding grant programs", that are NOT true "ear marks", to try to bring about additional funding to better improve infrastucture and incourage economic & business growth in her town & area...

At that time, she was supporting the "bridge to no where" ear-mark program in the belief that it too would help improve area economic growth for her town & state...

BUT, when Palin as governor became aware, & fully understood that the bigger issue of the "bridge to no where" was actually a financial boon-doggle, she said thanks but no thanks...

That is as simple truth of this matter...

I can explain this issue to you, as my wife as part of her job with the federal government is to help cities & towns in our area sort through this processes by seeking out the proper existing federal grants & programs, and help guide tem in the proper initial filings of grant applications & procedures/protocals in seeking out such federal grants & funding for city projects & area projects...

But these are not TRUE "ear-marks" as such...

AGAIN, basically another NON-ISSUE...
Sam T. writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 4:36 PM
DOE: U.S. richest deposits of oil shale
Excerpt Quote: tions/npr_strategic_significancev1.pdf

Strategic Significance of America’s Oil Shale Resource

Volume I
Assessment of Strategic Issues
March 2004 Final Report

Prepared for:
Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Petroleum Reserves
Office of Naval Petroleum & Oil Shale Reserves
U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.

Because of its magnitude & richness, oil shale in past years elicited more than a billion dollars in investment. Investment attractiveness is a necessary for future development.

The unconventional resources of the U.S. oil shale & Canadian tar sands are larger than total world resources of conventional petroleum.

Oil produced from tar sands & oil shale will become increasingly attractive to supplement conventional crude supplies.
With resources of more than 1 trillion barrels, the United States has the richest deposits of oil shale in the world.

When developed, shale oil resources will be similar to Alberta tar sand. Between the 2 countries, the U.S., & Canada, America can claim the largest oil reserves in the world, & these will support secure liquid fuels production for decades to come.

end excerpt quote.

Currently 80+ % of the Green River Shale, being under federal, state & tribal lands in Colorado, Wyoming & Utah, biggest by far oil-shale fields, are BLOCKED by Congress & the federal government from exploration/drilling.

100% of 19 million acres of ANWR are restricted, while the oil companies only ask for surface access to 2500-4500 acres = 0.02%, leaving 99.98% UNTOUCHED, but we can't drill there either.

3/4 of offshore blocks are off-limits to oil & gas exploration.



By the way, Palin was AWESOOME in the CNBC interview.
Steve writes: Friday, September, 05, 2008 11:29 PM
Obama now says he wants to drill???????
I was just watching C-Span with a replay of OHB today and he said he thinks we should drill. I looked at his website and no place does he say anything about drilling. In fact his website talks about taking leases away from oil companies. When did this flip flop happen?
Monkeywrench writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:31 AM
Listen to someone from Wasilla

Sarah Palin is a corrupt, conniving, censoring creationist whose chickens are coming home to roost big time. Check out this from one who knows her well from the town where she was mayor:

Monkeywrench writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:34 AM
Earmarks are not earmarks?

Hey Sam T., is that like "it all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is?" Nice try, lobbyist boy.
J writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 11:59 AM
I admit it.. I am a jealous woman.
I, too, have a crush on Mitt. He loves peanut butter and nutella on toast.. he calls his wife sweetheart all the time..not sweetie.Just look at the guy..listen to him. I don't get it.
Stupid Bob Beckel says "I dont trust a guy whose hair doesn't blow in the wind " He means, I think,I don't trust a guy who hasn't been in a sewer, hit bottom, so to speak, called some children ugly, or called his wife filthy names in front of everyone.Character building qualities! Wonder what happens when no one is looking?
I guess if those are the prerequisites to be president, Mitt doesn't measure up.
I listened to his speech carefully. He does understand the economy. I want to be able to learn economics from someone who doesn't look like Greenspan and has better solutions. Was that catty enough?I learn with my eyes first..
happy to take a second look.
Lets be dignified.. what's wrong with that ?
B2slim writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:15 PM
McCain Palin WILL DRILL , DRILL> build

Obama called for RATIONS in his faint and kneel speech in Oregon:

turn off your heat he yelled, they cheered
eat less, he yelled, they cheered
must use less gas, he yelled, they cheered
ride a bike, he yelled, they cheered

he yelled, they cheered

SHE put the State private jet on EBAY !

HE went out and bought the biggest Private Jet, removed the flag: painted "O" Force One on the private jet: engraved President Obama on the leather executive chair directly under the Presidential seal with his name engraved where the USA is on the official seal.

He flew around the world to trash, bash, slander the USA

And they all fell down to kiss his feet
B2slim writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:20 PM
DUH:: did you flunk 6th grade ??

