News Item

Partisan Playground Politics Fails To Solve Social Security
Social Security Town Halls: Republicans Outnumber Democrats

Washington, Aug 2, 2005 - Today in response to House Democratic Leadership announcing that Democrats would reach their 1,000th town hall regarding Social Security, the Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), issued the following statement:

“We all know that Nancy Pelosi and her band of obstructionists have done everything in their power to prevent Democrats from joining bipartisan discussions regarding Social Security. Her actions today to try to muddy her record on this issue are as credible as Howard Dean’s apologies.

“The American people recognize that Republicans and the President have been actively engaged in a discussion with the American people on the need to strengthen Social Security to ensure that this program is viable for future generations. In fact, House Republicans surpassed 1,150 town halls before the August recess and we will continue to work on this important issue.”

As Vice-Chairman of the House Republican Conference, Kingston is responsible for maintaining the Republican Conference’s Ronald Reagan Award. To win the award, Members have to satisfy a series of required communication efforts regarding Social Security reform, including:
1. At least 12 District Events – including but not restricted to: town hall discussions, open houses, listening/roundtable sessions, public forums, or national media appearances.
2. One district-wide franked mail piece or 10 “499” mailings.
3. One editorial board interview to each district daily newspaper.
4. One placed Member op-ed column.
5. Three one-minute speeches on topic.
6. Organize or participate in one Special Order.
7. Update Member website with links or information on Social Security reform.
8. One radio or television appearance in district.
9. Record one message to be distributed throughout district via phone.
10. Meet with at least one older Americans advocacy group.

Several Members have already achieved the award including: Republican Reps. Marsha Blackburn (TN), Ginny Brown-Waite (FL), Chris Chocola (IN), Mike Conaway (Texas), Tom DeLay (Texas), Phil Gingrey (GA), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Jim Kolbe (AZ), John Kline (MN), Clay Shaw, Jr. (FL), and Joe Wilson (SC).

Over the past year, several Democrats broke Democrat ranks to join Republicans on TWO different occasions to discuss Social Security reform. The first meeting was in May and included a bipartisan group to discuss Social Security reform with AARP CEO Bill Novelli. The second meeting in June included a bipartisan group for a discussion with Social Security policy expert, Robert C. Pozen of Boston.

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