Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 10:49 AM
Have you heard about this yet? A new Gallup Poll shows that the majority of the American people prefer Republican-led domestic energy reforms to deal with soaring energy prices. 57 percent of Americans agree with Republicans and favor more energy exploration here in the United States to help bring down the price of gasoline. This comes after a year and a half of no direction from Democratic leadership in Congress to help lower the cost of gasoline.

When will the Democratic leadership begin to actually do something to address American's concerns?

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Sandy writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:25 AM
Good for the Republicans
Finally someone is paying attention to the energy woes in this country brought on by the do nothing Dems. in the 110th Congress. I am only surprised that not more than 57% are in support. Drilling for our own oil has been a constant mantra from the majority of US citizens for years. Someone needs to have the backbone to stand up against the all too powerful Environmentalists! This is a step in the right direction for the Repubs. Now they just have to convince the moron R nominee that this is the correct direction!
Cam writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:35 AM
Yes, please click the Gallup Poll link
"GOP Energy Plan" is not mentioned anywhere on this webpage. Drilling domestic oil is one of the numerous questions in this poll. Unfortunately, high gas prices in the US are caused far more by our exchange rate than supply. A majority of Americans also favor taking steps to fight global warming. Fortunately, all of the presidential candidates are committed to addressing all of these parameters.
LittleL1954 writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:52 AM
What about Liberman-Warner S-2191
This bill is going to the Senate floor next week and we will see where McCain comes dowm on it but. This is just a rehash of the 2003 McCain-Lieberman "Climate Stewardship Act" Remember it!!
McCain is in full support of the 2008 version of HIS bill from 2003.

Note this statement from the current bill:
"to establish the core of a federal program that will reduce Unites States greenhouse emmisions substantially enough between 2007 and 2050 to avert the CATASTROPHIC impacts of global climate change"

Folks we are in for CATASTROPHIC global warming due to you BAD STEWARDS--Bad Bad United States.
Your Guy McCain wanted this 5 years ago and he wants it today. What was the McCain Energy plan, in 2003 it was the Climate Stewadrship Act and today, the same thing. TAX Americans into submission.

I see McCain's conservativism and it is called TAXATION. I will not support THAT type of a conservative.

Writing A Name IN in November!

Virginia Patriot writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:59 AM
McCain (D-lite) Against Drilling
Read his lips, No New Drilling.

Same as the Democrats. More taxation, less energy. Yeah, that'll work.
Monkeywrench writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:00 PM
Bachmann is lying again
This Gallup Poll was no more about the GOP energy "plan" than it is about Michele's choice of high heels today. Another day, another lie from Michele Bachmann.

Tell us, Michele. What did YOUR party do to solve the energy crisis--not just lower the price of gas--in the six years YOUR party controlled the White House and Congress?

Oh, that's right. You're not worried about the energy crisis because the End Times are coming.
athingortwo writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:07 PM
Well, the headline does not match
what's in the Gallup poll. That is, unless Ms. Bachman is saying that the current GOP energy platform calls for price contols at the pump. I don' think so! Once upon a time, a Republican President instituted price controls --- Richard M. Nixon, not exactly considered the most astute or honored President in modern history.

The problem with polls, is you cannot govern a country using the polls. Polls give us lowest common denominator thinking ... and very often, self-contradictory thinking.

Fer instance, this Gallup poll shows a majority (53%) support price controls at the pump, yet only 20% favor rationing gas. The average imbecile doesn't realize that price controls are a form of rationing ... because any such price controls will automatically reduce the supply of oil in America, when the rest of the world is still willing to pay market price ... and it's not like we can expect the oil companies and gas marketers to volunteer to sell their product for less than it costs them to produce it.

Price controls ARE rationing.

At least this does show that people are getting more resigned to drilling for oil where it is, and to heck with the greenies.

I believe that either:

1) the pressure to drill more wells will simply become politically unsustainable for the Dems, who will finally approve the drilling AFTER the November election ... or else

2) OPEC will wait until Congress is just about ready to approve more drilling, and then suddenly the Saudis will open up the oil spigot and drive world crude prices down by 40-50%, pulling the rug out from under the US energy industry (just like they did back in the mid '80s).