CONGRESS:::::::::::: is in charge of "EARMARKS"

CONGRESS:;;;; spends the money

CONGRESS;;;;; makes the rules, sets the policies

no wonder they call you the dumbest generation in history
B2slim writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:22 PM
85% approval rating in Alaska


85% approval rating in Alaska

NO GOV EVER::::::::::::has held a higher rating


DEM controlled congress has approval rating of about 8% we know them best:

B2slim writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:25 PM
think his tire gauge broke :


Obama has given up "RATIONS"

Obama has given up "inflate tires"

He now wants to "DRILL" you say

well that is his "perpetual change"
yes he can
yes he can

change is story every hour:
B2slim writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:31 PM
58% approval rating: HMMMMMMMMMM

SO::: Palin has a 58% approval rating

Higher than Obama, McCain, Biden

EXPLAIN::: how the voters are "TURNED OFF" to her ?


yes we do know that Obama's sleaze merchants keep throwing fabrications, distortions, exaggerations, lies, of slander etc. against the WALL:


Obama has spent 100 millin on a sleaze campaign against Palin
filled with lies, slander, distortions, exaggerations:: CHEAP FILTH

dairyfarmermom writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 12:38 PM
So Anne Kilkenny--lifelong Democrat--doesn't like Sarah Palin. So? What a surprise! And her email starts with a lot of jealous nonsense about her looks??????????
To see Anne Kilkenny, one can see why she doesn't like Sarah's looks. pg?v=0
Birdman II writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 2:16 PM
Sarah 09/05/08 1:59 PM Not Ready

"I don't believe she is ready to step in and be President if something should happen to John McCain."

I know your pain. I have the exact feeling that Obama is not ready to step in and be president too. And just think, if something happened to Obama then we would have to rely on good ol' '1% Biden' to step in.

"In Sen. McCain's effort to pick up Hillary disgruntled voters -his pick of Gov. Palin has turned off a lot of traditional conservative SAHMs."

Yeah, I think McCain really wanted to attract disgruntled Left-Wing feminists by going with a very conservative Right-Winger... What do you smoke? Do you really think that Left-Wingers are that capable of that radical a flip?

"At a weekly get together of SAHMs in my neighborhood, there were a lot of concerns voiced about her and if she is really ready to be President if need be."

We all have our concerns. Mine, as stated above, are that neither Obama nor Biden are capable. But that is only my opinion.

Go, Sarah, Go. (MHO)
Eileen writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 9:27 PM
She has taken several positions throughout the years...Council Woman, Mayor and then Governor of the largest land mass state of Alaska.

In each position, she learned the responsibilities quickly and efficiently...proving she is a quick learner.

She has an 80% rating by the citizens in her state. Astonishing as far as ratings go! Proving that she is doing something right and well!

As Governor of the State of Alaska, she knows oil. The oil crisis is one of the most, if not the most, important issue we have today. If we don't correct this problem soon, we will be in dire straits here in America.

The citizens of Alaska and their Governor both want to use the resources that Alaska can provide both for the good of their economy and for the security of our country!

She has worked for and against the oil companies on issues in Alaska. Her husband worked for an oil company on an oil rig. She can bring a great deal of knowledge that all other candidates do not have! She will help solve our oil crisis - we need Governor Palin and her expertise.

Together with the "Maverick" - they will make a great team. She is a "reformer" and is not afraid to address anyone in err! They will bring the change and reform that we all want because they put "country first".
Yttrium writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 9:56 PM
AATN: Seward's folly, McCain's wisdom
We have to drill. McCain and Palin have made plain in their speeches that Russia is aggressive and using energy to intimidate it's neighbors. The Left also has designs on shutting down our energy.

I see some posters here claiming that Alaska is just "Seward's folly."

No, they did not say that exactly, but that IS what they are saying when they claim Palin is not right for TOP leadership in our country RIGHT NOW. Palin is not "McCain's folly," she is his wisdom. A strong America will not be attacked, subdued, and overcome. Drill NOW.
Yttrium writes: Saturday, September, 06, 2008 10:05 PM
INRE Seward's Icebox
I'm sorry my writing is not better.

We need Alaska right now. Desperately. And McCain has put his finger on it. A weak America, in an energy crisis, will invite every manner of attack and chaos in the world. We had better keep our factories and cars humming, and our lights on. DRILL NOW. Go nuclear.
jeff writes: Sunday, September, 07, 2008 4:34 AM
ANWR--The No Brainer!
FINALLY..a voice of reason. Maybe The Maverick will listen to Palin's valid logic on drilling in ANWR. (The arguments against drilling are so stupid it's astonishing). However, Nancy Pelosi is single-handedly stopping the process (Reminds me of Soviet Style politburo tactics that only a Stalinist could pull off). However, POTUS GWB was in favor of drilling in ANWR and look where that got us? We need to keep the full-court press on these delusional eco-wierdo politicains to get their act together and get that oil and natural gas in Alaska! (just think of the job creation!!)
Monkeywrench writes: Sunday, September, 07, 2008 10:42 AM
Why has Palin lawyered up?

Sarah Palin claimed this summer she had nothing to his in Troopergate and welcomed an investigation. My how things have changed: l?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp

Palin also loves to tout her "executive experience." Like this?
boomerbust writes: Sunday, September, 07, 2008 12:27 PM
Campaign Speech
Palin to give energy speech on the campaign trail for the reelection of Senator Ted Stevens(R) Alaska
Shawn writes: Sunday, September, 07, 2008 11:49 PM
Palin Expertise
I've actually seen her interviews with Larry Kudlow on CNBC & she knows what she's talking about! Congress needs to do the following: Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way!
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