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Grassley News

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley today said that he has nominated several young Iowans ... Read More >>

WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley today announced that Iowa State University has received ... Read More >>

Grassley Blog

As we begin a new year, I thank God for the freedoms we continue to have in this country and ou... Read More >>

For Immediate Release
August 28, 2008

Grassley: $219,672 to Iowa State University from the National Science Foundation


WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley today announced that Iowa State University has received a grant of $219,672 from the National Science Foundation. 


“Iowa State University has a long history of conducting valuable research,” Grassley said. “These funds will allow them to continue that tradition.”


The funds will be used to help pay for a project titled “Collaborative Research: AToL: PorToL – The Porifera Tree of Life.”