Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bingaman Talks with New Mexico Radio Reporters

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman this week talked to New Mexico radio reporters on variety of other topics. Bingaman’s remarks can be retrieved by going to his website or clicking on the link to the right:

00:00 – Bingaman talks about what’s going on in the Senate this week.

02:23 – Bingaman talks about a bill he is cosponsoring that aims to make oil trading markets more transparent.

04:10 – Bingaman talks about his concerns with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) currently being debated before Congress.

06:58 – Bingaman talks about funding he helped secure in a fiscal year 2009 spending bill for the Flight Research Training Center in Roswell.

08:54 – Bingaman talks about the supplemental spending bill, which funds operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

10:08 – Bingaman talks about the housing bill currently being debated on the Senate floor.

12:43 – Bingaman talks about the president’s proposal to expand domestic oil drilling.

14:50 – Bingaman talks about an Energy Committee hearing last week on the U.S. Forest Service’s preparedness for the 2008 fire season.

15:51 – Bingaman comments on Saudi Arabia’s offer to boost oil production.

18:18 – Bingaman comments on Ob’s decision decline public financing for his presidential campaign.

21:19 – Bingaman comments on the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the federal government to bypass environmental laws and continue with the construction of a border fence.

Search:   energy, presidential race, fire season, forests, oil, guns

Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521

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