



Jihad: Part 58

July 27th, 2006 by Milipundit

Zawahiri’s latest act of courage - calling for fellow Muslims to become martyrs while sitting in a studio far from any fighting - is a bit superfluous. Perhaps Zawahiri missed the first and second intifada, or for that matter the last fifty-eight years.

Calling for a jihad against the Jewish people and those that support freedom is nothing new. I am not even sure why it is a news story. What would have been front page news is if Zawahiri called for fellow Muslims to put down their weapons and live in peace!

Zawahiri states that “all the world is a battlefield open in front of us.” Therefore reestablishing al-Qaeda’s imperialist ambitions to create an Islamic empire from “Spain to Iraq.”

What Zawahiri is really calling for is more of the same. More of the same cowardice tactics of hiding behind civilians - men, women, and children alike - in order to carry out mass murders for the purpose of regional, if not world, domination.

Just yesterday Hezbollah terrorists used a mosque in Bint Jbail as an ammo dump. Classic al-Qaeda if you ask me.

I’m not saying there are precise, cogent battle plans being disseminated from the hiding places of al-Qaeda, but the spineless tactics used by terrorist organizations share a common theme.

Only in Zawahiri’s case it is do as I say and not as I do.
