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@vanessafox We are at the Mini dealership. We saw someone wearing a Mini shirt on the CNN homepage today and thought, why not?
Protecting @biz from sharks at the car dealership. Salesman is from Belarus and keeps calling him Chris.
At Pier 38.
Day 2: I'm still on the CNN homepage... and they added a second larger photo of me. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just weird.
Late night at work, ordering Thai by phone. Team has the menu memorized.
Wow! My (albeit tiny) mug is on the front page of right now! I'm the one who isn't @barackobama
Trying again, this time without the sarcasm. I'm on today talking about starting up Plinky:
@sacca if you think the guy on BBC was bad yesterday, get a load of this putz on talking about startups:
This Coca-Cola Cherry Zero tastes like 7th grade. How did they do that?
Visits to our office today by @cw and @rk. Must be 2-letter handle day at Plinky. @ev , you and the 673 others are welcome to drop by too.
Trying to work the phrase "inaugural balls" into a tweet. Job done.
First year in a long time that I'm not at Macworld hosting the annual blogger's lunch. Sounds like this was the year to miss anyway.
Super-fired up about Picasa for Mac! I have been asking for this from the Picasa team for about 5 years:
At the last place in America that sells cassettes. The have unopened Ratt, Prince and REM.
Just won $500 of gas from the Obama Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and Irish Lotto. Nice!
Saw Revolutionary Road: 4 stars. It gave me some good material, but I won't spoil it for you. I'm patiently waiting to unleash the fury.
Formed a band with my two little boys. First creative fight over credit for writing our first song "Feel so good today" is behind us.
Bought a replacement practice amp today, a Line 6 Spider III 15 So much fun and crazy loud. Neighbors, look out!
De-Christmasing the house. Always makes me wish we could celebrate MLK Jr Day with a tree. Inauguration tree? Any takers? Valentine tree?
Taking turns playing Shaun White Snowboard Roadtrip on Wii. 3 year old is too light, keeps getting yelled at for jumping on Wii Fit Board.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Jeremy Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla sara Livia Dunstan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Kevin S. Eric Case veen Dennis Crowley Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Jason Shugars Grant Shellen Clint G Kevin Fox Matt Jones Ross Mike Brandt derek dukes lorna Om Malik
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