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Please read the details of each tour and fill out the form below to request a tour. Please Note: For those requesting a White House tour, you will need to download this Microsoft Excel file and send via email to

How to . . . Sign up for a tour and learn more about Washington, D.C. attractions
When you are in Washington, D.C., you should consider my office to be your home away from home.  If you need assistance with anything, we are here to help you. 
My staff can help you book tours at a number of sites in Washington, including:

These tours book up to three months in advance.  So I encourage you to act quickly.  Please fill out a tour request form and return it to my office as soon as you know when you will be in Washington, D.C.
Much of what Washington has to offer can be done without advance reservations, and most of these attractions are free for the public.  The National Cathedral, the Kennedy Center, the Smithsonian Museums, and the Library of Congress are all free and open to the public.  Links to the websites for many popular attractions can be found below
In addition, my staff can send you a “Welcome to Washington” visitor guide, which provides handy maps, a history of Washington, suggested day trips, and detailed information and photographs of local attractions.  To receive your copy, just fill out the tour request form and send it to my Washington, D.C. office. 
Finally, I would like to invite you to attend one of my constituent breakfasts, which I hold on Wednesday or Thursday mornings in the Hart Senate Office building in Washington, D.C.  More information about my constituent breakfast can be found here.
Have a great time planning your trip, and I look forward to seeing you in our nation’s capital soon. 
Tour Information:

How to Get Around in Washington:

Government Buildings of Interest:

On Capitol Hill:

Museums and Galleries

Monuments and Memorials

Landmarks, Cathedrals & Churches:

Historic Homes

Parks and Gardens
Prefix: *   
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Home Phone: *   
Cell Phone:   
Fax Number:   
E-mail: *
Number of People in Your Party: *
Special Needs:
Available Dates: *
Points of Interest *: Please check all that apply.
Capitol Building   White House *
Library of Congress   Bureau of Printing and Engraving
* Please submit White House requests three to six months in advance as tickets are extremely limited.

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