We've been there, done that ... it works (for the Saudis) like a charm!

athingortwo writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:21 PM
Monkeywrench - you're only a little bit

It's true, the Pubs didn't do squat to solve our energy problems when they ran Congress (but only for four years - not six .. the Dems controlled the Senate the first two years of Bush 41, and then the Dems controlled the House the last two years). But even when the Pubs had majorities in both houses, the Dems stonewalled and filibusterd in the Seante to stop any drilling in ANWR or offshore.

But, be all that as it may, it's clear that neither political party has been up to the job of dealing with our energy security. And, regardless of the fact that I am a diehard lifelong Republican, I don't believe either party is capable now of solving our energy problems without a bipartisan approach. Partisan gridlock is a recipe for more of the same.

The crazy thing is, America is fully capable of addressing its energy supplies - all it will take is some horsetrading, and we can get 90% of what we need.

Which is why, VAPat, despite your ill will toward John McCain, I believe he is literally the only politician of either party who has the ability to work up a bipartisan majority to tackle our energy supply problem.

Bush 43 couldn't do it.
Bubba couldn't do it.
Bush 41 couldn't do it.
Even the sainted Ronald Reagan couldn't do it.

That's why we're where we are today.

Obambi is incapable of doing anything to solve the problem ... he hasn't got a bipartisan bone in his body, being as he is the most ideologically rigid lefty elected to the US Senate. Obambi's idea of bipartisanship is to declare the other party beyond the pale of consideration, therefore, his party is the only party that matters.

John McCain actually has a track record of solving legislative problems working with both sides of the aisle. That's precisely what we need today.

Virginia Patriot writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:36 PM
Bipartisanship McCain Style
Means capitulation to liberals.

McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Feingold, McCain-Leiberman. Leadership like this I can do without.

Carbon taxes, constitutional rights for Gitmo detainees and amnesty for illegal aliens await us no matter who wins.
Libertarian Scum writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:37 PM
The falling dollar...
is more responsible for our gas prices seemingly skyrocketing than the supply of crude oil.

What are YOU and your colleagues doing abouit THAT?
Pasadena Phil writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 1:45 PM
People don't know yet
Both plans are slightly modified versions of the McCain-Lieberman-Warner Cap and Trade Bill that will tax Americans to subsidize the exportation of their jobs. It was the same thing with the amnesty bill. When it was just a vague issue in a fog, people were 50/50. Once they knew the facts, more than 80% of Americans arose in protest. This bill is even worse by several orders of magnitude. It is the arrival of central government planning for the entire economy. Just like the amnesty bills, our entrenched criminal class in Washington won't even read it before they start making their windbag floor speeches expressing their conviction that America needs communism.
Pasadena Phil writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 2:06 PM
It just occurred to me...
Who cares whether a poll reveals a dubious and questionable distinction in voter feelings between the Dem branded version of the same bill that the GOP is peddling? What does that mean? NO ONE understands this bill, even the lawmakers! What is the point of this post?
Monkeywrench writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 3:29 PM
Another thought for athingortwo

athingortwo writes:

The problem with polls, is you cannot govern a country using the polls. Polls give us lowest common denominator thinking ...

And lowest-common denominator thinking gives us Michele Bachmann.
maggie  writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 6:06 PM
I could be wrong
but I thought congress was suppose to do what WE wanted. Maybe I read thast somewhere.
Marlson writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 7:23 PM
Got gas?
No price controls. More drilling. The only kind of change i want is more of the stuff to stay in my pocket.

Yeah McCain is a "global warmer"...sad but true.

If only they could figure out how to run my SUV on kool-aid, problem solved...
a Concerned American writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:13 PM
In Response to the Question . . .
"When will the Democratic leadership begin to actually do something to address American's concerns?"

How about never - given that, almost without exception, they are entirely beholden to the far-left radical enviro-wacko "Global Warming" alarmist cabal - to say nothing of any other entity funded by and/or associated with shady, foreign-born, far-left, anti-American billionaire George Soros.
Pasadena Phil writes: Friday, May, 30, 2008 11:25 PM
concerned American
Take a look at who the "far-left radical enviro-wacko "Global Warming" alarmist cabal is composed of: ation.fortune/?postversion=2008053018

General Electric? Alcoa? It's a one-party system owned by the global corporations who are trying to rig the system for themselves.
BillP writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 12:18 AM
How long did the GOP control Congress
The commenter "athingortwo" needs to look up "a thing or two." He writes:

"It's true, the Pubs didn't do squat to solve our energy problems when they ran Congress (but only for four years - not six .. the Dems controlled the Senate the first two years of Bush 41, and then the Dems controlled the House the last two years)."

