Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 12:06 PM
Late last night, the Democrat Rules Committee decided to allow debate on ZERO amendments to the Democrats’ new energy gimmick bill. It is a closed bill, so no amendments can be offered, and no compromise can be reached.

They made this decision over Republican objections, in the dead of night, and less than 12 hours before the House would begin consideration of the bill.

Not only is their approach wrong; but so is their bill. Their bill bans drilling in 9/10ths of our off-shore reserves and bans exploration in ANWR entirely. They’re blocking nuclear power. They’re blocking coal-to-liquids. They’re blocking oil shale and the list goes on. Really, they’re blocking All-of-the-Above.

At the same time, they’re increasing utility costs for consumers who are already concerned about imminent high heating bills. That’s the last thing our already tight family budgets need right now.

The Democrats know this bill is seriously flawed, and it’s simply a political gimmick. They’re not really trying to address the issue, but rather trying to cover their backs during a tough election season. The truth is the Democrat leadership has failed the American people on energy reform. Don’t be fooled by their charade.

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eddie too writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 12:22 PM
JSM needs to tell Americans

that energy and the economy are intricately linked. Most of the difficulties the economy is experiencing derive from its on-going process of absorbing the rapid and extreme increases in the price of enery, specifically oil.

The Dems refusal to act on the energy issue is designed to ensure the economy continues to struggle absorbing the energy costs.

Not only is Blinky Obama willing to lose a war to win an election, he is willing to destroy the American economy to win an election. A leader and a patriot, Blinky Two-Face is not!!!
DamonS writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 12:50 PM
The Winning Issue: Turn the lights on..
the democrats and watch them scurry back under the counters. We know the media won't call them on it. So we have to get busy with the talk shows and get people calling congress to let them know this will not stand.

And every republican candidate that wants to win needs to stay on message;

"Drill here, Drill now, Drill everywhere. "

"Republican want to Drill because American needs it, the Democrats only want to drill as an election strategy"

"Drilling means lower energy costs"


That IS the winning issue.
BillP writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 12:55 PM
Michele Bachmann is on
the House Financial Services Committee. She asked for that assignment, and Nancy Pelosi gave it to her.

But if you look through this blog of hers, you won't find much of anything on the meltdown of the economy and lenders and investment banks.

Michele didn't know anything about preventing the collapse of the mortgage industry, and she didn't do anything to prevent that (or the high rate of foreclosures in her own district.) She doesn't know anything about energy, either, and she's not going to do anything to lower your gas prices. For Michele, the real problems facing you and your family are not something she has to "do something about"--they're just talking points that she's memorized, to use as career moves.

Like the partisanship thing in the headline. Michele denounces partisanship, but is one of the most partisan legislators in Congress. She voted against Mother's Day, because Democrats supported it.

On the issue of "should we trust Michele to inform us about the realities of energy policy," do you guys see a pattern developing here?
Michael writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 1:08 PM
Haven't we heard this before?
Publication Title: The American Prospect
Format: Online
Author: Jones, Mary Lynn F.
Publication Date: 01-APR-03

But in the eight years that House Republicans have been in the majority, they've perfected the methods they once denounced--and backed off promises to improve the system. On bills such as welfare reform, the extension of unemployment benefits and the recent omnibus appropriations, Republicans have stopped Democrats from offering amendments on the floor and, in effect, made the House a one-horse show.
eddie too writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 1:14 PM
I thought the GOP ran

the House since 1994 and until 2006. Things went pretty good in those 12 years except for Islamic terrorism and Katrina.

Things start going bad economically after the Dems took control of the House in 2006.
Darryl writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 1:16 PM
Fire the democrats
After wathcing C-Span for a while this morning, I think that it is time to vote the democrats out of office, the general population say's drill drill drill and that slime ball Pelosi says no no no you people don't know better I will save the planet, The only thing that she should worry about is keeping her job, because she is no author
ScarletPimpernel writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 1:36 PM
the Repubs are running on the "We agree with our good friends on the Left and we want bi-partisanship solutions blah blah blah" ticket and, therefore, are more likely to agree with whatever the Dem/libs come up with.
Michael writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 1:59 PM
Eddie's short term memory
By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY

Average family incomes fell in the USA from 2001 to 2004, pulled down by a sluggish recovery from the downturn and the sharp stock market drop, the Federal Reserve said Thursday. The decline — the first since 1989-92 — was accompanied by the smallest increase in net worth in that period.

I also seem to recall there was a budget surplus when president Clinton left office; President Bush did away with that in just over a year.
eddie too writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 2:40 PM

and the economy grew and government revenues increased and the Dem led Congress continued to spend and America has been free of terrorist attacks and Iraq is becoming a nation of laws and and Democrat corruption is revealed.

Too bad Clinton did not defend America adequately. If he had, maybe we would not be in this mess.

