Senator Thad Cochran

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker
May 10 , 2007 (202)224-6414


WASHINGTON, DC – Federal funding totaling more than $4 million has been awarded for Hurricane Katrina recovery costs, U.S. Senators Thad Cochran and Trent Lott announced today.  The grants, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are awarded to the City of Biloxi and Harrison County for costs associated with hurricane recovery.

“Hurricane Katrina’s storm surge scattered obstructive debris along our Coast, and efforts to remove it are still ongoing,” Senator Cochran said. “I am pleased the Federal Emergency Management Agency continues to demonstrate that it is aware of the assistance coastal municipalities need as they work to regain economic strength as quickly as possible.”

“Even almost two years after Katrina, getting these reimbursements remains very important to the people of Mississippi, especially the hard hit communities still working hard to recover,” Senator Lott said.  “I’m going to continue working with FEMA and with all appropriate federal agencies to constantly remind them of Mississippi’s plight and to ensure Mississippi gets every dime of federal funding that our recovery requires.”

Details on today’s awards are as follows:

· $2,462,761.00 – Harrison County  -  Debris Removal.  High winds, heavy rains, and a high storm surge from Hurricane Katrina caused widespread damage to trees throughout Harrison County.  The damage to trees, which included hanging limbs and trees uprooted, which were leaning at an angle greater than 30 degrees.  This created an immediate threat to health and safety since these trees and limbs could fall and injure or kill people or damage public or private property located beneath these trees.  Harrison County contracted the removal of leaners and hangers throughout Harrison County that are endangering the public right of way or private property with a Right of Entry Agreement.  Leaners are trees leaning greater than 30 degrees with a diameter greater than 6” and hangers are hanging limbs with a diameter greater than 2”. This $2,462,761.00 funds the Leaners and Hangers contract in Harrison County at 100% Federal Cost Share from August 29, 2005 to June 30, 2006.

· $1,569,640.56 – City of Biloxi -  Debris Removal.  On August 29, 2005, the Hurricane force winds of Katrina and a storm surge of over 23 feet devastated the city of Biloxi which caused huge amounts of debris to be scattered in public Right of Ways. The piles of debris halted Law Enforcement, Emergency and Ambulance services to meet the critical needs of the people and city.  The City of Biloxi entered into various contractual service agreements regarding the removal and disposal of the large amounts of vegetative, construction and demolition as well as concrete debris scattered throughout the city Right of Ways.  This $1,744,045.07 funds the removal and disposal of approximately 107,838 cubic yards of debris from the Right of Ways within the city during the time period of July 1, 2006 to August 28, 2006.




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