The GOP celebrated its first control of Congress in decades in 1994 (the so-called "Republican Revolution" led by Newt Gingrich.) They controlled Congress until the "Democratic tsunami" of 2006.

Once in power, they regularly disgraced themselves (even in the eyes of career conservatives). I can understand why a McCain Republican would try to pretend that they were only in command for four years, but that's just wishful thinking.

Rep. Bachmann, the proprietor of this blog, is very much in the tradition of the fallen GOP regime--Hastert campaigned for her; throughout her career she sang the praises of the GOP Congress even as they feasted on public pork.

If you want the same kind of "commitment to government reform and low gas prices" you saw under Gingrich, Hastert, and DeLay--then you will appreciate Bachmann. They were deceivers; so is she. Several of the commenters here(including athingortwo) have already pointed out that she's attempting to deceive right here and now, regarding what this particular poll proves.

That's standard operating practice for this politician. If you plan to hang out here, you will see a lot more of that, as her constituents have since she first entered government.
Take Back the Government writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 12:24 AM
The Sinister Thrust of Global Warming
is that it is part of Soros' and many globalist CEO's plans to create a "global, Political Correctness consciousness" and a global enforcement policy through the UN or a world court that can gradually erode sovereignty, enforce Political Correctness(Agitprop) in ALL nations of the world, and eliminate national borders to really bring in the bucks for corporations. The DEMs have hopped on boardwith it becausethey saw how their Liberal counterparts in Europe tried the carbon footprint tax and think it's a great way to milk the ignorant masses out of more money to further the cause of socialism nationally and eventually worldwide. What do the whores in DC care about the price of gas??? The Democratic Committee Chairmen are driving around in top-dollar rent-a-car's that they charge to the taxpayer along with the gas in those cars. YOU - YES, YOU - are paying for THEIR gas and THEIR luxury rent-a-cars, jets, fill-in-the-blank. The GOP doesn't even fight these morons. Of course, it's not like they have any more credibility with the American People anyways even if they did fight. When you've revealed to the world that you're a hypocrite, your reputation and credibility has largely been destroyed forever, and no election-year gimmick like a "Contract For America" is going to build your street-cred up.
Mr_Shirt writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 1:58 AM
That is the GOP has a plan?
Some one should tell the GOP "leaders" they have a plan!

McCain, Coleman & Pawlenty are not interested in the "GOP Plan" if there is such a thing. They are only interested in capitulating to the lefties in the Green (is the new RED) movement & big agriculture concerns.

How exactly does the Cap & Trade legislation supported by these three in the GOP leadership give us what the Gallop poll indicates that we want?

Mr_Shirt writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 2:08 AM
Oh, & the fact that 53% support
government price controls should scare the living beejeebers out of everyone.

Teacher's salaries should not go up one cent until they can start providing students with a basic understanding of elemental economics & history.

Price controls = product shortages. Richard "we're all Keynesians now" Nixon proved that through his incompetency in the early 1970's. If you don't remember gas lines, ask your grandparents.
Ray writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 5:55 AM
The inside the beltway crowd is out of touch with reality. It takes them months, years, or decades to solve any problem and then they screw it up. Don't you remember the kids in school who lied to you all the time and then went to college and law school? Well, they are in Washington or working for government.
Mr_Shirt writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 10:13 AM

Michele is one of the better ones, you just can't see far enough beyond your simplistc understandings to realize it.

Lowest common denominator thinking gives you people like Barack Obama:

BHO:"I'm gonna bring you change!"

Me:"What kind of change?"

BHO:"Change you can believe in!"


BHO:"I'm gonna unite this country!"


BHO:"By bringing you change!"

Me:"You said that, but..."

BHO:"Change you can believe in!"

Pennsylvania Voter writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 12:06 PM
Pretty simple solution
We have the US Congress that we deserve, and too many of us, myself included, have ignored what they are doing for quit a while.

That is until now.

