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Grateful it's not cold today while I'm GTD.
Congratulations to Reader on being awarded the..."itchy" is it? (Also: who's accepting what now?)
Inbox Zero is a nice goal and all but only the bravest and coolest attempt Account Balance Zero...right?
Thinking of Con. Amendments as per the phrase "make amends" - as if the new law is asking for expiation for a previous passage or rider.
Cinema pro tip: "Advise and Consent" on iTunes. A zinger-filled period pol. drama about a Cabinet confirmation. (1962)
Things that don't mix well: outdoor carpentry, winter weather.
There's ways for popular content apps to help provide revenue for investigative journalism but, um, they need to *hurry*. :)
I miss hearing music in my head.
@ weblivz good idea about the url shortening in santas! just added that.
Love new Reader. 1) Clean. (Consistent styles!) 2) Collapsing = win. 3) Bundles I'd try more - would love samples w/o having to subscribe.
oh hai I'm lolchris - trying not to lose anything else in the near future since irreplaceable things really are irreplaceable.
Since I was asked - using jQuery not Google Doctype since I'm too lazy to fire up svn (mainly on git now) and jQuery is excellent, too.
Ceiling-to-floor prototypes of innovations++ Partly b/c they help 1) make vocab for new ideas 2) sight-smell bits that'll chase users away.
The Fisher King: "I just wish there were some way I could pay the fine and go home." What happened to LaGravenese that he wrote that line?
I actually hate my financial advisor. It's a depth of ill will I'm uncomfortable having.
Recumbent rest (a recreant release, really) required after recovering remarkable results of rare research.
Purple, mixed-size fonts in HTML email wasn't exactly what I was expecting from a private investigator.
If a multi-Pulitzered science author can send/check notes via Facebook then I sure as hell should have done likewise, campaign or no. @cw--
Unlikely to forgive the LDS church. Fear of change in church practice shouldn't have led to rights removal. A sick, cowardly milestone.
Prop 8: 54% to 46% in favor. This hurts deeply.