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July 28, 1996
Contact: Craig D'Ooge (202) 707-9189

Copyright Office Presents Digital Technology Seminar for Representatives from the People's Republic of China

The International Copyright Institute (ICI), a training facility of the U.S. Copyright Office, hosted a study tour on the "Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright and Neighboring Rights" for a copyright delegation from the People's Republic of China June 27-28.

The delegation from Beijing was headed by Mr. Yu Youxian, Commissioner of National Copyright Administration of China, and included prominent members of that organization.

The delegation was received by Marybeth Peters, the U.S. Register of Copyrights, and addressed by both Ms. Peters and Shira Perlmutter, associate register for policy and international affairs, on "Copyright and the Global Information Infrastructure." Mary Levering, associate register for national copyright programs, conducted a briefing and demonstration of the Copyright Office Electronic Registration, Recordation, and Deposit System (CORDS).

CORDS is a new electronic system, now being tested, for receipt and processing of copyright applications, deposited works, and related documents that allows them to be transmitted securely, in digital form, over international communications networks such as the Internet.

The delegation also travelled to New York City to meet with representatives from the private sector, including IBM, Harry Fox, and BMI.

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PR 96-96
ISSN 0731-3527

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