Now we have a great challenge relating to oil energy production and our US Congress sits in the corner sucking its thumb!

For too long special interests (environmental, global, and foreign) have used their money to buy our US Congress's attention. The 535 individuals in Congress work for US not them.

OK, it's time to solve our energy crisis and it is pretty simple what the average citizen has to do, but we have to be in this for the long haul.

1) Turn off the entertainment, talk radio, newscasts, etc.
2) Study the gasoline price issue and establish your opinion as to the solution.
2) Go study what your US legislators are doing by reviewing their website press releases etc. Start at and
3) Check out their position on energy by what they do not by what they say they are doing.
4) Contact them and give them specific instructions such as "I will give you 30 days to solve the gasoline pricing problem by increasing domestic oil drilling, If you don't do what I want, I will vote against your re-election, period."
5) Then keep track of their behavior and vote accordingly.
6) Another approach is to warn all or your legislators that you will hold each personally responsible if the US Congress does not pass appropriate "drill now" legislation. In this situation all incumbents would be targeted for re-election dismissal if the US Congress not perform.

We have to keep this pressure up for the next 6 years so that we can effectively impose our will on the US Congress.

As a group, we the citizens of the United States of America can get this done with or without the current US Congress' co-operation.
Judi writes: Saturday, May, 31, 2008 2:49 PM
Plan? When, where, how?
When will the Democratic leadership address America's concerns? I say, be careful of what you ask. They don't need to. Their in control now and don't ever plan on giving it up. As for the GOP Plan, McCain and his friends are following in lock step with the nutters on this global warming garbage, I doubt if he is Pres. it would ever happen anyhow. The far, far left and the enviro nutters has gotten control of this country. Exploration for oil? Won't happen. Freedom as we know it, going! If Obama is Pres., we all better be prepared for "real changes ". God help us
Old Whig writes: Sunday, June, 01, 2008 3:50 PM
Remember when...
I remember sitting in the car with my mother in those gas lines, and watching them on TV. I also remember that Jimmy Carter was President at the time.

What started out as a bad idea was made even worse by Carter's incompetence. Don't forget that energy policy is set by the President, but it is Congress that actually makes it happen. And the Congress was controlled by the Democrats during both the Nixon and Carter administrations. It was the Democrat Congress that enacted price controls. Now the Democrats are calling for price controls again.

The Democrats are doing what they have always done regarding America's energy policy--obstruct. It isn't in the interests of Democratic party leaders that America become energy independent. That policy would make Americans wealthier than ever, which would mean they wouldn't have to rely on government programs to have their needs met. The Democrats would be out of a job, figuratively speaking.
Old Whig writes: Sunday, June, 01, 2008 4:04 PM
To the Critics:
Apparently those who criticize Michele Bachmann's analysis didn't read past the headline to which she refers.

A headline is intended to set the basic tone of the article, so it is no wonder that the headline is what it is. Ms. Bachmann is merely bringing out the positive news from this survey. If you think I'm wrong, ask yourself why the author of the original report would choose that particular statistic instead of the one Ms. Bachmann reports, especially since the one she chose has a greater number supporting increasing supply.

Overall, the survey tells us that most Americans are clueless about American energy policy, supply and demand, the oil futures market, and basic economics. You can thank the Democrat-owned teachers unions and the liberal textbook writers for that.
Mr_Shirt writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 12:31 AM
My point is sure Michele Bachman gets it
She usually does! But the title of her post is that Americans support the "GOP plan".