We have absorbed the shock of 911. We have absorbed the shock of Katrina. We are absorbing the shock of oil shortages. Have times been interesting and difficult for some? Yes, just like they always are. We are not in a recession, but you may continue to whine about the economy.
Pat writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 4:03 PM
"Average family incomes fell in the USA from 2001 to 2004, pulled down by a sluggish recovery from the downturn and the sharp stock market drop, the Federal Reserve said Thursday."

Do you remember 9/11? Probably not, because if you did you probably wouldn't be complaining. When Congress actually passed the President's 2nd round of tax cuts, the economy started booming.

"I also seem to recall there was a budget surplus when president Clinton left office; President Bush did away with that in just over a year."

You really must do some fact checking. The surplus was gone by the end of the Clinton presidency!

BTW, the reason for the downturn in the economy is twofold: global increase in oil (supply and demand) with the U.S. not producing any oil; and, the banking problem which is a Fed Reserve and Congress issue. If both had acted two years ago, there probably wouldn't have been the current problem, at least to the degree that it is. May I add, it was two years ago that the Dems took over Congress.

Please look up the legislation they have enacted. There is NONE that has any effect on the two main issues of the day.
USAconservativemom writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 4:41 PM
Why is the media not talking
about the fact that Democrats have had leadership in Congress for the last two years and they have ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING!!!! The approval ratings for Congress are the lowest on record, and yet no one in the MSM is talking about it. And yet, they just keep on hosting their celebrity fundraisers completely oblivious to the fact that THEY STINK at their jobs.
Joe writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 6:24 PM
Transparancy? Not from the Dems
Did you know Bush pushed for it at Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac five years ago, but guess who opposed it:

”These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

http://hotair.com/archives/2008/09/16/whose-policies-led-to -the-credit-crisis/

And who got the most contributions from Fannie and Freddie? Democrats Chris Dodd and Barack Obama. Looking out for YOU. Well more looking out for themselves. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/blogs/index.php/rubin/30 411

Chris Dodd got a sweetheart mortgage from Countrywide (who relies a lot on Fannie and Freddie). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/13/chris-dodd-kent-c onrad-ti_n_106925.html
Barack Obama? He got mortage help from a convicted felon. http://hotair.com/archives/2008/03/09/rezko-cash-three-tim es-more-what-obama-admits-sun-times/
Bill writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 7:17 PM
as usual
Should anyone be surprised that the Democrats will once again obfuscate the importance of the energy crisis and use parliamentary rules to flaunt their majority status while doing absolutely nothing to help the American people. The time is now to vote against each and every Democrat on the ballot, otherwise, we deserve who we vote for.
Monkeywrench writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 7:20 PM
Michele's Obama Waffles
Michele was a featured speaker at last week's "Values Voters Summit." Did Michele pick up a few boxes of Obama Waffles at this fine gathering of values-minded folks?

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/9/13/174134/243/251/5977 55

Is this what your values are? It's obviously what Michele's values are, becauzse the sponsors of the show let these things be sold from Thursday through Saturday with nary a word. Michele spoke on Friday, so they were sold while whe was there.

What do you think, Bachmann fans. Are these your values?
SonOfTed writes: Tuesday, September, 16, 2008 7:53 PM
The light is always soooo revealing...
For years the Democrats in Congress complained angrily that they couldn't work with a divisive, partisan President Bush.

Now that they have held control of both Houses of Congress for two years, I think that it is blatantly obvious THAT THEY CANNOT WORK WITH ANY MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITE PARTY AND COMPROMISE IN A GOOD FAITH MANNER.

It is becoming more and more clear just WHO is divisive and partisan.
Dan writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 5:18 AM

I must share with you what will certainly be the death of the liberal movement. Finally!

It's a film from Europe, entitled "Coming Soon", that's floating around the Internet and beautifully illustrates the inherent dead-end facing liberal philosophy.

It's an ABSOLUTE MUST-SEE (quite entertaining as well) and as of this morning it was still available for free at http://www.comingsoon.cz.

Watch it and celebrate! And then spread the word!
Michael writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 11:35 AM
Just the Facts
Unemployment Rate on Bush’s inauguration date 4.2%

Unemployment rate now 6.1%

Budget Surplus $281 Billion on Bush’s inauguration date

Budget Deficit now $357 Billion

National Debt on Bush’s inauguration date $5.8 Trillion

National Debt now $9.7 Billion

Consumer prices rose 5.6% in the year to July, the fastest clip since 1991.

Producer prices rose 9.8%, the most since 1981.

Adjusted for inflation, hourly private-sector wages were down more than 2% in the 12 months to the end of July

400,000 homes in foreclosure

Since 2000, the US trade deficit has increased $300 billion, and 3.8 million manufacturing jobs have been lost.

Not to mention recent events in the insurance, banking and investment industries

dale writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 11:36 AM
Title says it all
The Democrats' definition of bipartisanship is the Republicans doing what the Democrats want them to do. the last time the Dems sided with the Republicans in a bipartisan action was the civil rights act of 1964. Its been a long time since I was seven. It time to get a new second party, and for the GOP to find some cojones.
Michael writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 11:52 AM
Just the Facts
Jobs: The economy has produced one-fourth the number of new jobs (5.7 million) under Bush as it did under Clinton (21 million).

Income: Real income have fallen under Bush – for example, real per-capita income is down about $100. By contrast, real-per capita income rose by more than $5,400 under Clinton.

Economic Growth: Having grown by nearly 4 percent during Clinton’s, the economy has grown by an average of only 2 percent during Bush’s term. So much for the fiction that tax cuts for the wealthy are the key to economic growth.

Gas Prices: The average price of a gallon of gas on the day George Bush took office: $1.45. Today: $3.87.

Dollar: On the day George W. Bush took office, a dollar bought 1.07 Euros. Today you’d get 0.70 Euros. That’s a loss of a third of the value of the dollar under Bush.

Inflation: After nearly twenty years of stable prices, inflation is back with a bang. In the past twelve months, inflation has risen sharply to 5.7 percent. During Clinton’s presidency, inflation averaged 2.6 percent.
maggie  writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 12:37 PM
Socialism at it's finest!
A one sided decision on the most important bill on the table. Relief for all of us and they don't give a hoot. Democrats do not care about the people just their own agenda! They sicken me.
Brendan J. writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 3:15 PM
And you're surprised?
The Dems in Congress refuse to discuss energy before going on their vacation, only talk about energy policy for "green" techology that will take a decade to develop, with heavy subsidies to those companies, who are by and large major DNC supporters, slapping big oil with taxes, and everyone is surprised that their bill is loaded with these things. To shut the Drill NOW masses up, such as out of work UAW workers for whom $4 a gallon is not an inconvenience but a disaster who have to be wondering why as dues paying union members they are support people who want them permanently out of work, the Dems push an off shore drilling program they know Bush will Veto loaded with taxes on big oil, that will get thrown out by the Courts for being discriminatory, band drilling from a 2000 acre site in the middle of 2 MILLION acres, and only allow off shore drilling from platforms that are out of sight, have no one objecting to their going up, and naturally are no where near the 18 billion barrels of oil estimated to be off shore to begin with.

And anyone is surprised? Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how the UAW's leadership is justifying their jobs to the rank and file since their endorsed candidates are so intent on destroying the autoindustry in Michigan and the rest of the country an everone's surprised they passed a permit to drill bill in locations we already know there's little or no oil? During an energy crunch?
Birdman II writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 6:22 PM
Keep in mind...
Nancy Pelosi is in bed with T. Boone Pickens and his new energy company. He gets millions start up and she own stock. Confick of interest anyone?
Monkeywrench writes: Wednesday, September, 17, 2008 10:14 PM
Hate to clue you morons in

You know, Republicans are in the MINORITY now. That means you have to compromise more to the Democrats' side because the Democrats are the MAJORITY. That's how democracy works. It doesn't work to stand on the sidelines and shriek about how it's your way or the highway. Becaue it's not your way, so you better hit the f*%king highway, losers. I know you desperately need an election issue to pound on, and you thought this Drill Here, Drill Now B.S. was it. But it seems the Democrats are the ones who are saying go ahead and drill. What's a poor ignorant Republican to do?
dale writes: Thursday, September, 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Got the clue

You are correct in relation to the present. My observation is that even when the GOP was in the majority in the congress (1994-2006) they were still doing what the Dems wanted them to do and calling it bipartisanship, while at the same time the Dems opposed every appointment and every appropriation that did not feed their special interest. If there is an anti-bi-partisan party in Washington it is the Dems. Plain and simple.
tibby writes: Thursday, September, 18, 2008 12:52 PM
Short attention span
Bill Clinton can thank the Republicans for his economic record. Does anyone remember "Contract with America" ? Unfortunately, even the Republicans beginning in 2000 forgot this as well and attempted to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Where do you think your health care system would be today if Bill Clinton had gotten the system he wanted. Has anyone ever seen any government program that did not grow more than forecast and spend much more than we were told that it would cost?

Which will take longer to develop: Drilling for oil to be delivered to refineries or developing alternative fuels in the same quantity. Opponents to drilling will tell you that it will take 7 to 10 years to make an impact. Hmmm, isn't that the same thing they said 7 to 10 years ago? And just how many years did you say it will take to develop those alternative fuels?

I have decided to go high tech and buy a digital tire pressure gauge.

Paragrouper writes: Thursday, September, 18, 2008 4:22 PM
The Bottom Line
is the Democraps believe that they get more votes in a bad economy. Which is why they are looking to dodge any real commitment before the elections. It is absolutely disgusting how they have washed their hands of our current economic crisis.
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