McCain, Coleman & Pawlenty are in the GOP leadership & guess what? They DO NOT want to drill, they DO want Cap & Trade to increase the price of all energy... All they want to do is throw more money at "alternatives"
Ken writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 1:24 AM
GOP Energy? Kyl's amendment a start!
The closest the GOP has come to an energy plan was a proposed amendment to the sister bill of HR 3121 known as S2284 - the amendment number is A4720. It was offered by Senator Kyl and it did not receive the requisite number of votes to be attached as an amendment on May 13th. The proposed amendment would have allowed drilling in all those forbidden places. While it was not a comprehensive GOP energy plan, it was a start. Read why a comprehensive national security based energy plan is vital to our needs now: -security-energy-policy-what-are-we-waiting-for/
Duncan62 writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 1:45 PM
I want the USA to drill, but ONLY
until we get back to a dollar a gallon gas, THEN we must stop!
Virginia Patriot writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 2:17 PM
The Chinese Are Drilling
Off the coast of Cuba. They are using directional drilling and will soon be pumping the oil we refuse to drill for. The oil will be extracted, just not by U.S.
johninoregon writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 3:26 PM
Selective reporting
Oops. I guess Ms. Bachman got called away to the phone or something, because she neglected to mention that, among other things, the Gallup report on its poll also indicates that "...a majority favor imposing price controls, by a 53% to 45% margin." Talk about selective reporting!
bill writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 3:56 PM
the energy policies we have only help the gov't's tax revenue base. yes, the oil comapanies may make record proits, but if you buy, buy, buy gas, then of course the companies will make money. BUT, the gov't's tax revenue goes up even more than their profits do. if the oil companies break even, if would be hard to expand and find new measures that would make the oil companies more efficient and offer a more affordable product. this would be a negative for the gov't tax revenue.

people often forget that millions of people have investments in big oil, not just 5 execs. shareholders look to ceo's to make decisions to increase profit and efficiency. if they do not, the ceo is fired. it's really pretty simple.

we cannot, however, beg opec to pump more when we refuse to support our own oil addiction. but, our gov't will let foreign countries drill where our domestic ones cannot. and we insist it's big oil that's gouging us....yea, ok.
johninoregon writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 3:57 PM
Beyond Oil
Old Whig says, "I remember sitting in the car with my mother in those gas lines, and watching them on TV. I also remember that Jimmy Carter was President at the time. What started out as a bad idea was made even worse by Carter's incompetence."

I'm not going to get into an argument about Carter's competence. He had his problems. But he also had the foresight and wisdom to propose an energy policy aimed at getting us to 20 percent use of renewables by the year 2000. Of course his successor (remember him? the great conservative hero?) ignored all that and took the solar collectors off the White House roof as a further symbolic gesture that he didn't support such exotic notions.

In other words, he didn't get it, he had no foresight, and that lack of foresight goes a long way toward explaining why we'e in the pickle we're in today.

Back during the Carter years, there was no shortage of very smart people who recognized that this country had huge potential for increased energy efficiency, and tapping that efficiency was like tapping a new abundant energy source that could serve as a bridge while we carried out the research and development for a new energy regime based on renewables.

Now, a generation later, much of that R & D has been done---no thanks to conservatives. And they still don't understand the potential. Instead, they focus their rigid, unimiginative thought processes on short-term fixes, such as drilling for oil in environmentally sensitive locations. We need to get BEYOND fossil fuels, just as an alcoholic needs to get beyond alcohol.
Rep. Bachmann writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 5:21 PM
Clearing up the blog title
The Gallup Poll did not lay out a Republican plan and a Democrat plan and ask which one is preferable. The intention of the title was to call attention to the statistic that 57% of Americans are in favor of increased exploration here domestically, a main component of the GOP energy plan.

While it's not an end all be all solution, it's part of the solution, and something that Republicans have laid out on the table. So far we haven't heard anything from the Democrats.
Pasadena Phil writes: Monday, June, 02, 2008 5:33 PM
Rep Bachmann
The GOP candidate, John McCain is against drilling domestically and supports the cap and trade bill. Maybe that poll only tells how ill-informed Americans are when it comes to what each party stands for. What GOP energy plan are you referring too? The ones that are discussed in theory but never get introduced or the global warming bills that most Republican Congressmen and Senators actually support? You can't be for domestic drilling and for cap and trade at the same time. That is why the GOP has a "truth in advertising" problem. With McCain now being the face and spirit of the new GOP, it's "every man for himself!"
Monkeywrench writes: Tuesday, June, 03, 2008 12:32 PM
Bachmann is lying--again
The headline clearly was intended to mislead readers--like everything Michele Bachmann says. Just like her headline about Democrats killing the GI Bill expansion, when in fact, it was Bachmann Boyfriend Bush who killed it, with Bachmann's help. Why is Michele Bachmann incapable of telling the truth?
dumpmichellnow! writes: Saturday, June, 14, 2008 5:11 PM
no she didn't
she voted neither for the GI Bill or against it. She voted present. Physically, but not mentally
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